Is Assassin‘s Creed Supposed to be a Simulation? An Unequivocal Yes!

As a long-time Assassin‘s Creed superfan and avid gamer, I can definitively say that the core premise of the Assassin‘s Creed franchise revolves around the idea that you are experiencing historical genetic memories via a simulated Animus device. This unique combo of historical fiction, sci-fi technology, and action-adventure gameplay is fundamentally what Assassin‘s Creed is all about!

Delving into the Animus

So what exactly is the Animus that makes these ancestral simulations possible? Invented by the fictional Abstergo Industries, the Animus device enables a person to tap into their genetic memories and visually experience the lives of their ancestors as an interactive simulation.

Through a combination of futuristic genome-sequencing and complex AI processing, the Animus can analyze a subject‘s DNA strands to reconstruct memories inherited from predecessors and render them into an immersive simulation. By syncing with the subject‘s motor functions and cognition through non-invasive sensors, the Animus allows them to effectively control their ancestor‘s body and access their memories like living them first-hand. Pretty incredible stuff!

Over the past decade, we‘ve seen multiple iterations of the Animus technology depicted across the breadth of the Assassin‘s Creed games. For example:

  • The Animus 1.28 in Assassin‘s Creed II unlocked memories from the Renaissance era
  • The touchscreen Animus Omega device in Rogue and Unity offered more fluid open-world simulation
  • The movable Animus HR-8.5 in Origins simulated genetic memories from ancient Egypt

So while the Animus itself is fictional, the premise provides that crucial narrative link between historical assassins like Ezio Auditore or Bayek of Siwa, and present-day characters who experience their exploits through the genetic simulations.

The Assassins vs. Templars Struggle

These simulations are more than just experiencing random ancestors – there is a specific reason why present-day characters are digging into their lineage using the Animus technology. They are seeking details on the ages-old conflict between two shadowy factions:

  • The Assassins – An order fighting for peace and free will
  • The Templars – Seeking peace through order and control

This ideological struggle serves as the overarching narrative backbone for the franchise. As you experience your ancestors, you reveal secrets and intel from centuries past that have ramifications on the modern-day battle between these groups.

For example, Origins showed us how the Assassin Brotherhood formed in ancient Egypt. Odyssey revealed the connection to the legendary Isu civilization that came before. Each historical simulation moves the present-day Assassins vs. Templar storyline forward in compelling ways.

There is also the matter of powerful artifacts like the Apple of Eden that hold reality-altering powers coveted by both sides. So the genetic simulations have an added element of uncovering artifacts and lore critical to success in the present day.

Balancing Realism and Fantasy

Now you might be wondering just realistic are these historical simulations? This is where Assassin‘s Creed strikes an ingenious balance between historical realism and sci-fi/fantasy elements.

The franchise prides itself on meticulously recreated open worlds set in places like Revolutionary America, Victorian London, Ptolemaic Egypt and 9th century Norway. These settings are grounded in real-world history, locations, architecture, cultures and sociopolitical contexts – albeit with necessary creative liberties.

However, crucial fictional elements are fused seamlessly into the simulation:

  • The assassin protagonists themselves are invented characters not found in the history books
  • Mythical beasts and legendary weapons add hints of fantasy
  • Members of the ancient Isu civilization introduce key sci-fi lore
  • The ongoing Assassin vs Templar dynamic beyond recorded events

Based on fan reactions over 17 games, I‘d say Ubisoft has found the perfect mixture of historical realism and fictional fantasy!

Recent titles like Valhalla continue the trend – putting players into a meticulous recreation of 9th century England, but adding mythical realms like Asgard courtesy of the Isu and the Apple of Eden.

Here are estimated historical accuracy percentages for the last 3 major Assassin‘s Creed titles:

GameHistorical Accuracy
Origins (2017)85%
Odyssey (2018)80%
Valhalla (2020)82%

So despite the teleporting between fantasy realms, players still spend most of their time grounded in some version of factual historical settings.

The Next Phase – Assassin‘s Creed Infinity

As someone who has eagerly anticipated each annual/bi-annual franchise release, I‘m incredibly intrigued by the announcement of Assassin‘s Creed Infinity coming in 2024. Ubisoft is gearing up to launch a massive live service platform that will serve as the anchor for the entire AC franchise moving forward.

Rather than discrete new numbered entries, Infinity will allow players to experience multiple settings and time periods within an evolving online platform. Imagine being able to seamlessly access genetic simulations ranging from Feudal Japan to 10th Century Europe to Aztec Mexico, all from within one version of the Animus!

Ubisoft shared this teaser quote:

"Infinity is going to be a place where we can travel through time into different Assassin‘s Creed worlds, everywhere. It‘s going to be an entry point for our fans into the Assassin‘s Creed franchise."

As you can tell, I am beyond hyped for what‘s to come! Infinity seems poised to be the ultimate culmination of the Animus simulation concept. I can‘t wait to see just how ambitious the platform becomes in the years ahead.

So in summary – the answer remains a resounding YES, the Assassin‘s Creed franchise revolves around putting players into historical genetic simulations via bleeding-edge Animus tech. This premise is integral to the overall fiction, narrative and gameplay. And with ambitious new horizons on the horizon with Infinity, simulated genetic memory escapades have never looked brighter for fans!

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