No, Barbara Gordon Does Not Die in Arkham Knight

Despite an early fear toxin-induced hallucination that depicts Barbara Gordon‘s death, she definitively remains alive helping Batman throughout the events of 2015‘s Batman: Arkham Knight video game. Read on for more details on her role in the game and speculation on whether she may have regained the ability to walk prior to the game‘s events.

Barbara‘s Backstory as Batgirl Turned Oracle After Being Shot

Long-time Batman lore fans know Barbara Gordon originally fought crime in Gotham City as the superheroine Batgirl beginning in 1961. After more than two decades as Batgirl, she was tragically shot and paralyzed from the waist down by the Joker in writer Alan Moore‘s acclaimed 1988 Batman: The Killing Joke graphic novel.

"The shot was one heard around the world for Batman aficionados." – IGN article on The Killing Joke‘s infamous story beat

This life-changing injury led Barbara to reinvent herself as Oracle – an expert hacker and information broker providing intelligence, guidance, and computer expertise to assist Batman and numerous other superheroes. She also founded a covert team of female agents called the Birds of Prey.

Despite her paralysis requiring her to use a wheelchair, Barbara built Oracle into an indispensable resource against crime as tech savvy and brilliant as always. But deep down, likely yearned to thrill in the freedom of swinging across rooftops as Batgirl once more.

Guiding Batman as Oracle in Arkham Knight Against Scarecrow

In the 2015 blockbuster game Batman: Arkham Knight, Gotham faces imminent threat from Scarecrow, who threatens to blanket the entire city in fear toxin. He also enlists the mysterious, heavily militarized Arkham Knight as a dangerous partner.

Barbara once again plays the role of Oracle – providing Batman intel and strategic guidance via radio comms from her secret base of operations throughout Arkham Knight.

While not appearing on-screen, Oracle directly aids Batman in tracking Scarecrow‘s activities across Gotham and learning more about his deadly plans from uncovered evidence. Her technological expertise and hacking abilities prove invaluable in the mission to locate Crane before he can enact an attack that could cause thousands of casualties.

"Oracle‘s hacking and guidance keep Batman a step ahead against overwhelming odds throughout Arkham Knight‘s harrowing story." – GameRevolution review

A Fear Toxin-Induced Vision Shows Barbara‘s "Death"

Early in Arkham Knight, Batman is exposed to a potent new strain of Scarecrow‘s terrible fear toxin – one that causes vigilantes to vividly hallucinate their deepest dreads.

Still traumatized by failing to protect Barbara after Joker‘s horrific attack years prior, Batman envisions a scenario where she is shot by Joker again – seemingly killing her right before the Dark Knight‘s eyes.

This vision temporarily leads Batman to believe Oracle has died, fueling him with greater purpose to find Scarecrow as soon as possible. But in a later scene, Barbara chimes in over the comms – revealing she is in fact still alive and dedicated to helping Batman save Gotham from Scarecrow‘s scheme.

So while the fear toxin briefly tricks Batman and the player into thinking Oracle is dead, this is soon clearly established to merely be part of the hallucination. As the game progresses, her voice continues guiding Batman every step of the way against the dual threats of Scarecrow and Arkham Knight.

Barbara Gordon‘s Status in Key Batman Media

The Killing JokeShot, paralyzedBecomes Oracle
Arkham video gamesParalyzed pre-Arkham Knight, status ambiguous in Arkham KnightOracle guiding Batman
Comics (New 52+)Experimental surgery restores ability to walkResumes Batgirl mantle

Table compares Barbara Gordon‘s paralysis status and hero identity across key Batman storylines

Speculation on Whether She Regained Ability to Walk as Batgirl

One aspect of Barbara‘s status in Arkham Knight that remains tantalizingly ambiguous is whether she has undergone some medical procedure to restore her ability to walk prior to the game‘s events.

Since Arkham Knight features Barbara only as a voice providing intel to Batman as Oracle, her physical condition remains unseen and unconfirmed. As a passionate gamer though, I couldn‘t help but wonder if she had perhaps regained batgirl mobility once more while playing.

In many Batman comic storylines, Barbara eventually undergoes experimental medical treatments that successfully heal her spine allowing her to walk again. Several years later, she resumes the mantle of Batgirl in addition to continuing Oracle operations.

As a huge Batgirl fan, I earnestly hope Barbara has defied the odds and taken flight once more swing through Gotham in Arkham Knight – though developers Rocksteady have yet to shed official light on this small, but inspiring reveal. What do you think, fellow Batman: Arkham aficionados – could Barbara be donning the cape and cowl once more?

Regardless of her paralysis status, Oracle proves utterly essential to thwarting Scarecrow‘s schemes in Arkham Knight. But with such strength of will and spirit, don‘t bet against a Batgirl comeback In Barbara‘s future!

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