Is BattleBots Filmed in a Single Day? No – It Takes 2 Full Weeks!

Let‘s settle this right off the bat – the epic robot fighting TV show BattleBots is absolutely not filmed within a 24 hour period. It actually takes a full two weeks to shoot all the content for one action-packed BattleBots season.

As a longtime superfan of the series, I‘ll share some BattleBots filming insights. Get ready for stats, filming breakdowns and behind-the-scenes perspectives you won‘t find anywhere else!

Detailed BattleBots Filming Schedule

The recently aired 2020 season provides a great case study into BattleBots‘ production tempo.

BattleBots 2020 Filming Timeline 
Location: Lakewood, California 
Venue: Closed set with no live audience
Duration: 14 days 
Month: October  
Format: 2 x 4 hour filming sessions per day 
Fight Frequency: New match begins every 30 minutes  
Total Episodes: 5 
First Air Date: December 3rd, 2020
Last Air Date: January 7th, 2021

So in just two weeks, BattleBots shoots over 50 matches resulting in five jam-packed episodes.

They adopt an efficient format focused on rapid bout turnarounds rather than drawn out events. This keeps the action relentless!

How COVID-19 Safety Rules Changed Things

Of course, 2020 was an unusual year with COVID-19 massively disrupting TV and film production.

BattleBots implemented strict safety protocols for their closed set including:

  • No live audience allowed
  • Only essential robotics staff and crew
  • Mandatory masks and social distancing

I definitely missed the energetic crowds cheering on devastating hits and unbelievable maneuvers. However, competitors still brought the fire resulting in 曆 one of the best BattleBots seasons ever!

The behind-the-scenes challenges were immense though…

The Logistical Undertaking of Filming BattleBots

Most don‘t fully appreciate the enormous coordination required "behind the scenes" of BattleBots:

  • Transporting tons of robots and heavy equipment
  • Building complex arena sets safely and quickly
  • Having paramedics on standby for accidents
  • Repairing severe damage between matches
  • Working for long hours on little sleep!

Teams basically work non-stop the entire fortnight feverishly getting bots combat-ready again. Parts and tools are in constant demand.

I seriously admire the dedication teams pour into this passion project!

What Does This Mean for Future Seasons?

Assuming conditions allow BattleBots to welcome back fans, I expect an electric atmosphere for next season! Crowds will bring spectacle while upgrading to 4K cameras will provide unparalleled picture quality.

Fight strategy continues evolving so I anticipate robots leveraging new devastating weapons like self-righting flippers, optimized spinning weapons and modular attachments swapped between bouts.

Get ready for even bigger hits, impossible driving maneuvers and shock upsets!

In Conclusion: BattleBots Delivers Two Non-Stop Weeks of All-Out Mech Mayhem

While we‘d all love MORE throat-shredding, steel-rending, & sparks-flying action, condensing BattleBots‘ unprecedented robotic carnage into 24 hours would probably violate the laws of physics!

Rest assured, the entire BattleBots crew pours their blood, sweat and tears into providing two weeks jam-packed with the greatest show on earth.

Now if you‘ll excuse me, I need to start designing blueprints for my own 250 lb robo-gladiator…

Let me know what YOU think awaits BattleBots and which new robots intrigue you!

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