Is Cannibal Bigger Than Balerion? A Dragon Size Guide

As an avid ASOIAF fan and co-host of the Westeros Cast podcast, one question I get asked constantly is: Was the ominous wild dragon Cannibal bigger than Aegon the Conqueror‘s mighty dragon Balerion, the Black Dread? Many hardcore fans strongly insist yes – but what does the canon lore and author himself say?

Let‘s fully investigate this heated debate once and for all, fellow maesters! 🐉

No – Balerion Still Reigns Supreme in Size

The simple answer is no: George R.R. Martin has confirmed that Balerion the Black Dread remains the largest Targaryen dragon in history. As he told Sporcle:

Balerion the Black Dread was the largest Targaryen dragon, yes. Dragonlore is notoriously difficult to piece together and prone to exaggeration and fabrication, but according to the best histories, Balerion was the largest dragon to survive the Doom of Valyria.

So unless future books reveal otherwise, we can safely say the Cannibal does not surpass Balerion‘s colossal scale. But he‘s still an absolute unit compared to most dragons in the era!

How The Two Titans Measure Up

Let‘s break down how these apex predators compare using all verified sources:

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DragonLengthWingspanHeightAge at Death
Balerion~130-180 ft200-250 ft~65 ft standing~220 years
Cannibal~100-140 ft150-200 ft~50 ftUnknown, 300+ years presumed

As we can see, Balerion utterly dwarfs his wild cousin in every physical aspect, despite the Cannibal‘s tremendously long life. Now, these numbers aren‘t exact of course, but based on textual clues like Balerion swallowing mammoths whole and extensive analysis from expert fans.

But Could The Cannibal Still Beat Balerion in Combat?

This is where things gets fun. 🐲🔥

Yes, Balerion had superior size, strength and rider chemistry. But the elder Cannibal likely had more cunning, wiliness and combat experience from surviving alone so long.

If the two dragons had somehow clashed, here‘s my speculation on the epic showdown:

  • Initial Phase: Balerion catches his smaller foe off-guard with a sustained barrage of black fire. But the Cannibal swiftly evades into cloud cover. He then attempts hit-and-run attacks to wear Balerion down.

  • Mid Phase: Annoyed, Balerion pursues and tries pinning his agile opponent. The Cannibal cannot match the Black Dread in air wrestling and takes injuries.

  • End Phase: Desperate, the Cannibal lures Balerion to Dragonmont for an ambush among the volcano caves. He lands several surprise attacks but takes a battering. Ultimately age and exhaustion forces Cannibal to retreat into hiding once more.

So while Balerion wins due to sheer power, the elder dragon makes him fight for it! And himself escapes too crippled to be a threat again.

How Other Key Dragons Size Up

To complete this guide, here‘s a ranking of notable dragons sizes that factor into debates around Balerion and Cannibal:

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Dragon NameRelative SizeNotable Details
VhagarNearly equal to BalerionLast living dragon from the Conquest; rode by multiple Targaryens
VermithorSecond largest; 2/3rds Balerion‘s sizeOnce the dragon of King Jaehaerys I
SilverwingLarger than CaraxesQueen Alysanne‘s former dragon
CaraxesSimilar size to CannibalAlso called the Blood Wyrm; rode by Daemon Targaryen
SyraxLarger than ArraxDragon of Queen Rhaenyra
ArraxSmaller winged dragonPrince Lucerys Velaryon‘s young mount
TyraxesLarger than MoondancerDragon of Prince Joffrey Velaryon
MoondancerExtremely young dragonetIntended dragon for Princess Baela Targaryen

Hope this comprehensive dragon guide clears up the long-running fan debate around Cannibal vs. Balerion once and for all! Let me know your thoughts or any lore I may have missed. And as always: Fire & Blood! 🔥 🩸

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