Is Arthur Morgan Stronger Than Charles? Let‘s Break Down The Legendary Fighter Matchup

Ask any Red Dead Redemption 2 fan – few video game characters can match the pure fighting badassery of Arthur Morgan and Charles Smith. They are easily two of the toughest, most capable warriors across the entire Van Der Linde gang. But fans have endlessly debated the question – between the hard-hitting Arthur and athletically-gifted Charles, who would have the edge if they ever threw down one-on-one?

As an RDR2 superfan determined to settle this score once and for all, I have extensively analyzed their backgrounds, peak abilities, signature feats and combat experiences to make the definitive call! Grab some moonshine and let‘s get ready to rumble – this will be epic!

The Outlaw Enforcer – Arthur‘s Formidable Fighting Pedigree

Before we assess Arthur‘s physical talents, it‘s essential to understand the lifetime of violence and mayhem that transformed him into the feared enforcer he is today. Orphaned as a child, Arthur was indoctrinated into Dutch‘s gang at the vulnerable age of 14. He also ran with notoriously savage outlaw mentor Hosea for years. This baptism by fire made Arthur extremely cynical and jaded when it comes to killing.

By adulthood, Arthur boasted unmatched experience staging ambushes, robbing camps, collecting debts from rivals and eliminating threats to the gang – oftne single-handedly against overwhelming odds. In the process, he cultivated a 6th sense for violence – swiftly and ruthlessly exploiting any advantage to overpower multiple foes before they can react.

Let‘s look at how Arthur‘s imposing build and animalistic instincts make him a nearly unstoppable force up close!

Brawny Build & Vicious Mentality Give Arthur The Edge Up Close

Now in his mid 30s, Arthur stands at a thick-necked 6‘2" and weighs approximately 210 lbs of pure, rugged muscle according to historical records of the era‘s typical cowboy build. His substantial size advantage over Charles (5‘10", 175 lbs) equates to significantly longer reach, stronger grappling and the ability to better absorb crushing blows.

Tactically, Arthur leverages his mass by fearlessly overwhelming enemies with devastating fists and elbows strikes – targeting vulnerable zones like the throat, solar plexus and knees to inflict fight-ending trauma rapidly. Outnumbered or not, he has the striking accuracy and raw power to break limbs and shatter jaws with just a few piston-like punches!

While not sporting Charles‘ polished technique, Arthur‘s force of will makes him a whirling dervish of destruction once he commits to melee. Driven by explosive rage when cornered, he thinks nothing of smashing bottles or chairs over his foes before pummeling them unconscious – toughness personified!

His pain tolerance almost defies belief based on the punishment he sustains in battle. Even grievously wounded by gunshots, Arthur battles through shredded muscles, broken bones and spilled intestines via adrenaline surge and sheer spite!

When you combine Arthur‘s imposing physicality with profound combat experience and a resistance to pain bordering on superhuman – that is a profoundly dangerous man to stand toe-to-toe with in the heat of bloodlust.

Let‘s see how Charles‘ different upbringing shaped his own lethal talents!

Surviving The Wilderness Forged Charles Into A Fierce Fighter

In contrast to Arthur‘s violent gangland origins, Charles spent his early years traversing the unspoiled frontiers of America alongside his Native American mother after escaping the bigotry of their homestead. He had to fight tooth and nail to endure treacherous terrain and extreme weather out West.

Charles explicates that he began training to hunt, track and fight from the very earliest age alongside tribal warriors. He studied numerous weapons disciplines under greatest Native fighters who ever lived. His specialized outdoorsman education made him uniquely self-sufficient through harmonizing all faculties of mind, body and spirit in battle.

Physically, Charles boasts remarkable stamina, coordination and cutting-edge style from blending European pugilism with ancient tribal techniques. He demonstrates outstanding technical prowess wielding axes, knives, bows and custom tomahawks crafted from salvaged railroad steel!

Let‘s analyze how Charles artfully leverages his physical gifts and creativity in close combat situations!

Grace, Precision & Adaptability – Charles‘ Distinct Survival Tactics

Charles has sculpted his 175 lb athletic frame towards optimal balance, flexibility and reaction time to flow across the most unfavorable terrain – exactly as needed in a brawl‘s chaos.

He accentuates his 76" reach using pristine footwork and torso positioning – maximizing leverage for various weapons. Fighting primes all Charles‘ hunting instincts; bobbing past wild haymakers before surgically carving foes to shreds with tomahawk fury.

When disarmed, he cleverly generates makeshift clubs, garrotes and projectiles from debris scattered around any environment. Charles has been known to incapacitate enemies by hurling distracting objects to open opportunities for neck snares and chi block attacks on nerves/organs for internally-focused damage!

His Native heritage also toughened Charles psychologically against agony in battle. He channels discomfort to sharpen physicality much like the mystical "berserker" state Vikings unleashed. Charles thus becomes MORE responsive and creative when enduring searing missile wounds or crunching strikes.

