Is Buff a miner?

According to statements from the company and independent security analyses, Buff does not secretly mine cryptocurrency in the background while you game. However, some concerns have been raised about potential crypto mining, which we‘ll analyze in more detail below.

What is Buff?

For those unaware, Buff is a rewards platform designed for gamers. By simply playing games you already enjoy on your PC or mobile device, you can rack up points ("Buff coins") to redeem for real-world rewards including:

  • Gift cards (Amazon, Steam, etc.)
  • In-game currency (e.g. V-Bucks in Fortnite)
  • Gaming gear & merch

This innovative loyalty program was created by gamers for gamers in 2015 and has steadily grown in popularity.

How Buff‘s loyalty program works

Buff uses an overlay that tracks your gameplay time and achievements across multiple titles. As you rack up points, called "Buff coins," you build towards reward thresholds. The more games you play and the better you achieve in them, the more Buff coins you obtain.

Popular games compatible with Buff rewards include:

  • Fortnite
  • CS:GO
  • League of Legends
  • Dota 2
  • World of Warcraft
  • Over 100 more!

Millions of gamers have found Buff provides a great way to get free rewards and cash in on their hobby. But does earning all these rewards come at a hidden cost? Read on to find out.

Does Buff secretly mine cryptocurrency?

There have been spirited Reddit debates and online accusations that Buff isn‘t just tracking your gameplay – they‘re also harnessing your system‘s resources to mine cryptocurrency coins like Bitcoin and Ethereum on the sly.

However, Buff has firmly denied these crypto mining allegations.

Independent analyses by gamers and security experts have also found no evidence of secret crypto mining processes occurring in the background while Buff runs. Buff only utilizes a small amount of CPU resources briefly when displaying match summary info, which is expected behavior.

Buff‘s public position states:

"Buff doesn’t mine Bitcoin, Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency on your machine. Also, we don’t install any minership software."

They also assert their platform has been vetted and confirmed not to contain any malware or viruses.

While conspiracy theories abound, current proof indicates Buff is not mining crypto coins using your hardware and electricity. However, it‘s smart to be cautious with any app that monitors your gaming activity in the background – which leads into tips for safe usage.

Is it safe to use Buff? Tips for security:

  1. Carefully review permissions Buff asks to access. It requires overlay display access but should not demand anything shady.

  2. Use system monitoring tools like Task Manager on Windows or Activity Monitor on Mac to view background processes and check for any unexplained resource usage spikes.

  3. Install reputable anti-virus software for additional protection. Buff itself should not trigger virus alerts.

  4. Avoid entering personal/payment information where possible. Stick to display name and basic public profile data.

  5. Start with small rewards redemptions to confirm Buff delivers what they promise before investing significant gameplay towards higher-tier prizes.

  6. Read independent app store reviews from average users documenting their experiences.

As long as you exercise reasonable caution, available indicators imply Buff should not directly mine crypto or steal computing resources. While you always need to be vigilant installing third-party apps, objective signs currently indicate Buff itself is not malware – rather a legitimate rewards avenue for dedicated gamers.

Have you used Buff successfully? Or did you observe unusual resource usage that made you think twice? Share your thoughts in the comments so we can all make informed choices!

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