Is BioShock 3 a Prequel?

As a long-time BioShock fan excited for new entries in the mind-bending series, I‘ve done deep analysis into Infinite‘s connections to previous games. While not a direct prequel, Infinite does have some narrative links while pioneering new gameplay frontiers. Let‘s dive deeper into this oft-mislabeled threequel!

Comparing Key Features of Each BioShock Game

First, a quick overview of key stats for context:

GameSettingRelease DateMetacritic Score
BioShockRapture (1960)August 200796
BioShock 2Rapture (1968)February 201088
BioShock InfiniteColumbia (1912)March 201394

As we can see, Infinite pioneers a fresh setting compared to the iconic underwater dystopia of Rapture. This hints that it‘s forging new narrative ground rather than directly setting up the previous games.

A Radical Change of Setting for the Series

Unlike Rapture‘s art deco-stylized corridors, Infinite transports players to the bright, breezy skies of 1912 aboard the floating city of Columbia. This is a stark contrast to the dark, claustrophobic halls of the first two titles. Let‘s compare some key details:


  • Founded by Andrew Ryan in 1946
  • Isolated underwater city to escape societal norms
  • Utopian vision corrupted by genetic enhancements
  • Civil war erupts, society descends into chaos


  • Created by Zachary Comstock as floating "New Eden"
  • Nationalistic city meant to exemplify American ideals
  • Religious tyranny oppresses lower classes
  • Rebellion brews to overthrow corrupt Founders rule

The goals behind each city differ drastically even though both descend into collapsed regimes plagued by revolt. This suggests Infinite aims to craft a fresh ideological landscape rather than directly precede the first games.

New Protagonist and Companion Character

Infinite also pioneers a new protagonist and companion unlike previous entries:

  • Jack (BioShock) – genetically engineered man finding lost family
  • Subject Delta (BioShock 2) – Big Daddy bonded to Little Sister
  • Booker DeWitt (Infinite) – disgraced Pinkerton agent seeking redemption

Booker‘s detective background and quest to repay debts contrast earlier characters. Likewise, his AI companion Elizabeth has unprecedented reality-manipulating powers compared to the vulnerable Little Sisters. These narrative departures signal fresh storytelling horizons.

Expanded Array of Vigors and Weapons

On the gameplay front, Infinite retains the franchises‘ signature Plasmid/Vigor powers but adds exciting new options lettings players wield lightning, possession, and bucking bronco skills. The early 20th century setting also introduces distinct weapons like the hand cannon, RPG, and repeater. Let‘s see how the arsenal expands:

WeaponsBioShockBioShock Infinite
Machine GunRepeater
Grenade LauncherRPG

This diversity of loadouts adds fresh combat dynamics while retaining series staples. New Vigors also encourage creative player freedom unseen in previous entries.

The Link Between Parallel Universes

Despite treading new narrative and gameplay waters, Infinite does subtly link to the first BioShocks via parallel universes. Hidden Voxophones reveal Columbia leader Comstock as an alternate reality version of BioShock‘s Andrew Ryan. Both founded failed utopias derived from their disjointed worldviews.

The post-credits scene even shows Booker entering Rapture unexpectedly through a lighthouse, confirming these reality-hopping connections. Though not a direct prequel, this hints that the series shares certain constants between worlds like the decay of ideals into dystopia.

What Does This Mean for BioShock 4?

While not yet confirmed, rumors suggest BioShock 4 may return players to a post-civil war Rapture. My theory is we may play a repenting Elizabeth who seeks to rebuild the fallen city she doomed by empowering Atlas. Her reality-shaping abilities could allow for inventive environmental puzzles unseen in earlier entries.

The parallel world dynamics laid groundwork for nearly infinite (pun intended) narrative potential. Even if not a direct prequel, Infinite still enriches the series via links between diverging worlds and ideologies. This melting pot of reality could lead 4 in endless stunning directions.

Infinite may not directly precede previous events, but it lays enticing groundwork linking the broader multiverse. This preserves the essence of earlier titles while pioneering refreshing new settings, heroes, weapons and powers.

While lacking a definitive answer, rumors suggest we may get details on the next Bioshock this year. One thing is certain – with infinite worlds awaiting, the series‘ future shone brighter than Columbia‘s dazzling skyline ever could!

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