Overall, Charles is clearly outmatched by Arthur in strength and mass. However, he nearly equals Morgan‘s grit while exceeding the veteran fighter‘s versatility and technique. Now that we have warily circled the ring assessing each warrior‘s credentials, let‘s get this party started!

Arthur Morgan vs Charles Smith

Arthur and Charles size each other up before an epic showdown!

Tale Of The Tape: Arthur vs Charles Stats

Weight210 lbs175 lbs
Reach75 inches76 inches
Punching Power93/10086/100
Grabbing Power91/10084/100
Melee Weapons Skill87/10092/100
Intimidation Factor90/10082/100
Killer Instinct99/10079/100

Breaking Down Their Signature Strengths & Win Conditions

Based on their diverse backgrounds and fighting styles, Arthur and Charles clearly excel at different facets of combat. Let‘s theorize specific scenarios where each man could plausibly defeat the other!

Arthur‘s Win Condition

Morgan wins by overwhelming Charles quickly via bombshell haymakers to daze him before following up with bone-powdering punches to the torso and vicious leg kicks. He aims to exploit his superior mass and knockout power for an early blitz stoppage.

If Charles evades the initial onslaught, Arthur will maneuver him against the nearest solid object to limit mobility for his domineering infighting game. He also must carefully guard against Charles‘ kicks and clinch attacks by controlling distance behind his strong jab and ability to absorb damage.

Charles‘ Win Condition

Conversely, Charles wants to stretch the fight into later rounds and bank on his sworn endurance edge to tire and frustrate Arthur. He‘ll have to avoid Arthur‘s titanium chin early while using masterful footwork, feints and angles to strategically score without overcommitting.

Once Arthur is struggling physically, Charles can barrage him with scalpel-like power punches paired with debilitating roundkicks targeting legs and body. He may decide its best to prolong pain via strategic submission holds rather than risk Arthur powering through fight-ending shot attempts.

The Fight Of Legends – Blow By Blow Breakdown!

Let‘s teleport back to 1899 and envision how an epic duel between Arthur and Charles just might transpire based on their diverse skillsets!

After months of arguing over camp duties finally boils over, Dutch proclaims the only honorable resolution is for his two mightiest lieutenants to handle grievances in the fighting circle – no weapons allowed.

The entire gang forms a raucous perimeter around them as Arthur and Charles cautiously close distance. Charles immediately attacks lead leg to compromise Arthur‘s balance but eats a glancing overhand that bloodies his brow for the efforts.

Wanting to give the boys space to handle their feuds, Dutch proclaims first to quit loses before leaving with chuckling gang members. Arthur roars for Charles to "pay the damn devil his due!" and starts stalking forward.

Charles barely ducks under Arthur‘s torpedo-like left hook, answering back with a crushing liver kick. Arthur grimaces but suddenly converts defense to attack – grabbing Charles flung leg to dump him on his back with stunning force!

Going for the early finish, Arthur leaps into dominant position to smash down coal-miner punches. Charles scrambles desperately as fists thicker than horseshoes thud off the damp soil next to his ears. He bridges explosively to disrupt Arthur‘s equilibrium before snaking a leg across for rolling kneebar!

Charles wrenches back using thigh like a vise as Arthur bellows in agony. He defies common limiters on pain and begins posturing up on one leg! Spotting a nearby crate, Charles transitions to D‘arce choke, biding time for circulation to cut off. But Arthur makes one last defiant lunge towards salvation before slumping into asphyxiation…

Fast forward hours later – Charles splits the pot from their wager 50/50 in honor of vanquished warrior. Arthur begrudgingly admits Charles was the better man after such hard-nosed performance. Powerful new bonds formed between brothers-in-arms now baptized by combat!

The Takeaway – Skills Make Fights, Attributes Set Conditions!

This fictitious clash underscores why Arthur vs Charles has remained such a constant source of passioned debate amongst the Red Dead player community. While Arthur‘s substantial size, strength and extreme toughness presents a towering obstacle for most adversaries…Charles actually possesses the toolkit to plausibly take down the grizzled veteran on his best day!

We correctly assumed Arthur‘s overwhelming early aggression and ability to absorb punishment could allow him to press Charles like few others. But Charles demonstrated exactly how leveraging technique diversity, pacing and high fight IQ can systematically diffuse and disarm a one dimensional steamroller.

It just goes to show why the mental and strategic factors so often override brute force alone when world class technicians collide. And Charles‘ cerebral mastery is precisely what makes him such an utterly unique and thrilling fighter.

At day‘s end – my vote tips ever so slightly to Charles being able to achieve the improbable and take out Arthur given how perfectly his style seems to counter Morgan‘s straightforward mauler tactics. But I have supreme confidence both warriors would display the heart and will to do the gang legacy proud regardless of any outcome!

This has been your fearless correspondent reporting live from the blood soaked wilderness! I‘d better grab a pint after screams echoing through whole country on this one. Let me hear your takes on this timeless generational showdown below!

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