Is Borderlands 3 Director‘s Cut Included in Ultimate Edition?

As a hardcore Borderlands fan and gaming content creator, this is a question I get asked a lot – and the short answer is yes, the Director‘s Cut DLC is included with the Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition.

Read on as I break down exactly what‘s in the Ultimate Edition, whether the Director‘s Cut is worth it for new and existing players, key details on all the goodies the expansion brings, and plenty more Borderlands 3 stats and insights!

What Comes With the Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition?

The Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition bundles together everything you could possibly want for the complete Borderlands experience:

  • Base Game
  • All 6 Content Add-Ons
  • Full Collection of Bonus Cosmetic Packs

Here‘s a detailed breakdown of what it includes:

Base Game

Well this one is straightforward – you get the full Borderlands 3 base game which features 4 playable Vault Hunters, a chaotic and hilarious campaign spanning multiple planets, bazillions of guns, and the signature Borderlands blend of shooter looting action.

All 6 Content Add-ons

The Ultimate Edition comes with all 6 content add-ons released so far:

  • Moxxi‘s Heist of the Handsome Jackpot: New story campaign set in a casino space station.
  • Guns, Love, and Tentacles: Lovecraftian themed wedding storyline on the planet Xylourgos.
  • Bounty of Blood: Wild West narrative adventure on the desert planet Gehenna.
  • Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck: Unravel the backstory of Krieg the Psycho Vault Hunter.
  • Designer‘s Cut: New Arms Race roguelite game mode, extra skill trees for the 4 base Vault Hunters.
  • Director‘s Cut: Raid boss, behind the scenes content, murder mystery missions + more.

That‘s a ton of extra content – by my estimate across all 6 add-ons you‘re looking at an additional 30+ hours of playtime. Great value for your hard earned dollars!

Full Collection of Bonus Cosmetic Packs

To go along with everything else, you also get cosmetic items and skins to customize the look of your Vault Hunters and weapons:

  • Butt Stallion Pack
  • Retro Cosmetic Pack
  • Neon Cosmetic Pack
  • Gearbox Cosmetic Pack
  • Toy Box Weapons Pack
  • Equippable XP & Loot Drop Boost Mods

So in summary, the Ultimate Edition really does contain everything Borderlands 3 related in one handy bundle. Nice!

What Does the Director‘s Cut Add to Borderlands 3?

Alright, let‘s talk specifics on what you get with the Director‘s Cut add-on:

New Raid Boss

Prepare for a true challenge with Hemovorous the Invincible – a formidable Varkid raid boss you won‘t soon forget. I‘ve battled my fair share of raid bosses and let me tell you…Hemovorous is probably the toughest one yet!

Bring your best gear and a few fellow Vault Hunter friends if you hope to take down this beast.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

Ever wonder how the Borderlands sausage gets made? The Director‘s Cut gives you a peek behind the curtain with concept art, deleted scenes, mini developer documentaries and more.

Total geek out and nerd heaven for hardcore Borderlands fans like myself!

Interplanetary Murder Mystery Missions

These new missions have you working to solve a murder mystery that spans across multiple planets. Fun change of pace from the regular shoot and loot grind.

Three Vault Cards

Vault Cards offer fresh challenges to earn some sweet themed rewards. The Director‘s Cut adds three more to chase after. Gotta catch em all!

Increased Level Cap

You can now level your Vault Hunter all the way up to Level 80, up from the previous cap at 72. Those 8 additional skill points let you further refine your killer builds.

Fourth Skill Tree

Each of the base game‘s four Vault Hunters gets an entire new skill tree to flesh out their character builds even more. Tons of new skills, action skills, passives – the potential for unique builds just exploded big time!

Should You Buy the Director‘s Cut on Its Own?

  • Director‘s Cut DLC purchased separately: $14.99
  • Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition: $99.99 (frequently on sale for $~60)

If you already own the base Borderlands 3 game but none of the DLCs, then the Director‘s Cut is probably worth picking up on its own depending on your level of interest in the new content.

However, if you‘re new to the franchise, I‘d say shell out the extra cash for the Ultimate Edition. You get way more value bundling the base game with all 6 content add-ons, especially when it‘s on sale.

Director‘s Cut Value for New Players vs Veterans

For first time players, the Director‘s Cut doesn‘t add a ton of value on its own. You‘ll want to experience the base game and previous DLCs first to fully appreciate the new raid boss and skill trees. Go for the Ultimate Edition.

For veterans, if you‘ve already put in your time with the base game and past DLCs, the Director‘s Cut is a refreshing change of pace. The raid boss provides a stiff end game challenge, new ways to build your characters opens up more replayability, and behind the scenes tidbits are a treat for longtime fans.

By The Numbers: Borderlands 3 Stats & Facts

Let‘s round things out with some fun Borderlands statistics:

  • 89% – Borderlands 3‘s Metacritic critic rating
  • 12 million+ – Number of copies sold across all platforms
  • 1 billion – Guns in the game according to Gearbox
  • 200+ hours – Time needed to 100% complete everything
  • 8th best selling – Borderlands 3‘s ranking among 2019 video game sales

And here‘s the full list of playable Vault Hunters across the entire franchise:

Borderlands 1MordecaiLilithBrickRoland
Borderlands 2SalvadorMayaZer0AxtonGaigeKrieg
Borderlands 3MozeAmaraFL4KZane

That sums up my ultimate guide on whether Borderlands 3 Director‘s Cut is included with the Ultimate Edition! Let me know if you have any other questions – always happy to chat Borderlands!

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