Is Artorias a God or Human? No – He Transcends Both

Artorias does not fit cleanly into the categories of god or human in Dark Souls lore. According to in-game evidence and developer intent, he represents a fusion of elite knightly training, humanity‘s bravery, and the chaotic power of the Abyss itself. This combination places him as a transcendent figure that draws admiration from gods and humans alike.

Decisive Evidence Against Artorias‘ Humanity

While legendary warriors like Siegmeyer and Siegward inspire ballads and songs, their achievements pale against the Abysswalker. Some key evidence highlighting Artorias‘ superhuman nature:

  • Unique Soul Composition: Humans descended from the Furtive Pygmy carry Dark Soul fragments. In contrast, Artorias‘ soul demonstrates an affinity with humanity, beasts of the Abyss, and something beyond mortal limits. This explains his unique moveset and equipment in the boss fight.

  • Mastery of Opposing Elements: Humans exhibit traits linked to dark, fire or the Abyss. Artorias synergistically channels all three, hinting at a soul with higher potential. For example, his armor description ties him to both humanity‘s greatest champions and the beasts of the Abyss.

  • Peak of Swordsmanship: Even legendary humans cannot match Artorias‘ swordsmanship. He slew immortal dragons single-handedly, rescued knights from the deepest Abyss while injured, and continues to coach new generations as a spectral swordsman.

Artorias Does Not Wield the Power of Gods

While gods like Gwyn wielded the mighty lightning soul, Artorias relied solely on skill and bravery. But even demigods and dragon crossbreeds far surpass his raw power:

FigureSigns of Higher Power
Dragonslayer OrnsteinAbsorbs Smough‘s lightning power, channels it into bursting growth
Dark Sun GwyndolinCommands illusion magic, described as last remaining deity
Crossbreed PriscillaHalf dragon, half god but can vanish beings from reality

In contrast, Artorias uses no magic – only combining his signature flipping greatsword techniques with the morale-shattering aura of the Abyss. While devastating due to skill, he lacks the reality-bending powers and immortality of gods.

So What Does Artorias Represent?

Given the evidence, Artorias seems to sit firmly outside the standard human and god spectrum. His design, equipment and lore contain homages to Berserk‘s Guts, from the destroyed arm to the relentless aggressive fighting style. But while Guts fuses human bravery with demonic rage, Artorias channels the Abyss itself.

This represents Miyazaki‘s homage to the ideal knight – skill pushing bravery and technique to superhuman peaks, fueled by a glimpse of the realm beyond reality itself. As the Abysswalker, Artorias stands tall enough for gods to knight him, but retains his humanity‘s determination to the very end. His soul refuseseasy classification, like the swirling chaos of the Abyss itself.

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