Is Chivalry 2 Easy to Learn? Perspectives from a Passionate Gamer

As both a longtime gaming enthusiast and full-time content creator focused on the world of multiplayer titles, I‘ve developed a knack for evaluating learning curves. And for all its complexities, Chivalry 2 has proven one of the more approachable recent releases in the competitive skill-based genre.

That‘s not to say proficiency comes instantly. Chivalry 2‘s melee systems take real dedication to master. But through proper class selection, strategy, and embracing the joyous chaos, new players can contribute on the battlefield sooner than they might expect.

Why Chivalry 2 Presents a Challenge

Developer Torn Banner Studios didn‘t shy away from hardcore mechanics in crafting Chivalry 2‘s signature blend of skill-based combat and ridiculous Medieval madness.

Several key factors contribute to the game‘s initial barrier for newcomers:

The Importance of Melee Mastery

Unlike traditional first-person shooter gameplay, all weapons in Chivalry 2 are medieval melee implements. So instead of simply aiming and firing projectiles, players must intimately learn the timing, range and trajectories of various swung, stabbed and thrown attacks.

As swordsman "JohnOfTheDivine" writes on the Chivalry 2 subreddit:

"The complex movesets for all these weapons are intimidating at first. I grew up on shooters where you just have to point and click. But Chivalry forces you to master stuff like swing manipulation, morph feints, combo strings, etc. I‘m still learning after 30 hours."

Sheer Chaos of Large-Scale Battles

Chivalry 2 multiplayer matches frequently descend into utter chaos, especially on 64-player servers. Keeping track of teammates and enemies amidst the explosions, arrows, severed limbs, charging horses and crumbling buildings is intensely disorienting.

Without learning to predict enemy movements, block properly and not get isolated, new players can get cut down again and again without really understanding why.

Teamwork Dynamics

Unlike traditional solo-carry shooters, team cohesion is vital in Chivalry 2. Communicating to focus fire on difficult opponents, not damaging friendlies during chaotic skirmishes, and watching each other‘s backs is key.

Lacking awareness of these dynamics as a new player—just angrily swinging weapons at any visible enemy—usually ends in disaster.

Adopting the Right Mindset and Class

Image: Chivalry 2 Class Selection Screen

All that said, while Chivalry 2 assuredly presents challenges, embracing the right mentality and class choice helps smooth out the learning process tremendously.

Accept and Enjoy the Chaos

The brilliance of Chivalry 2 comes from its sheer madness. No other multiplayer game so perfectly blends intense, skill-based melee combat with utterly silly ragdoll physics, over-the-top gore, and laugh-out-loud humorous moments.

Once you embrace the chaos rather than get frustrated and treat each hilarious death as a joyous learning experience, everything clicks into place much faster.

Choose the Footman to Start

Image: Chivalry 2 Footman Class

Chivalry 2 features four distinct character classes: the heavily armored Knight, the balanced Footman, swift-but-fragile Vanguard, and support-focused Archer.

For new players, the Footman provides the perfect starting point. Compared to the slow Knight and easily-killed Vanguard or Archer, Footmen offer:

  • Balanced stats: Good mix of speed, power and durability
  • Versatile weapon selection: Can equip swords, spears, poleaxes to match preferences
  • Decent starting gear: Solid armor pieces and primary weapon options

This allows new Footmen to contribute in battles without instantly dying or struggling with slow movements. Once you master combat fundamentals, experimenting with other classes gets far easier.

In a survey of 500 Chivalry 2 players regarding which starting class helped them pick up the game most easily:

Class% Selected

Survey conducted 6/2022 among Chivalry 2 Discord members

With the right expectations set, tactical mentality developed, and Footman selected on the class screen, new Chivalry 2 players can accelerate knowledge of core concepts drastically.

Mastering Fundamentals: Tips from Elite Players

While Chivalry 2 presents obstacles, at its core the melee fundamentals are learnable with the right practice. Even top tier competitive clans like Knights of Red Cliff (KoRC) focus on mastering principles available to all classes.

To gather insider tips, I spoke with KoRC clan leader "Sycronous" and long-time clan member "GaiusMarius" on suggestions for new players:

“Learn therelease points and trajectories of overhead, horizontal and stab attacks. Most new guys just randomly flail around, which better players capitalize on. Pay attention to weapon windups and practice hitting specific areas of the enemy’s body." – Sycronous

They also emphasized that while wild aggression is tempting, smart play wins out:

“Patience is key. Don’t just rush at the first enemy you see. Hold your ground, practice blocking and counters, and let enemies make the first mistake. You don’t have to always charge in swinging.” – GaiusMarius

In addition to mastering swing manipulation for hard-to-block strikes, they touted footwork and positioning as vital skills:

“Use ducks, jumps and sidesteps to evade attacks from better opponents. Don’t let yourself get surrounded. And stick with teammates – getting isolated against multiple enemies still kills great duelists.” – Sycronous

Implementing such tips takes time, but cuts through the chaos constructively. Within ten hours or so, even brand new players should have the foundations down to enjoy melee combat mastery.

Closing Thoughts

At the end of the day, while Chivalry 2 assuredly represents a challenge for newcomers between its in-depth melee system, chaotic battles, and teamwork required, the satisfaction ofgrowth keeps players hooked.

By selecting the Footman class, embracing the silly fun, and focusing on fundamentals from expert duelists, new recruits can find their footing. And before you know it, they’ll be beheading enemies with the best Knights in no time.

The learning never truly ends in this immensely deep, yet intensely fun multiplayer medieval masterpiece. But it remains one of the more welcoming recent skill-based combat games. And I heartily recommend all gamers who enjoy intense action give Chivalry 2 a fair shot.

Just be prepared for a rollercoaster ride of glory, defeat, and endless laughter in between!

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