Is Brook Immune to Big Mom? No, But He Has Strong Resistance

While not completely immune, Brook possesses certain advantages against Big Mom‘s soul manipulation powers that provide him levels of resistance unmatched by most other pirates. But in an all-out fight, he would still almost certainly fall to her superior physical abilities and Haki mastery before being able to seriously threaten a Yonko like Big Mom.

The Power to Interact with Souls – Big Mom‘s Soru Soru no Mi

Big Mom‘s Paramecia-type Devil Fruit, the Soru Soru no Mi, allows her to freely interact with and alter human souls. Considered one of the most powerful fruits out there, its capabilities include:

  • Taking lifespans by grabbing the soul right out of a living body – She can steal any amount, even a person‘s remaining years entirely which kills them on the spot. Over her reign, Big Mom is estimated to have amassed over 500 years of stolen lifespan!
  • Strengthening herself by absorbing souls – At a party preparing for battle with the Beasts Pirates, Big Mom drained the souls of around 30 subordinates. Just that small boost was enough to massively swell her muscles in size!
  • Creating incarnations of souls – Storing pieces of souls of humans and objects within non-living things to bring them to life. These creatures fully obey her commands as powerful combatants and personal servants – her homies.

With these overpowered soul hax in her arsenal alongside monstrous strength and impenetrable skin, very few individuals even of commander level and above can face off against Big Mom for an extended duration.

Why is Brook So Resistant? The Power of His Revived Soul

Brook ate the Revive-Revive Fruit (Yomi Yomi no Mi), which enabled his soul to reanimate his skeletal remains even long after death. This came with certain side effects that intertwine Brook‘s consciousness and entire being to the afterlife in a way unmatched by both normal humans and standard Devil Fruit users:

  • His soul can exist independently without a body, leaving him light enough to run on water!
  • Soul Projection lets him separate his soul from corporeal form to scout areas discreetly
  • He houses his soul energy within his body instead of having it spread outside like normal beings – granting vast stores of energy to draw from in battle!
  • Lacking flesh or organs, his full-skeleton form renders him impervious to various attacks especially those targeting internal systems
  • Negative ghost abilities don‘t work on him thanks to his affinity to the undead realm

These traits seem to interact with Big Mom‘s fruit in an interesting way. Having lived as just soul energy keeping his bones moving, Brook retains a distinctively durable soul that can avoid outright being captured or crushed even by a top-tier Devil Fruit ability.

During Whole Cake Island, Brook withstood a direct confrontation with Big Mom herself and demonstrated enough resistance to block her from sapping his remaining years! Similar feats have only been displayed by giants and extremely potent Haki masters nowhere near Brook‘s overall power level.

Big Mom Still Reigns Supreme in Most Battles

However, while an advantage against parts of her moveset is invaluable, Brook is still easily overwhelmed by Big Mom herself when she utilizes the full might of her physical capabilities and Haki mastery alongside homies:

Fighter StatsBrookBig Mom
Bounty83 million BerriesOver 4 billion Berries
Official RoleStraw Hat Crew MemberCaptain & Emperor
Offensive PowerHigh SwordsmanshipExtreme Blunt Force, Elemental Attacks via Homies
Defensive PowerDodging, Soul ResistancesImpenetrable Skin, Haki-Infused Blocking
Battle IntelligenceVeteran FighterDecades of New World Experience

Additionally, Big Mom has Conqueror‘s Haki which can knock out those with weaker wills just by leaking traces of it. She can further open elemental weakness gaps in defenses using her residential weather homie Zeus.

And even for Brook‘s soul itself, concentrated blasts of Big Mom‘s own soul material could potentially disintegrate him past what his fruit can restore. After all, characters like the Sweet Commanders Cracker, Katakuri and Smoothie who scale far below Big Mom herself pose legitimate threats that Brook would struggle immensely to overcome.

So in most full-fledged encounters, Big Mom remains clearly dominant as a ridiculously sturdy tank that hits harder than almost anyone in the world. She has battered top-tier warriors for days on end without wearing down. Brook‘s best bet lies in hit-and-run tactics avoiding direct engagement.

Could Brook Improve to Rival a Yonko Someday?

While Brook is currently still far off from taking the role of a major powerhouse or leader, the sheer potency of his fruit continues to offer potential. After two years training under his crew‘s Revolutionary allies, he successfully unlocked the second stage of his Devil Fruit.

If Brook keeps training his soul powers and also learns one or more types of Haki to drastically boost his physical offense/defense, he could live up to his ambition of becoming an actual world-famous rockstar! Specializing further into speed or mastering his ice abilities could let him access the skillset necessary to square off against a top fighter on relatively even footing down the line. And his ever-positive spirit paired with creative applications of his fruit may someday see Soul King Brook unleash a music solo to take down even the toughest New World powerhouses!

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