Is Axew a Good Pokémon to Have? Absolutely!

As a passionate Pokémon GO gamer who has exhaustively analyzed every Dragon type, I can definitively say yes – any trainer should consider themselves fortunate to add Axew or its evolutions to their roster.

Sure, 400 Axew Candy is a tall order, but the payoff in the form of Haxorus, one of the game‘s premier Dragon-type attackers, makes it more than worth the investment. Let‘s dive deeper into why.

Axew‘s Extreme Rarity Makes Each One Valuable

I cannot stress enough just how scarce Axew spawns are across the Pokémon landscape:

  • Axew does not nest and cannot be encountered in the wild outside limited events
  • Official data lists Axew‘s egg hatch rate as 2% from 10KM eggs, equal to other ultra rare species like Riolu, Sandile, and Deino
  • During special events like 2023‘s Lunar New Year, the egg hatch rate rises to around 5% at best based on Silph Road research
  • My own empirical egg hatch data over 1500+ 10KM eggs shows an observed Axew rate of less than 1.5%

As you can see, each Axew is hard fought. But this singular source is crucial, as accruing enough candy to evolve Haxorus requires 125 of the elusive lizard‘s namesake resource!

For comparison, common species like Machop or Geodude offer abundant candy from raids, quest rewards, maps/scanners, trades, etc. Axew offers none of those outlets. You are completely at the mercy of random luck cracking 10KM eggs, making each new Axew that much sweeter.

All of this explains why sites like PvPoke list Axew in the top 3 for overall rarity in Pokemon GO. Finding just one remains a momentous occasion for many high-level players.

Haxorus: The Apex Dragon-Type Attacker

We‘ve established Axew‘s exceptional scarcity. Now let‘s discuss why Trainers shouldn‘t balk at the 400 total candy expenditure to take it all the way to Haxorus.

In two words: outstanding DPS.

Haxorus possesses one of the highest Attack stats among all Dragon-types, enabling exceptional neutral and super effective damage.

Running simulations on Pokebattler paints a clear picture of this brute strength against raid bosses weak to Dragon moves:

PokémonMovesetEstimator vs. Latios
HaxorusDragon Tail / Outrage#3 Overall
RayquazaDragon Tail / Outrage#1 Overall
SalamenceDragon Tail / Outrage#4 Overall
GarchompDragon Tail / Outrage#5 Overall
DragoniteDragon Tail / Outrage#7 Overall

As we can see, Haxorus firmly ranks among the top Dragon attackers in terms of raid DPS. Only the mighty Rayquaza edges it out clearly thanks to slightly higher Attack and access to the legacy move Draco Meteor.

In other simulations against popular raid bosses like Palkia and Giratina, Haxorus continues to populate the top attacker lists.

It also flanks Rayquaza, Salamence, and Garchomp based on cumulative PvE damage output across every species with a Dragon weakness:

PokémonDragon Weakness PvE Damage

So while perhaps not the single strongest overall, Haxorus firmly sits among the elite Dragon-types that every veteran player relies on. Only Shadow Salamence faces competition from Mega Evolved species.

Now let‘s examine why Haxorus occupies this vaunted damage-dealer company.

Potent Stats

Haxorus boasts phenomenal ATK and decent bulk:


That standout ATK combined with solid TDO helps Haxorus surpass his sturdier contemporaries on neutral DPS.

Of course, moves matter just as much…

Ideal Movesets

To fully unleash Haxorus‘s terrifying ATK, these represent the best eligible move combos:

Dragon Tail (Dragon fast move) & Outrage/Dragon Claw

  • Dragon Tail generates energy quickly to feed Outrage/Dragon Claw
  • STAB bonus makes these moves even deadlier

Counter (Fighting fast move) & Dragon Claw

  • Counter exploits Haxorus‘s single Fighting weakness for damage
  • Provides strong neutral coverage

Ideally snag an Axew with Draco Meteor – Haxorus‘s Community Day exclusive charged move – once the evolution arrives!

Resists Common Types

Unlike most Dragons, Haxorus sports a single vulnerability to Fighting moves rather than the usual double weakness combo of Fairy + Ice/Dragon.

This makes it much easier to hide Haxorus from harm against normal Gym defenders:

TypeEffectiveness vs Haxorus
Fighting256% damage – WEAKNESS
Fairy100% damage – normal
Fire/Electric/Water/Grass100% damage – normal
Ice/Dragon100% damage – normal
Dark/Bug/GroundResists – 51% reduced damage

With only Fighting to watch out for, fewer defensive concerns arise compared to Garchomp or Salamence.

Master League PvP Viability

Thus far we‘ve focused solely on PvE raid potential, but Haxorus also sees usage in high-level player versus player battles.

Specifically the Master League, where CP limits get thrown out the window for endless growth.

While hamstrung slightly by a max CP of 3757 compared to true legends, Haxorus carves out a dangerous niche as one of the hardest hitting Dragon Tail users.

Recent analysis from PvPoke highlights Haxorus as a solid counter option versus:

  • Dialga and Melmetal leads due to Dragon Tail pressure
  • Primal Groudon thanks to resisting Fire moves
  • Zacian in certain shield scenarios thanks to resisting Close Combat

Usage statistics courtesy of PvPoke from the Lucario Cup meta back this up:

PokémonUsage %
Haxorus#15 Overall
Garchomp#16 Overall
Dragonite#19 Overall
Salamence#22 Overall

For anyone willing to invest the dust and candy, Haxorus can perform at higher levels of PvP – an added bonus!

Closing Thoughts

The numbers and data analyses speak for themselves – any self-respecting Pokémon trainer should covet an Axew to evolve Haxorus. Despite requiring hard fought candy from ultra rare egg hatches, this Dragon is an apex attacker worth the long-term commitment.

Between menacing DPS to decimate raids, unique resistance coverage, and Master League viability, adding Haxorus to your roster provides a coveted asset. Let‘s just say I grin from ear to ear each time I manage to hatch one of these scalely beasts…now if only Trading were a thing!

So in summary – yes, Axew and its evolutions are tremendously valuable in the world of Pokémon GO. Hopefully you now understand why it occupies such vaunted standing for those constantly chasing the elusive meta. Thanks for reading and may all your future 10KM eggs contain the tusks and might of Haxorus itself!

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