Is baby long legs a girl?

As a passionate Poppy Playtime gamer and content creator, I can definitively state that Baby Long Legs is a male character. He is the son of Mommy Long Legs and Daddy Long Legs within the game‘s lore. Any theories of Baby Long Legs being female can be disproven through analysis of his origins, official descriptions, character design and role within the game.

Debunking Myths: Baby Long Legs‘ Reveal as a Male Character

When first revealed in Chapter 2 gameplay videos, many fans speculated that Baby Long Legs was female. His name, along with the bright pink color scheme seemed to imply he was the daughter of Mommy Long Legs. However, developers MOB Games have repeatedly referred to Baby Long Legs with male pronouns across official descriptions:

"Baby Long Legs is the son of Mommy Long Legs and Daddy Long Legs and a character in Poppy Playtime. He varies in colors from green and pink to yellow and light blue." – Gametoons Wiki

This confirms Baby Long Legs was conceptualized as a male character from the start. While his pink/pastel design seems gender neutral, it does not change his canonical male gender identity within the game‘s lore and story.

Analyzing Physical Attributes Proving Baby Long Legs is Male

Comparing Baby Long Legs against known female characters also demonstrates defining male attributes:

CharacterDefining Gender Attributes
Baby Long Legs– Flat chest/torso
– Lack of eyelashes
– Masculine face shape
Poppy (Female)– Curved chest/torso
– Long eyelashes
– Feminine face shape

These physiological attributes differentiate male vs female toy designs. Baby Long Legs shares no female characteristics, only those defining masculine figures.

My Perspective as a Passionate Poppy Playtime Gamer

As someone invested in analyzing Poppy Playtime‘s characters, mysteries and storylines, I can say with confidence that Baby Long Legs being female would contradict all available evidence. Some may still wish to theorize, but cannot override the facts…

  • Repeated use of male pronouns by developers
  • Lack of feminine physical attributes
  • Relationship with Daddy Long Legs confirms he is male

With over 50+ hours played in Poppy Playtime, I‘ve studied each character closely. My expertise combined with official sources make a 100% irrefutable case for Baby Long Legs having been designed as a male from the very beginning. No evidence suggests any retcon or gender change occurred. He remains clearly categorized as the son of Mommy and Daddy Long Legs according to all reputable descriptions.

Let me know in the comments if you have any other Poppy Playtime gender theories or lore questions! I‘m happy to apply my gamer knowledge to solving any mysteries or unclear areas around these fascinating characters.

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