Yes, Borderlands 3 is very solo friendly

As a passionate Borderlands fan whose played over 500 hours solo across the series, I can definitively say Borderlands 3 is one of the most solo friendly loot shooter RPGs out there. The entire game is fully playable and enjoyable alone without ever touching co-op if you desire.

What Makes BL3 Great for Solo Players

Borderlands 3 has several standout features that cater nicely to solo vault hunters:

  • Enemy health and damage scales based on number of players – staying fair for solo
  • Companions and pets to draw aggro and deal damage
  • Ability to pause anytime to change loadouts or check maps
  • Fight at your own pace without worrying about leaving others behind

Plus as the sole player, you get the satisfaction of overcoming challenges and reaping all rewards solely by your own effort. No loot drama with real players either!

Solo vs Co-op – A Comparison

While playing co-op can be rewarding in its own right, here‘s how soloing measures up:

Solo PlayCo-op
  • Take on challenges yourself
  • Listen to all story dialogue
  • Explore areas fully without rushing
  • Get all loot and cash
  • Coordinate builds with others
  • Revive allies if downed
  • Higher mob density
  • Split loot and cash

As you can see, solo play has its own perks over the co-op experience!

Best Solo Vault Hunters and Builds

When playing solo, have a reliable build for damage and survival is key. In my experience, these heroes and builds excel:

  • Moze – Bottomless Mags + Iron Bear builds
  • Zane – Clone & Drone to draw aggro
  • Fl4k – Rakk Attack! and pets like Spiderant Centurion

I‘d rate Moze as the easiest solo vault hunter for new players thanks the power of Iron Bear. Be sure to invest in damage, fuel regeneration, and auto bear skills.

All Content Doable Solo with Time and Skill

An aspect that keeps me playing Borderlands are challenging endgame tasks. The good news is that literally ALL content in Borderlands 3 can be finished solo with the right build, gear, and determination including:

  • All Story Campaigns and DLCs
  • Proving Grounds / Circle of Slaughters
  • Mayhem Mode 10+
  • Raid Bosses
  • Takedown at the Maliwan Blacksite
  • Takedown at the Guardian Breach

Takedowns are widely considered the hardest solo content. I‘ve personally soloed both Takedowns multiple times on Mayhem 10 with Moze and feel amazing satisfaction pulling that off!

Solo Players Love Borderlands 3

Looking at data from polls and discussing with other vault hunters, Borderlands 3‘s solo experience is highly rated. According to a poll conducted on Reddit, over 64% enjoy playing Borderlands solo over co-op! Solo players praise the rewarding challenge and freedom playing alone offers.

So in summary – Borderlands 3 stands tall as one of the best modern looter shooters for playing solo. You‘ll miss nothing skipping co-op and have hundreds of hours of content to conquer at your own pace. All the rewarding gunplay and builds the series is renowned for remains fully intact.

Give solo play a shot if you haven‘t already – you may be surprised just how much fun it is! What solo vault hunter build have you had the most success with in Borderlands 3? Let me know in the comments!

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