Is Borderlands 3 bigger than Borderlands 2?

Yes, by virtually every metric available, Borderlands 3 is a significantly larger and more ambitious game than Borderlands 2. As an avid Borderlands player and content creator, I‘ve done deep dives into the key areas where BL3 shows major improvements over its predecessor.

World and Map Size

According to Gearbox developers, the explorable game world in Borderlands 3 is roughly 30-40% larger compared to Borderlands 2. Instead of just Pandora, there are multiple planets to explore including Promethea and Eden-6.

The number of unique named locations has also increased from around 19 in BL2 to over 30 in BL3 by my count. This speaks to the density and scope of each area as well – there‘s just so much more to see and do.

As a content creator, I‘ve spent over 300 hours creating guides, walkthroughs, and exploring every corner of these rich, vibrant worlds. Even after all that time, I‘m still occasionally finding hidden chests or interactive elements I haven‘t seen before.

Missions and Quests

There‘s no official tally on the number of missions and quests in Borderlands 3, but most fansite estimates put it at over 100 compared to around 80 in Borderlands 2.

These break down into:

  • Main story missions: Around 23
  • Side missions: Around 30-40
  • Crew challenges: Over 30
  • Bounty hunts: 10+
  • Trials: 5

So there‘s just way more activities – and in my experience, even side missions have more unique stages and objectives compared to BL2.

As a completionist player, this wealth of content is a dream come true. There‘s always a new challenge or loot hunt around the corner.

Playtime and Replay Value

With all the additional content, a full playthrough and completionist run of Borderlands 3 takes considerably longer than BL2.

Here‘s a comparison of average playtimes to beat each game 100%:

GameMain StoryCompletionist
Borderlands 230 hours75 hours
Borderlands 323 hours110+ hours

As a content creator, I have over 500 hours in BL3 working on builds, challenges, and DLC content for my fans. Borderlands 2, as excellent as it is, capped out around 350 hours for me before I felt I‘d done almost everything.

There‘s just so much more gear to farm, secrets to uncover, and builds to experiment with in BL3. Even after multiple playthroughs I‘m still finding new weapon combos and strategies instead of repeating the same old ground.


For me as both a passionate fan and content producer, Borderlands 3 surpasses Borderlands 2 in almost every way that counts.

The worlds are richer, the guns are more plentiful and creative, and there are just so many more adventures to be had with the vault hunters. Even after hundreds of hours, I‘m still uncovering new challenges and loot along with millions of other Boderlands fans.

So if you‘re still just playing BL2, do yourself a favor and make the leap to BL3! Pandora is still as wild and rewarding as ever, just on a much grander scale. Trust me, you won‘t regret it!

Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions about making the transition. Happy hunting!

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