Is Bronze 1 better than Bronze 3?

Yes, Bronze 1 represents a higher level of skill and performance than Bronze 3 in all major competitive video games. As an avid gamer and content creator, I often get asked to compare ranks and tier divisions, so let‘s analyze the differences in depth.

How MMR and Elo Works

In multiplayer games like League of Legends, Valorant, Overwatch, etc. your skill level is quantified by a behind-the-scenes matchmaking rating (MMR) or Elo score. This score goes up when you win and down when you lose. Your MMR determines the opponents you face and underpins your visible skill tier/rank.

The higher your MMR, the tougher competition the game will match you against. If your MMR climbs high enough, you will progress to the next division.

Distribution of Players Across Divisions

Within each rank, only a small percentage of players reach the top divisions like Bronze 1. Here are rough estimates on division distribution in Bronze for a few games:

League of Legends

Division% of Players
Bronze 1Top 8%
Bronze 2Next 12%
Bronze 3Next 20%
Bronze 4Next 30%
Bronze 5Bottom 30%


Division% of Players
Bronze 1Top 15%
Bronze 2Next 25%
Bronze 3Bottom 60%


Division% of Players
Bronze 1Top 20%
Bronze 2Next 30%
Bronze 3Next 25%
Bronze 4Next 15%
Bronze 5Bottom 10%

As you can see, only the top segment of Bronze players make it into Bronze 1. This demonstrates it represents better performance over those in divisions below.

Comparing Bronze 1 and Bronze 3

Now that we understand divisions and distribution, we can clearly compare Bronze 1 vs Bronze 3 skill levels.

Bronze 1

  • Highest division in Bronze rank
  • Players in top 10-20% of Bronze
  • Higher MMR and elo scores
  • Facing opponents of greater average skill
  • Close to ranking up to Silver
  • Demonstrating abilities to compete at higher tiers

Bronze 3

  • Middle division in Bronze rank
  • Players in middle 40-60% of Bronze
  • Lower MMR and elo scores on average
  • Facing similarly average opponents
  • Further from promotion chances
  • Struggling to separate from the Bronze pack

As you can see, Bronze 1 represents substantially better skill – they rank amongst the best in their tier, win more often against better foes, and are on track to advance.

Meanwhile, Bronze 3 means you are still a ways from leveling up or proving yourself versus Bronze competition. Your MMR is likely lower as you lose more games on average as well.

Ranking Up From Bronze 3 to Bronze 1

For players stuck in Bronze 3 hoping to reach Bronze 1 and beyond, here are some tips:

  • Focus on improvement – watch your own replays to fix mistakes rather than blaming teammates after losses
  • Learn the meta – study winning picks, items, positions etc – don‘t rely only on comfort
  • Refine mechanics – practice CSing, combo execution, micro play etc. shoring up weaknesses
  • Analyze opponents – what are Bronze 1 and Silver players doing better than you each game?
  • Stay focused – avoid autopilot and always think about incremental progression

If you apply dedicated effort and have the right mindset, you can steadily rank up over time. The path to mastery however is long – be patient and persistent.

Closing Thoughts

Bronze rank represents the early steps on the long competitive gaming journey. While Bronze 1 is better than Bronze 3, both have lots of knowledge and skills left to build.

If your goal is to reach the highest tiers, focus on self-improvement rather than fixating on divisions. Learning and development will empower you to climb over the long-run.

Let me know if you have any other questions around ranking systems or getting better at your favorite competitive game! I‘m always happy to help new gamers dip their toes into this world.

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