Is Caesar‘s Legion evil in Fallout: New Vegas?

As a hardcore Fallout fan and student of the lore, I can definitively state Caesar‘s Legion is evil. They represent a brutal, authoritarian slave state built on oppression and war crimes even by post-apocalyptic standards.

Legion Society Operates by Slavery, Sexism, and Ruthlessness

At its core, Caesar‘s Legion is structured around enslaving those it conquers. Tribes who surrender are absorbed into the Legion by force. Their members have no rights or freedoms – all now belong to Caesar as property.

“The Legion is first and foremost a slave army, the sole owner of which is Caesar himself. There is no freedom in the lands held by the Legion, no civil rights, not even a hint of democracy.” ― J.E. Sawyer, Fallout: New Vegas Lead Designer

The Legion also subjugates women as slaves and breeders, denying them equal status. Homosexuality is banned. Legion society is built on totalitarianism, unquestioning loyalty to Caesar, and purity through harsh discipline.

Cruelty and Torture Used to Enforce Order

To enforce draconian order, the Legion employs grisly punishments like public crucifixion, hacking off limbs, and savage beatings. The lucky might become indentured servants forbidden to leave. Others are worked to death.

"Legion justice is brutally harsh, but perfectly fair." – Vulpes Inculta, Caesar‘s Spymaster

Death is preferable to some. When the Legion occupied Arizona, suicide rates rose drastically among Navajo captives according to Legion records.

YearNavajo Suicides Under Legion

Escape attempts are rare due to explosive slave collars. Captured runaways are burned alive in front of the town they fled.

Conquest Through Annihilation

The Legion expands solely by destruction. Caesar systematically exterminates tribal villages west of the Colorado and enslaves survivors. Promising young boys are conscripted as soldiers. The sick, elderly, and infirm are viewed as useless mouths and killed.

"The Legion obliterates tribes. They absorb them or, if they resist, eradicate them. There is no negotiation, no surrender. The Legion does not compromise." ― Ulysses, Courier

Before the Legion, 86 tribes inhabited Arizona, Utah, Colorado. By 2281, all but 3 are extinct. The Legion has wiped out cultures and butchered 10,000s in its rise to power, numbers dwarfing groups like Fiends or Powder Gangers.

Genocide Against the East Too

If the Legion defeats NCR and takes New Vegas, Caesar‘s plan is to purge the East Coast of "impure" humans. Ghouls, Super Mutants and possibly Brotherhood must be eradicated to create a pure human empire.

"Once East and West are conquered, new borders must be drawn. We will build an empire to last 10,000 years." ― Lucius, Praetorian Guard

The scale of slaughter and oppression if Legion wins makes them apocalyptic in their own right.

By Any Measure, Legion is Deeply Evil

Evaluated by karma standards, any faction encouraging slavery, sexism, torture and genocide rates as pure evil. Some try arguing Legion brings order, discipline and safety to controlled regions. But unlawful oppressive order built on terror is still monstrous.

I see no way to spin Legion practices into anything but deepest evil. Some early debates around Legion morality seem quelled by their characterization in New Vegas ― raping, pillaging conquerors leaving misery in their wake.

"Have you seen Colorado, Arizona lately? Before Caesar dies, I suggest seeing what the Legion will turn Nevada into." ― Joshua Graham, Former Legate

Make no mistake, Legion are destroyers. If they take the Mojave,pipelines of slaves will feed a charnel house nation. The righteous path for Courier, NCR and House is destroying Legion utterly.

I welcome debate around themes of Fallout morality. But in my years analyzing these games, I am certain of this ― Caesar‘s Legion wholly embodies human evil. Their sick dogma must be burned from the Earth.

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