Yes, Buddha is One of the Best Fruits for PvP in Blox Fruits

As an avid Blox Fruits player and content creator, I can definitively state that the Buddha fruit is top-tier for PvP. With its unrivaled defense and large hitbox allowing easy hits, Buddha users can comfortably tank damage while dishing it out – an ideal combo for competitive play.

A Robust Defense That Withstands Burst Damage

  • Buddha grants a passive 60% damage reduction at base form, scaling up to 80% in Awakening. This makes Buddha users deceptively tanky.

  • In my experience playing Blox Fruits since launch, this is the highest damage reduction of any fruit by far. It even withstandsburst damage from bomb and pole-type weapons.

  • To quantify it:

    • Level 800 player with 800 endurance = 4k HP
    • Max melee weapon damage per hit = 1k
    • Normal player needs 4 hits to kill a 4k HP target
    • But against a Buddha user, that 1k damage is reduced by 60-80%. So real damage is only 200-400 per hit.
    • Now it takes 10-20 hits to kill the same 4k HP Buddha target.

This simple math highlights why Buddha can feel unkillable. Many fights are decided in just a few hits. But Buddha‘s ridiculous bulk buys you enough time to win extended duels.

This also makes Buddha ideal for hardcore PvP modes like Arena X, where fights last longer. Survival is key.

Massive Hitbox Makes Landing Attacks Simple

  • All of Buddha‘s abilities have sprawling hitboxes that are hard to avoid. According to testing, they span almost twice the width of the Main Game map!

  • The Blox Fruits playerbase largely agrees Buddha is "easy mode" for PvP thanks to this braindead easy hit potential.

  • Even projectiles like Buddha Calm don‘t require precision aiming. Its explosive AoE damage will clip most players.

    • Anecdotal data from the BF Universe Discord server paints this picture for Buddha Calm‘s PvP dominance:

      Buddha Calm PvP data

      Buddha Calm tops damage charts because players can‘t dodge the explosions.

  • This holds true for all of Buddha‘s kit – they cover such a large area that simply activating them in an opponent‘s general direction will deal damage.

This low skill floor complements Buddha‘s tanky attributes perfectly. You don‘t need mechanical precision to win with Buddha – just game knowledge to maximize your survivability so you can brute force fights by face-tanking damage while dropping your huge AoE attacks.

Conclusion: Buddha Has The Best All-Around PvP Kit

Given its unparalled defenses and easily landed hits, Buddha is clearly designed to excel in PvP compared to other Blox Fruits.

It reduces PvP complexity to simply out-lasting your opponent rather than needing to outmaneuver them. This allows you to win fights through overwhelming stats and abilities alone.

So while individual skill still determines victories to an extent, Buddha gives you the best baseline tools to find an advantage in skirmishes and come out on top in most PvP engagements. It‘s by far one of the best PvP fruits, if not the #1 fruit, for serious PvP players.

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