Is best buddy status permanent in Pokemon Go?

As an avid Pokemon Go player, one of the most common questions I see popped up is whether or not best buddy status – the highest friendship tier in the buddy system – is permanent. The short answer is no, it is not. But understanding the mechanics behind buddies and their boosts is key to optimizing your gameplay.

What Happens When You Reach Best Buddy Status

Reaching best buddy status with a Pokemon is no easy feat. According to analysis from Pokémon Go Hub, it requires 300 total buddy hearts and around 65-70 interactions. That translates to 65-70 berries or poffins fed, battles fought together, snapshots taken, etc. It typically takes 3-4 weeks for a casual player.

Buddy LevelHearts RequiredApprox. InteractionsReward
Good Buddy7030-35Button on map, souvenirs
Great Buddy15050-60+ Catch assist
Ultra Buddy30065-70Walking around map
Best Buddy300+65-70+ CP boost in battle

So what do you actually get for all that hard work? A few prime perks:

  • A CP boost that powers up your best buddy as if 2 additional levels in combat. This can make a huge difference in Raid and PvP battle performance.

  • The ability for that Pokémon to walk around on the overworld map with you – a small but cute bonus.

  • Occasional gift-bearing when they find interesting items during your journeys together.

You also get to show off your gold best buddy medal on your profile. But the CP boost is by far the most beneficial aspect in my opinion as an avid Raider and Battle League enthusiast.

Maintaining Best Buddy Status

Here‘s the catch though – your Pokémon only keeps this best buddy CP boost and other perks while they remain actively designated as your buddy. The second you swap and choose another Pokémon for your buddy slot, the previous best buddy loses all its special boosts and functions like any normal Pokémon again.

Fortunately, Niantic does let you change your designated buddy up to 20 times per day. So it is feasible to cycle different Pokémon into your best buddy slot and take advantage with all of them. But it does require strategically maximizing candy output to re-earn best status repeatedly.

Top Pokémon Worth the Best Buddy Boost

In my opinion from heavy PvP and raid gameplay, the Pokémon that benefit most from the combat CP boost include:

  • Dialga, Giratina in Master League
  • Medicham, Sableye for Great League
  • Azumarill, Gunfisk in Ultra League
  • Mewtwo, Shadow Metagross as raid attackers

Figure out your own top battle monsters and make them best buddy priorities.

Efficiency Tips

Here are some key tips to quickly raise buddies to best status with minimal wasted effort:

  • Only feed Pokémon Pinap berries for the first few candy levels. Switch to Poffins to accelerate friendship gains once they start taking longer.
  • Mega evolve your best buddy for an additional CP percentage boost!
  • Swap your buddy whenever they bring a souvenir back to keep leveling a new Pokémon.

Follow those simple rules, and you‘ll have a rotating squad of combat beasts at peak power levels through best buddy CP assistance!

So in summary, no best buddy is not a one-and-done permanent perk. But used properly, it might as well be with the right effort and optimization. Let me know if this guide helps you maximize buddies more successfully!

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