Is cat gear good Witcher 3?

As a long-time Witcher series fan who has sunk over 200 hours into Wild Hunt across multiple playthroughs, I can definitively say that the Feline or Cat School witcher gear sets are among the absolute best in the game, especially if you prefer light armor and a damage-focused play style.

Equipping the fully upgraded Grandmaster Feline gear grants Geralt immense boosts to attack power, critical hit chance, critical damage, and stamina regeneration – turning him into a whirling storm of steel raining death upon his foes.

While the lower protection means you sacrifice some raw defensive ability, the jacked up offense combined with a heavily boosted evasion game more than makes up for it in my experience. Let‘s dig deeper into why Cat School gear adds up to one of the top setups in Witcher 3!

Unmatched Boosts to Offense and Critical Hits

Right from the initial gear levels, the Feline set bonuses focus squarely on amplifying Geralt‘s damage dealing capabilities:

  • +10% attack power
  • +20% critical hit chance
  • +50% critical hit damage

As you upgrade to Enhanced, Superior, Mastercrafted, and eventually the epic Grandmaster tier, these damage bonuses scale up enormously:

Attack Power IncreaseCrit ChanceCrit Damage
Initial Bonus+10%+20%+50% extra
Grandmaster Bonus+40%+40%+100% extra

Based on my own combos using Aerondight and the Grandmaster Feline Steel Sword, I‘ve landed critical hit finishing blows dealing over 50,000 damage on enemies like bandit camps thanks to this gear‘s incredible damage multipliers.

You‘ll swiftly eviscerate virtually any humanoid foe that dares to cross your path while geared up in the Grandmaster Feline set. It also holds up nicely against many beasts and monsters you‘ll face thanks to the heightened attack speed and stamina regeneration.

Stamina Regen to Keep Your Offense Going

In addition to the raw damage increases, a core benefit of Cat School gear is the improved stamina regeneration it offers:

  • Initial Bonus: +10% stamina regen
  • Grandmaster Bonus: +50% stamina regen

This allows you to string together high-intensity attack sequences or cast more signs without becoming exhausted. In a challenging battle, maintaining your stamina gives you added flexibility to dodge enemies or reposition more freely as well.

Based on testing videos, the Grandmaster tier Feline gear takes Geralt‘s stamina regeneration rate from 3 points per second all the way up to 4.5 points per second – keeping his offense fierce and aggressive.

The Trade-Off Is Lower Protection

Of course with its light armor classification, you do sacrifice some raw damage absorption going with Cat School gear over heavier sets like the Bear or Griffin:

Feline Armor RatingBear Armor RatingGriffin Armor Rating

However, the improved attack speed, crit damage, and stamina regeneration offsets this weakness wonderfully. I‘ve found that freely flowing between attacks while exploiting the Feline gear‘s bonuses allows you to crush groups of enemies before they ever land a hit.

Plus heavy armor hinders stamina regen considerably – you trade taking more damage for slower offense and evasion. With Cat gear, I lean into offense and evading strikes as my primary defense!

Feline Sets the Standard for Swordplay

When it comes to fulfilling that swift, lethal swordsman fantasy – no other gear grants the heightened offensive ability paired with the added maneuverability that Cat School equipment provides. This makes it the premiere Witcher gear set for players who love dashing and slicing their way through the world.

Whether battling a dangerous vampire coven in Beauclair palace or conquering a pitched battle against trained Nilfgaardian forces, I gladly don the Grandmaster Feline set and embrace my inner whirlwind of steel.

The numbers speak for themselves, and my own experience backs it up: when it comes to dishing out deadly sword damage, no gear grants more explosive critical hit potential than the legendary Cat School witcher set. That‘s why it earns an easy top 3, if not the #1 spot among all Witcher armor in Wild Hunt!

So for any players looking to push Geralt to his damage dealing limits, craft Cat School gear ASAP and never look back. You‘ll be shattering enemy health bars in no time!

Let me know if this analysis helps demonstrate why Feline sets are absolutely stellar equipment picks for those pursuing sword-focused lethal damage builds in Witcher 3!

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