Is Cintra under Nilfgaard?

As a long-time Witcher fan, this is a question I‘ve often pondered. On the surface, the answer seems to be yes ‒ Cintra now flies the black and gold banners of the Nilfgaardian empire after being conquered not once, but twice, by the south‘s rising superpower.

However, a closer look reveals a more nuanced dynamic between the once proud Cintran kingdom and its occupying force. While Emperor Emhyr var Emreis claims Cintra‘s throne through questionable means, seeds of Cintran nationalism and anti-Nilfgaardian resentment may yet flourish.

Cintra and Nilfgaard: A Bloody History

To understand Cintra‘s current status, we must delve into its turbulent history with the imperial juggernaut of the south. Our story begins with two pivotal figures ‒ Calanthe, the Lioness of Cintra, and Emhyr var Emreis of Nilfgaard, though he was then known as Duny of Erlenwald.

The Lioness Who Wouldn‘t Roar

Queen Calanthe presided over Cintra‘s golden age. Her triumphs on the battlefield and shrewd political alliances made Cintra respected and feared in equal measure. Calanthe firmly refused all suitors for her only daughter, Pavetta, to ensure her bloodline retained the right to rule.

However, during Pavetta‘s betrothal feast, Calanthe was outmaneuvered by the witcher Geralt of Rivia. By invoking the Law of Surprise, Geralt introduced the mysterious Duny of Erlenwald into Calanthe’s court ‒ and her daughter’s arms.

The False Urcheon Who Would Be Emperor

In truth, Duny was Emhyr var Emreis, crown prince of Nilfgaard in hiding after a coup. Thanks to Geralt, he not only claimed Pavetta’s hand, but smuggled his way into Cintra’s royal family. Pavetta later gave birth to a daughter ‒ Cirilla.

So when Emhyr emerged years later as Nilfgaard’s ruthless new emperor, he commanded a personal stake in Cintra’s future. And Nilfgaard, ever hungry for conquest, would soon set its sights on the North.

First Nilfgaardian Invasion and the Sack of Cintra

In 1263, the First Nilfgaard War erupted as Emperor Emhyr unleashed his legions. With alarming speed, Nilfgaard troops swept through Ebbing, overwhelmied the Dol Blathanna elves, and invaded Brugge and Sodden.

However, their advance was halted at Sodden Hill. The magical onslaught unleashed there decimated Nilfgaard’s mage corps and forces, buying the North needed time.

Still, the tide turned when Queen Calanthe‘s forces clashed with the Nilfgaardians at Marnadal Valley. Her charge was devastating ‒ but suicidal. Cintran casualties were massive, with Calanthe herself gravely injured.

Nilfgaard seized the opportunity to lay siege Cintra‘s capital with their full might. After weeks of bombardment, the walls were breached, allowing the notorious sack of Cintra in 1263. It was an absolute bloodbath, with untold rapes and murders as Nilfgaard‘s troops rioted.

Queen Calanthe committed suicide by throwing herself off the castle tower rather than be taken prisoner. Her granddaughter Cirilla vanished amidst the chaos, denying Emhyr’s ultimate prize.

1263Battle of Marnadal ValleyDecisive Nilfgaard victory
1263Sack of CintraEmhyr fails to capture Cirilla

Cintra Under Occupation

After their hard-fought victory, Nilfgaard wasted no time breaking Cintra to their will. They swiftly dispersed the last Cintran loyalists and began remaking Cintra as an imperial territory.

Nilfgaard implemented their standard tactics ‒ unchecked brutality followed by calculated bribery ‒ to suppress further dissent. Resistance was harshly punished through mass executions or assignments to penal battalions.

At the same time, they offered social mobility and lucrative positions to Cintrans willing to collaborate. Over time, resentment faded to resigned acceptance across much of the populace.

So as Emhyr withdrew forces for his next campaign and installed a Nilfgaard regent, he achieved an uneasy Nilfgaardian peace in Cintra through shrewd domination. The once proud Cintrans were well and truly cowed.

The Second Nilfgaard War – A New Invasion

Barely 15 years after ravaging Cintra and the North, Nilfgaard launched their second invasion in 1271. This time, Emperor Emhyr marshaled unprecedented resources to support another massive southern push into the Northern Realms.

Winning the First War had fueled runaway imperial ambitions. Emhyr’s new vision was total conquest of the North and center of the continent to forge a vast Nilfgaardian empire. Now that vision drove Nilfgaard’smilitary might northwards once more on a warpath that again turned towards Cintra.

Invasion and More Blood

Nilfgaard opened the war by unleashing combined armies over 100,000 strong across the Northern borders. They swarmed through Ebbing, Maecht, Verden, Caelf, and elsewhere to devastating effect. Enemy armies were repeatedly outmaneuvered and flanked by the disciplined Nilfgaard forces.

However, Ard Skellig and Temeria rallied a strong Northern coalition that took a heavy toll pushing Nilfgaards’s advance back. Still, the second sack of Cintra occurred in 1272 during the invasion‘s height.

