Yes, Bramble Ghost is a Strong New Ghost Type

I am excited to confirm that Bramble Ghost (Brambleghast) stands out as one of the top new Ghost type additions in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. As an avid gamer and content creator focusing on the latest releases, I analyze new Pokémon extensively, and Brambleghast brings a lot to the table competitively with its stellar attacking power backed up by the unique Wind Rider ability.

In this detailed guide, we’ll break down why Brambleghast has already emerged as a formidable ghost that players should absolutely consider training.

Impressive Base Stats

Right away in analyzing any new Pokémon, I look at the base stats which indicate how strong it can become. Here Brambleghast shines:

  • HP: 70
  • Attack: 125
  • Defense: 90
  • Sp. Atk: 40
  • Sp. Def: 82
  • Speed: 82
  • Total: 489

With fantastic Attack, very good bulk, and nice speed, Brambleghast clearly hits hard while also taking hits well with its defences – crucial traits for a viable competitive ghost. Its 125 base Attack stands out in particular – the highest of all new Generation IX ghosts introduced and stronger than popular ghosts like Dragapult, Aegislash, and Gengar.

Scoping Out the Abilities

We also need to examine Brambleghast‘s abilities to understand what strategic niche it fills. It gets Wind Rider which provides immunity to wind moves, instead raising Attack each time Brambleghast is hit by them. One of the most unique new abilities in Scarlet and Violet, Wind Rider hands Brambleghast reliable boosts.

The grass ghost also gets Unburden as a secondary ability, which doubles its Speed stat once its held item is consumed, enabling it to function as a dangerous sweeper.

Packing Disruptive Moves

In tandem with stats and abilities, Brambleghast‘s movepool adds plenty of disruption:

  • Shadow Sneak: Priority stab ghost move to pick off weakened opponents
  • Phantom Force: Powerful 2-turn ghost attack lets Brambleghast evade damage
  • Will-O-Wisp: Burns foes to gradually whittle their health
  • Poltergeist: Strong ghost STAB move with bonus effect of damaging status item holders more
  • Swords Dance: Set up sweeps by massively raising Attack
  • Agility: Doubles speed enabling it to outpace threats or make better use of Unburden

I always examine movepool just as closely since it determines how effectively a Pokémon plays certain combat roles. Brambleghast has great coverage between strong Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) options like Poltergeist and priority in Shadow Sneak, while setup moves allow it to maximize its offence.

Ideal Roles: Set Up Sweeper and Wallbreaker

Looking at its statistical profile and moves, Brambleghast fills team roles of wallbreaker and setup sweeper nicely. As a sweeper, it leverages boosts from Wind Rider, Swords Dance, Agility and/or an item like Life Orb or Liechi Berry to become nearly unstoppable offensively. With solid defenses, it also switches into special attacks aimed at teammates to set up on. Alternately, wallbreaking utilizes Brambleghast‘s sheer power to overwhelm defensive cores.

Every competitive team needs win conditions and damage dealers – slots that Brambleghast capably fills whiledifferentiating itself from other ghosts with Wind Rider and good bulk.

Matched Up Against the Top Ghosts

To further demonstrate Brambleghast‘s strengths, let‘s compare it directly to some popular ghost types:

|Pokémon|Attack|Sp. Attack|Speed|Ability|
|Brambleghast|125|40|82|Wind Rider|
|Dragapult|120|100|142|Clear Body, Infiltrator|
|Aegislash|150|150|60|Stance Change|
|Gengar|65|130|110|Cursed Body|

While Dragapult and Gengar are faster and hit harder specially, Brambleghast wins out physically with much higher attack. Both are also frailer whereas Brambleghast takes neutral special hits more comfortably. And Brambleghast’s unique ability gives it a reliable means to boost damage. Offense-oriented players should strongly consider Brambleghast to hit hard.

Calculating Its Sweeping Power

Theoretically, let’s calculate Brambleghast‘s sweeping potential by looking at a set holding a Liechi Berry to boost Attack. With maximum investment in Attack and Speed, Brambleghast reaches 349 Attack after the Liechi activates. Factor in Swords Dance doubling that to 698 Attack and STAB Poltergeist generates insane damage:

252+ Atk Liechi Berry Brambleghast Poltergeist vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 338-399 (84.5 – 99.8%) — guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock

And that‘s hitting one of the most physically bulky Pokémon in the game super effectively! This demonstrates how deadly Brambleghast can be once boosted. Walls and defensive teams would crumble facing this.

Optimal Movesets and Partners

To leverage Brambleghast properly, trainers should run set up sweep or wallbreaking movesets like these:

Swords Dance Sweeper

Brambleghast @ Liechi Berry
Ability: Wind Rider
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

  • Swords Dance
  • Poltergeist
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Phantom Force

Bulky Attacker

Brambleghast @ Leftovers
Ability: Wind Rider
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature

  • Will-O-Wisp
  • Substitute
  • Shadow Sneak
  • Poltergeist

The sweeper aims to set up then clean up weakened teams while the bulky set wears down opponents with status and trained HP. Both leverage STAB moves.

These sets appreciate team support like Tailwind, Light Screen, and Stealth Rock to ease setup and scoring KOs. Pivot supporters like Gastrodon that lure fire attacks are also useful to activate Wind Rider.

The Verdict on Brambleghast

After thoroughly analyzing stats, abilities, moves and potential sets, I can definitively say Brambleghast is a fantastic addition for Scarlet and Violet players looking to add offensive punch to their squad. It carves out a niche as one of the hardest hitting ghost-grass types around. Leverage its power and unique Wind Rider ability to sweep unprepared teams!

I hope this detailed guide gives you lots of insight into making the most of Brambleghast. As a passionate gamer who loves sharing meta analysis on new releases, I‘m excited to see Brambleghast make its mark!

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