Is Batman Arkham Series Connected to Injustice?

No, the critically acclaimed Batman Arkham video games are not connected or related to the Injustice game universe in any way. While both feature strikingly similar renditions of classic DC comics characters, the continuity and narratives of each series are completely distinct works of fan fiction crafted by separate creative teams.

At first glance, someone unfamiliar with the intricate lore of each series may be fooled into thinking they exist within the same world. Afterall, the Batsuits don the same cutting-edge militaristic aesthetic in both franchises. And fan favorite villains like The Joker and Harley Quinn exhibit the expected flamboyance with just a hint of edginess.

But make no mistake about the fact that the Arkhamverse spun up by developer Rocksteady Studios for over a decade stands wholly independent from NetherRealm Studio‘s critically reimagined vision for DC‘s most legendary heroes in Injustice. To truly appreciate each body of work on its own merits, one must pull this fragile web apart thread by thread.

The Arkhamverse – Batman‘s Iconic Rogues Realized

The Arkhamverse refers to the continuity constructued across Rocksteady‘s smash hit trilogy of games – Arkham Asylum, Arkham City, and Arkham Knight. As well as their silver-age inspired prequel Arkham Origins developed by Warner Bros. Games Montreal.

The timeline goes:

Arkham Origins (1980) – Set on a fateful Christmas Eve when Black Mask puts a bounty on Batman‘s head, drawing 8 deadly assassins to Gotham including soon-to-be nemesis Deathstroke. Also marks when Batman first crosses paths with future rogues like Bane, Firefly.

Arkham Asylum (2010) – Iconic asylum takeover by the Joker as he threatens to detonate hidden bombs across Gotham. Batman confronts his arch-nemesis while surviving close run-ins with fan favorite baddies – Scarecrow, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn.

Arkham City (2011) – Quarantining of a sprawling superprison in the heart of Gotham gone awry thanks to sinister scheming by Professor Hugo Strange. Joker turns out to be a surprise inmate.

Arkham Knight (2015) – Scarecrow unites Batman‘s worst enemies including mysterious militarized militia led by the Arkham Knight to takeover Gotham once and for all.

Throughout the gritty events, Batman stays laser focused on overcoming the non-superpowered rogues gallery he faces on home turf in Gotham through wits and advanced technology rather than superhuman ability. There are no world-breaking dimensional incursions or planet-sized threats. The storytelling shows reverence for the World‘s Greatest Detective‘s impressive list of adversaries.

In contrast, the Injustice franchise goes full tilt…

Injustice – Gods and Monsters

Injustice: Gods Among Us ushered in a fresh take on the Justice League when NetherRealm Studios (known for Mortal Kombat) and DC Comics united. At first, Injustice builds on the familiar – what if Batman‘s arch-nemesis Joker tricked Superman into killing his own love Lois Lane?

This single tragic act of manipulation triggers cataclysmic consequences as a grieving Superman establishes a new world order as High Councillor, determined that no one should experience loss like he has again. His Regime clashes with Batman‘s Insurgency leading to all out war between former allies.

The high stakes sequel Injustice 2 turns up the dial further introducing multidimensional characters from alternate timelines converging in one universe. Brainiac poses a global scale threat. Batman and his underground resistance bring their A-game teaming up with unlikely allies like Sub-Zero to free earth from tyranny.

While the premise pays homage to pivotal comic arcs, Injustice makes bold storytelling choices by giving players combat matchups that were unlikely ever to occur otherwise – Bane versus Etrigan, Poison Ivy throwdowns with Swamp Thing. By merging MK style fight mechanics with the rich palette of DC characters, it delivers visceral showdowns between heroes and villains on an epic stage.

The events, locations and character portrayals differ wildly when compared directly…

Key Character Differences

While superficial aspects like costume choices and personalities may seem consistent across the Arkham verse and Injustice for characters like Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn – make no mistake there are radical differences in backstories and relationships.

Batman remains committed to his moral code in Arkhamverse whereas he employs much more ruthless tactics against former allies like Damian Wayne in Injustice.

The Joker appears to meet his end in Arkham City whereas Injustice shows Superman killing Joker leading to the fallout. Yet he remains alive in spirit, taunting Batman.

Harley Quinn transitions from Joker‘s unhinged lover in Arkhamverse to become more independent fighter joining Batman‘s cause in Injustice, while retaining her trademark playfulness.

Robin Damian Wayne accidentally kills Dick Grayson aka Nightwing early on in Injustice unleashing a regret that motivates his future arc. There is no such storyline conceived in the Arkhamverse where the family remains united.

These are just few of many examples of how canonical storylines widely diverge despite certain uncanny visual similarities in the rendition of characters we know and love.

Universes Explicitly Separate Per Developers

In various interviews, directors of both franchises have clearly stated that the Batman Arkham series and Injustice games take place in completely separate continuities. There are no plans for crossovers or cameos that would merge these world together.

Rocksteady Studios Creative Director Sefton Hill regarding possibility of crossover:

"There‘s always a possibility…but the Arkhamverse is its own thing."

NetherRealm Executive Producer Adam Urbano on differences in gameplay and storytelling goals:

"We have Batman combat in the Arkham games and trying to translate that directly wouldn‘t make Injustice Injustice."

The developers have paid homage to various classic DC comic story arcs without needing to place Injustice as a dimensional extension of the Arkham fiction. It stands capably with its own timeline and lore without needing validation of being part of the Arkham multiverse.

Verdict – Definitively Unconnected Worlds

While the similarities are strong at face value between the smash hit franchises, the Batman Arkham games tell grounded stories focused on realizing Batman‘s rogues gallery within the bounds of possibility through cutting edge technology without invoking fantastic elements.

In contrast, Injustice thrusts players into an alternate DC reality with irreparable damage between fallen heroes like Superman and Batman leading to global war with incredible consequences.

Hopefully the comparisons above make it clear why taking each game on its own merits is necessary for fans to fully appreciate the creative vision and show stopping gameplay they respectively bring to the table. The divide will likely continue for the sake of maintaining their distinct creative directions in the future.

So for those wondering if they should anticipate a future game that merges these universes, I would not recommend holding your breath! But fans of either franchise will find touching tributes proving great minds think alike even across these disparate realities.

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