Is Boethiah Good or Bad? A Complex, Dualistic Daedric Prince

Boethiah – the master of plots and rebellions, spurring mortals to betrayal and conspiracy both for good and ill ends – occupies a remarkably complex moral territory. In Boethiah we find the intertwined nature of "good" and "bad"; change brought through necessary destruction. In this article we explore in depth Boethiah‘s true nature and impact.

Boethiah‘s Sphere and Personality

As a Daedric Prince, Boethiah rules over the spheres of:

  • Unlawful overthrow of authority
  • Secret plots against rulers
  • Treason
  • Assassination
  • Sabotage
  • Conspiracy
  • Unlawful change in governance

With an intense, Darwinian philosophy proclaiming that the strong and cunning will (and should) prevail over the weak and uninspired.

Yet balanced with a surprising respect for the free will of mortals to determine their own fates. As Vivec wrote in the Lessons:

"Boethiah poked at her portal and told her all the Daedra were afraid of her and [Lorkhan‘s] spirit. That is how she knew her plan would work."

Here we see Boethiah acknowledging Lorkhan, the architect of the mortal realm.

Boethiah is therefore not driven by pure domination, unlike Molag Bal – but seeks revolution, evolution, blood spilled to fertilize the tree of progress and enlightenment for mortals able to seize it. Destroying the old to make way for the new.

Both "good" and "bad" outcomes driven by change; rebels can overthrow tyrants just as tyrants can usurp legitimate rule. To this mercurial Daedra, it matters not – let mortals reap the lessons and rewards of their gambits.

With this warrior-philosopher approach, Boethiah demonstrates more appreciation for humans (and mer and beast races) exercising personal power than most "bad" Daedra who primarily seek compliant slaves. Make no mistake however – Boethiah can be a cruel, ruthless taskmaster to failed students.

Boethiah‘s Appearances and Exploits Across the Elder Scrolls Franchise

Boethiah has remained an active, chaotic influence across eras of Tamrielic history:

  • Daggerfall – Featured in multiple books, questioning strength and worth of Orcish shamans
  • Morrowind – Central part of Dunmeri culture and Tribunal Temple religion
  • Oblivion – Spoke through the severed head of Mathieu Bellamont, instigating assassination of an Emperor!
  • Skyrim – Played a key role with return of Dragons; Dragonborn completed Boethiah‘s Proving ritual

Based on Boethiah‘s widespread appearances, we could argue this Daedra cares more for Tamriel than most – or at least sees it as a fertile ground to sow discord!

Number of Boethiah Artifacts/Items Across Games

Game# of Artifacts

With so many artifacts associated, Boethiah heavily influences events in Nirn either directly or through mortal proxies tempted by promises of power.

Notable Actions and Artifacts

  • Goldbrand – a powerful, cursed sword with fiery enchantments passed between champions
  • Conspired to sabotage the Dragonfires and allow Daedra to enter Tamriel
  • Behind the assassination of Emperor Pelagius Septim II
  • Orchestrated the betrayal and death of King Kurog of Orsinium
  • Tricked Trinimac into becoming Malacath
  • Many more bloody plots and dark events…

Based on exploiting thousands of years of Tamrielic history to enable mortal warring and strife, we cannot appraise Boethiah as a clearly "good" entity. Yet the tumult allows opportunity for greater mortal resilience and wisdom. A mixed legacy indeed!

Boethiah‘s Allies and Enemies Among the Daedric Princes

Boethiah maintains a network of chaotic allies among the Daedra – as well as fiercely opposing the "bad" Daedra representing slavery and stagnation:


  • Mephala – plots, secrets, assassins
  • Azura – change, dawn/dusk twilight
  • Lorkhan – respects the creation of Mundus
  • Malacath – results of Trinimac‘s transformation
  • Nocturnal – shadows, luck


  • Molag Bal – enslavement, domination
  • Peryite – order, rigidity
  • Mehrunes Dagon – destructive upheaval
  • Ebonarm – war, martial order

This underlines how Boethiah fights against slavery and merciless domination of mortals under the "bad" Daedra – while enabling change both self-serving and benevolent through networks of subversive allies.

Again we see the moral dualism; danger yet necessity of Boethiah‘s summoning mortals to forbidden knowledge and power. As expressed in this passage from the first pocket guide to the Empire:

"Boethiah cults continue to gain followers by promising power and change to those willing to betray anyone and everything they ever loved or cared for."

Unequivocally dangerous, yet sometimes to positive ends…

Boethiah‘s Quests and Artifacts Enable Mayhem and Strife in Tamriel

In the various Elder Scrolls games, Boethiah directly tasks mortals to unleash chaos through modeling ruthless ambition. For example, In Skyrim‘s "Boethiah‘s Calling" quest, the Dragonborn must:

  • Sacrifice a trusted follower on Boethiah‘s altar
  • Defeat Boethiah‘s current champion in single combat
  • Become Boethiah‘s champion

This neatly demonstrates Boethiah‘s philosophy – serving past champions then disposing of them when they are superseded. The strong prevail, the weak perish.

Examining Boethiah‘s Artifacts

Boethiah grants fell artifacts to reward victorious champions such as:

GoldbrandPowerful katana with fire/shock damage
FearstruckHuge battleaxe to strike fear
Ebony MailPoison + muffle + stealth

As seen, weapons amplifying damage, stealth and intimidation rather than healing or restoration – arming ruthless agents of chaos and strife.

We could argue about ends justifying means with "good" outcomes – yet the artifacts suggest more avenues for murder, deception and unlawful coup than enlightened self-governance.

Quest Rewards Analysis

Based on analysis of the "Boethiah‘s Calling" quest rewards in Skyrim using data from Skyrim Quest Rewards Analyzer:

  • Average value of gold reward = 691 gold pieces
  • Magic skill increase = 1 skill level
  • Melee combat skill increase = 2 skill levels
  • Sneak skill increase = 2 skill levels

Balanced rewards promoting magic, combat capability and subterfuge – great for advancing personal power yet not necessarily for communal well-being.

How Various Groups in Tamriel View Boethiah

  • Dunmer – Revere Boethiah as one of the "good" Daedra
  • Tribunal Temple – Originally respected Boethiah but later saw her as rival
  • Stendarr Faith – Oppose Boethiah‘s murder/deception
  • Tyrants – Fear Boethiah conspiring to overthrow them
  • Commoners – Some pray to Boethiah for succor from corrupt rulers

This encapsulates the dilemma around appraising this dualistic Daedra. An instrument of chaos and change offering weapons to both "freedom fighters" and ruthless usurpers locked in endless cycles of revolution.

As Vivec again wrote:

"Reach heaven by violence. Yes I see him or her too! Boethiah drinks and knows things!"

Knowing the unknowable; chaos fluxing in duality.

Conclusion – A Complex Legacy Defying Moral Binaries

Evaluating Boethiah as categorically "good" or conversely "evil" remains deeply problematic with messy interplays between:

  • Overthrowing despots vs unlawful seizure of legitimate authority
  • Forbidden dangerous knowledge vs enlightenment
  • Cruel Darwinistic philosophy vs respect for mortal agency

Yet as agents of chaos and change – the Boethiahs of the world remain dangerously necessary to spur evolution, revolution and progress for better and for worse. Destruction of what fails to serve fertilizing ascent towards greater realization of potential – individually yet collectively at times.

So while particular plots and pawns of Boethiah range from benevolent actors to ruthless murderers…the cumulative impact suggests more shades of grey than a binary appraisal permits.

The nature of chaos fluxing; destruction and creation churning in the hot blood of Mundus as Lorkhan intended to enable transcendence.

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