Is Bone Lab free?

Bone Lab is a paid virtual reality game currently selling for $39.99 USD across major PC and standalone VR platforms. It is not available to download or access for free legally. However, there are a few ways to try this exciting new title from Stress Level Zero at no cost.

Bone Lab Pricing and Availability

As a passionate VR gamer myself, I‘ve been eagerly anticipating Bonelab‘s release as the successor to 2019‘s Boneworks. Stress Level Zero launched Bone Lab on September 29th, 2022 for most major VR headsets priced at $39.99 in all stores:

PC VR (Index, Vive, etc.)Steam$39.99
Standalone QuestMeta Quest Store$39.99

In its first week, Bone Lab became the #1 top selling game on the Quest Store, showing the hype and demand for this physics-based VR playground. And 3 months after launch, it still sees over 15,000 monthly active players on Steam – very solid retention!

Discounts and Sales Coming

In a recent interview, Stress Level Zero said they plan to discount and put Bone Lab on sale more once some early issues are patched up. As an indie studio, they depends more on revenue than free giveaways. But as production costs are recouped over the first year, I expect to see Bone Lab discounted to around 25% off, or $29.99 in future seasonal sales on Steam and the Quest Store. Definitely wishlist it if buying at full price is limiting!

Trying Bone Lab for Free

While Bone Lab isn‘t freely available, there are a few legitimate ways to access the game at no cost if you‘re fine with limited access:

  • Free Weekend Promotions – Steam often features free limited-time gameplay of popular new releases, and I anticipate Stress Level Zero will run Bone Lab Free Weekend events later in 2024 allowing everyone a free trial.
  • Family Sharing on Steam – If you have a family member or friend who owns Bone Lab on Steam, you can set up library sharing to sample the game.
  • In-store demos – More VR hub locations like VR Arcades offer demos of new titles like Bone Lab for potential buyers to test out.

While tempting, I advise against illegal downloading of cracks or pirated APK files to access Bone Lab. Supporting the ongoing development of ambitious VR projects requires paying for creativity and effort. Maybe gift a copy to a fellow VR enthusiast!

How Bone Lab Compares to Other VR Titles

At $39.99, Bone Lab sits right in the middle price-wise for a current generation VR game, especially one with so much content and infinite replay potential through mods and community maps. Here‘s a quick price comparison to other top VR titles:

Half-Life: Alyx$59.99
Resident Evil 4 VR$39.99
Bone Lab$39.99
Beat Saber$29.99

You can see Bone Lab is very fairly matched cost-wise with other top VR titles currently available. And it provides virtually endless gameplay possibilities than a more confined narrative experience like Alyx or RE4 VR.

$40 is Cheap for Cutting Edge VR!

I also think as VR veterans ourselves, we forget how novel and advanced even Quest-level mobile VR is to total newcomers. My friends are always shocked when I show them VR for the first time. And for under $40, Bone Lab delivers cutting edge physics simulations and interactions on par with experiences that cost millions just a decade ago! 40 bucks seems like a steal to essentially access The Matrix metaverse equivalents!

Why Bone Lab is Worth Buying

Even at full price, I strongly recommend Bone Lab as a must-buy VR title because:

  • It builds tremendously on Boneworks solid foundation
  • Intuitive physical interactions and satisfying gameplay
  • Active mod community creating endless new content
  • Fun sandbox chaos complemented by an ambition central campaign
  • A rare showcase of what sets VR gaming apart

If you enjoy emergent, physics-driven gameplay with awesome VR mechanics, Bone Lab is absolutely worth the price tag!

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