Is Battlefield V Cross-Platform in 2023? No, But Here‘s Why It Should Be

As a long-time Battlefield enthusiast with over 200 hours playing Battlefield V, I get asked one question constantly — can PS4 and Xbox One players squad up together? After all, there‘s nothing better than assembling your best buddies to capture objectives across WWII locales.

Unfortunately, the straightforward answer is no: Battlefield V still lacks integrated cross-platform support even now in 2023.

But why isn‘t one of the most acclaimed Battlefield titles enabling us to unite with friends that game on other systems? And will we ever get the ability to team up regardless of choosing PlayStation or PC?

Making Sense of Cross-Play, Cross-Gen, and Progression Syncing

Before analyzing Battlefield V‘s current status, let‘s quickly define some key terms:

Cross-platform play refers to players on different devices (PlayStation, Xbox, PC) matching into the same servers. This allows friends to squad up even if they have different systems.

Cross-generation support means newer and legacy devices can co-exist. So PlayStation 5 users could play with teams still on PlayStation 4.

Cross-progression copies unlocks, currency, rank, and more across linked accounts. This stops you starting from scratch when moving hardware.

These concepts are distinct but sometimes interlinked. Generally, cross-play also permits cross-generation too.

Comparing Battlefield V to Other Franchise Entries

The latest addition, Battlefield 2042, finally incorporated full cross-platform multiplayer for up to 128 combatants on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

But DICE‘s previous work like Battlefield 4 and Battlefield 1 matchmake separately per platform — just like Battlefield V. You cannot squad up on PS4 and Xbox One.

The table below summarizes Battlefield‘s checkered history offering cross-device support:

GameCross-PlayCross-GenShared Progression
Battlefield 3NoNoNo
Battlefield 4NoNoNo
Battlefield 1NoNoNo
Battlefield VNoNoNo
Battlefield 2042YesYesYes

So why does the latest iteration finally embrace platform parity, but Battlefield V strangely omits it still?

Is Retroactive Cross-Play Likely for Battlefield V?

Since releasing in 2018, Battlefield V is now over 4 years old. Adding major functionality like synchronizing distinct player pools poses challenges.

Based on DICE‘s public roadmap, continued efforts center on Battlefield 2042 — expanding Hazard Zone, developing seasonal content etc. There are no visible plans for reengineering legacy titles.

Reddit threads also echo this perspective, with users stating "at this point don‘t think crossplay will happen". The 1,500 concurrent players on Steam indicates lingering interest amongst PC gamers.

However with under 300 Xbox and 500 PlayStation fans active daily, fragmenting the dwindling userbase poses risks. Matchmaking times could drag out unacceptably.

Ultimately, hoping Battlefield V incorporates cross-play feels optimistic given development realities and shrinking communities.

Should Battlefield V Adopt Cross-Platform?

Even with hurdles porting cross-platform middleware into a mature release, as an avid fan I still want multiplayer unity!

Visiting Battlefield‘s subreddit frequently, gamers constantly request partying up regardless of platform. PlayStation clans eager to take on Xbox squadrons persist.

Uniting fanbases breathes life into titles long after launch. Epic Games retroactively added cross-play into Fortnite and Rocket League to wild success.

If focusing resources currently prohibits DICE from modernizing Battlefield V, hopefully their next historical setting supports squad bonding irrespective of our choice in console.

We can dream that someday soon, first-person shooter devotees can platoon together to capture objectives, no longer separated by our platform allegiance! What do you think? Should Battlefield V offer cross-play even now? Let me know!

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