No, Carolyn is not confirmed to be part of The Twelve

As a long-time games blogger and content creator, I appreciate when characters have rich, multidimensional backstories that leave fans debating motivations and hidden allegiances. Carolyn Martens, the cunning MI6 mastermind in Killing Eve, is one such character – her complex history and contradictary actions have sparked endless theories about whether she was secretly part of the shadowy crime syndicate known as The Twelve. After examining all available evidence from the TV series, interviews with cast/crew, and analyzing fan discussions, I don‘t believe there is definitive proof placing Carolyn in The Twelve. However, the door is very much left open for interpretation given her morally grey past.

Carolyn‘s History with Enigmatic Konstantin

Carolyn has an intricately tangled history with the Russian former-KGB agent Konstantin Vasiliev. They clearly share intimate secrets about The Twelve and perhaps even a romantic past. However, Konstantin himself is not portrayed as being an actual member of the Twelve‘s cabal. This casts doubt on claims that Carolyn was affiliated with them.

That said, Carolyn and Konstantin have worked extensively together manipulating events behind the scenes. Their shared knowledge of The Twelve‘s operations suggest closer ties than publicly admitted. I‘ve assembled a timeline of their major collusions below:

Late 1990sCarolyn recruits Konstantin as an asset when he worked for the Russian Interior Ministry
UnknownThe two have a daughter together – Kenny Stowton, who later works under Carolyn at MI6
2014They orchestrate the assassination of Victor Kedrin, which leads to Villanelle‘s recruitment as a hitwoman for The Twelve
2016-17Konstantin handles Villanelle as her handler per Carolyn‘s wishes, not directly for the Twelve

So while not ironclad evidence, their continued collaboration and inside knowledge of The Twelve‘s key events make it plausible Carolyn had closer ties than she admitted.

Carolyn‘s Ruthlessness and Ambition

As part of British intelligence, Carolyn frequently operates in legal and ethical grey areas. She‘s willing to bend rules, allow collateral damage, and manipulate people to achieve her aims. While dedicated to Queen & Country, her ambition and ruthlessness have led to actions that could be interpreted as serving The Twelve.

For example, she ordered the assassination of Villanelle in the climactic Season 4 finale. On its own, this could be seen as removing a threat to national security. However, it also allowed her to get back in the good graces of MI6 after having been fired. It‘s possible there were mutual interests for the Twelve served by the killing as well.

Theories Around Carolyn‘s Motives and Affiliations

Given Carolyn‘s complexity, fans have many theories about her being secretly affiliated with The Twelve:

  • She was a deep cover double agent planted in MI6 by the Twelve from the start
  • She made a deal with the Twelve to take over command after eliminating the old leadership in Season 4
  • She only worked with them when it served her personal interests for power/status, but was not a true loyalist

Personally, based on my analysis of her character arc, I believe the last explanation above to be most likely. I think Carolyn ultimately serves only Carolyn – she used the Twelve when advantageous to boost her own position and influence.

Carolyn Fulfills the Antihero Trope

As a gamer and lover of complex narratives, I appreciate characters like Carolyn that have a chaotic mix of principled intentions and egotistical goals. She fulfills the classic antihero trope – fiercely principled in service of queen and country, yet utterly machiavellian and selfish in her methods. Other iconic examples include Alucard from Castlevania Netflix Series or the violent vigilante anti-heroes of the Punisher comics.

By leaving her loyalty and motivations ambiguous, the writers have made Carolyn one of Killing Eve‘s most fascinating characters. Even with the series now ended, the mystery around enigmatic Carolyn will keep fans theorizing and debating for years to come.

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