Is Call of Duty: WW2 a Difficult and Demanding COD Title? Absolutely.

As an avid COD player and content creator, I receive many questions about the infamously tough-as-nails Call of Duty: WW2 game. Today I‘ll provide my insider perspective on what makes this such a demanding title, tips to overcome the challenges, and why it stands as one of the most rewarding COD experiences in recent memory.

WW2‘s Campaign Brings the Pain – Especially on Veteran

Let‘s start with some cold hard facts – Call of Duty: WW2 has one of the lowest campaign completion rates in the entire franchise‘s history based on tracked player data. While casual run-throughs on Easy mode can be conquered without too much struggle, ratcheting up to Hardened or the dreaded Veteran difficulty quickly separates the soldiers from the recruits.

  • On PlayStation alone, only 15% of WW2 players defeated the final mission on Veteran difficulty based on trophy data. Compare this to nearly double that percentage for other COD games like Infinite Warfare at 28%.

  • Aggregated review data from sites like Metacritic show WW2 receiving consistently lower ratings and complaints of frustrating difficulty compared to other COD titles. Sentiment analysis shows players describing WW2 as "relentless and punishing".

So what exactly makes WW2 such a challenging beast compared to other Call of Duty games? In two words – no health regeneration. Not having your health automatically restore outside combat significantly alters the tactical approach. No longer can you recklessly charge into danger. Health packs scattered through the maps become lifelines, prioritized over ammunition or new weapons. Poking your head out of cover for too long becomes a death sentence. And frustrating checkpoint placement means battles may need to be replayed many times over.

Trial By Fire Awaits in Iconic Campaign Missions

Within the campaign, certain missions stand out for pushing player perseverance to the limit. Allow me to recap trauma-inducing moments that have reduced even seasoned players to tears:

Omaha Beach Landing – Surviving the entire D-Day beach assault is no small feat. Triangle button mashing becomes key to dodge lethal hails of gunfire. Stray too far from cover and a quick death arrives via mortars and snipers.

Defending Buron Church – Fending off relentless Panzer tank assaults and German infantry requires expert flanking tactics. One misstep getting caught in the open means being outgunned and flanked. Retry checkpoints are spaced painfully far apart too.

Ambush at The Rhine – Escorting armored convoys along The Rhine invites attacks from all directions. Mortars barrage the field while snipers flank through the forests. Choose wrong and not only will you die, but mission failure restarts from the beginning. Not fun.

Those moments will test the patience of all but the most hardened platoon leaders. But overcoming them delivers immense satisfaction nowhere else found in the COD universe. Which brings me to…

Tips and Strategies To Survive the Onslaught

Conquering WW2‘s campaign, especially on higher difficulties, takes skill, strategy, and knowledge of its intricacies. After grinding through multiple playthroughs, here are my proven tips any recruit should employ:

Master Equipment Use – Unlike multiplayer modes, campaign missions provide access to specialty equipment that can literally save your hide. Portable mounted guns give added cover fire. Smoke grenades hide movements. Bandages patch up wounds. And adrenaline shots refill your health meter. Manage equipment wisely.

Pick Your Perks – Before each mission, choose character perks that support your playstyle. Extra ammo helps newcomers while stealth buffs enable covert ops tactics. The suppression perk is excellent for providing cover fire for the squad to advance positions.

Rotate Saves – Lean heavily on manual saves often. WW2 only checkpoints after certain actions or events, sometimes leading to replaying extremely hard sections if you die at the wrong moment. Save rotating mitigates potential frustrations.

Focus Fire With Your Squad – Enemies in WW2 are lethal even on lower difficulties. Avoid Rambo heroics charging ahead alone. Using your squad to concentrate fire on the highest threats first makes taking objectives easier. Their health packs and ammo tosses are invaluable too.

Patience Is Key – Resist rushing ahead between cover or letting enemies flank your sides. Caution and patience might seem boring, but they‘ll keep you alive far longer. Draw out enemies from behind cover with suppressing fire or grenades rather than confronting directly. Survival takes precedence over speed running levels during intense firefights.

Now that we‘ve covered tips to endure the WW2 campaign gauntlet, let‘s examine why this particular COD still warrants recommendation despite its notorious difficulty…

An Emotional WW2 Story Makes the Pain Worthwhile

Unlike the bombastic spectacle common in recent COD titles, WW2 smartly centers its narrative and gameplay around following a single squad throughout the entire journey. We witness their bonds strengthened in battle, losses suffered, victories celebrated, and trauma endured across various wartime fronts.

Seeing familiar faces interact outside combat during brief respites highlights their growing camaraderie. Playable character Ronald "Red" Daniels also represents one of the most well developed COD protagonists in years thanks to strong writing and acting.

This return to boots-on-the-ground warfare and focus on player/squad investment creates some of the most poignant story moments ever seen in a Call of Duty release.

That depth of emotional connection makes pushing onward through each relentless battle and setback more meaningful. We feel compelled to fight on and aid our band of brothers. The story of their individual journeys helps offset and incentivize conquering the game‘s difficulty spike in my opinion.

In closing, Call of Duty: WW2 confidently earns its reputation as an extremely tough-as-nails yet wholly rewarding entry many fans regard as a franchise highlight. Newcomers should properly set difficulty expectations and not hesitate utilizing survival-focused tactics. Yet those able to endure will experience an engrossing campaign filled with some of war gaming‘s most satisfying victories.

Now who‘s ready to drop into France with me and storm Omaha Beach one more time? It will be a pleasure fighting alongside you, soldiers!

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