Once more, the streets of Cintra ran red with those deemed collaborators with the North. Nilfgaard also secured naval dominance, surface raiding, and an attempted landing in Skellige.

But failing to draw the Northern rulers into a decisive clash, the campaign turned into an extended guerilla conflict from 1272-1273. Northern partisans with royal backing wrought havoc on Nilfgaard‘s overextended supply lines.

12722nd Sack of CintraTerror campaign against Northern ‘collaborators‘
1273Guerilla war phase beginsNilfgaard unable to force decisive battle

Checkmate at the Peace of Cintra

By 1273, exhaustion and stretched supply lines forced Nilfgaard to sue for peace. The terms were negotiated at Cintra, earning the war‘s conclusion the name “Peace of Cintra”.

In the Peace, Emhyr gained acknowledgment of his formal claim to Cintra’s vacant throne by marrying a false Cirilla, presented by court insiders.

Cintra became an autonomous kingdom within the empire, keeping local administration and trade systems intact. On paper, independence was preserved.

Yet the Peace Treaty granted Nilfgaard military access and huge economic rights. Emhyr installed the turncoat Voorhis family as viceroys to oversee integration.

De Facto Annexation

So while Cintra technically remained a sovereign nation, the treaty reduced it to a Nilfgaard puppet state. Foreign policy, law, commerce, and power were heavily dictated from the Nilfgaard capital to serve imperial interests. Economically, demographically, militarily and politically, Cintra now danced to Nilfgaard’s tune.

Cintran Independence Sentiments Simmer

Given their vexing history with expansionary Nilfgaardian ambitions, it is no surprise many surviving Cintrans harbor simmering resentment towards their southern overlords. While the nobility largely adapted, the common Cintran remembers the savagery of 1273.

Occasional protests still erupt against unfair Viceroy judgements or discriminatory edicts. Graffiti and vandalism communicating anti-Nilfgaardian sentiment is an enduring nuisance for the City Patrol.

However, Cintran discontent has yet to spark wider unrest thanks to ever-present Nilfgaard troops prepared to deter and discipline such displays. The retained memory of violent crackdowns spurs many to swallow their fury and do nothing.

YearDissent ExamplesNilfgaardian Response
1275Crowd riots protesting grain shipmentsSwift and harsh military suppression
1281Defacement spree targeting Imperial symbolsCrackdown and purge of known rabble-rousers
1287Mass demonstrations over unjust land seizuresDeployment of mounted patrols led to street clashes

Some dissent has turned inward, adopting a more nationalist flavor rather than directly targeting Nilfgaard.

These activists exalt Cintran identity and pre-invasion traditions rather than issue impotent threats against Nilfgaard. Such non-violent cultural assertion earns wary eyes rather than open retaliation from the Viceroyalty.

“Sons and daughters of the Lioness! Our beloved kingdom 
may be chained, but the Cintran spirit shall never die.”

- Anonymous pamphlet, 1283

For now, a tenuous peace persists in Cintra. However, the Notice Boards are dotted with recruitment pleas for Northern partisan groups promising payment and vengeance…

Potential Future of Cintra’s Independence

Given the deep history binding Cintra to Nilfgaard’s imperial ambitions, we must wonder ‒ will Cintra ever regain independence? Can Nilfgaard maintain its firm grip, or could tensions escalate?

As a Witcher lore aficionado, I predict two possible scenarios that could determine Cintra‘s status in future tales.

Cintran Uprising Arc

If Cintran resentment boils over into organized resistance, an independence uprising could erupt catching Nilfgaard by surprise. Inspired by Northern success against Nilfgaard such as at Sodden Hill, underground rebels could spark a civil war in Cintra.

This mirrors historical cycles where imperial overreach leads to rebellion from conquered but unassimilated regions. Cintran rebels might even secure outside aid from Temeria or Redania playing political games against Emhyr var Emreis.

Such a Cintran uprising would present an exciting story arc for game content or Witcher works! Seeing Cintra throw off the Nilggardian yoke would reinvigorate the surviving Northern Realms against their aggressive foe.

Possible Key Events

  • Underground rebel network carries out attacks on Imperial officials
  • Uprising declares renewed Cintran independence and forms resistance army
  • Nilfgaard distracted by war with Temeria hesitate to react
  • Cintran rebels gain momentum and widespread public support

Cintra as Nilfgard’s Heartland

However, the more likely outcome is Cintra remaining subservient to the immense imperialist forces cementing Nilfgaardian control.

Harsh crackdowns on early hints of organized dissent may scare the Cintran populace into continued reluctant acceptance of Nilfgaardian authority. Moreover, heavy military presence at vital roads and rivers allows rapid reaction to extinguish unrest.

Over time, continued migration and intermarriage makes Cintra more culturally Nilfgaardian. The old guard Cintran nationalists die out, replaced by generations accustomed to imperial governance and values. Economic benefits from trade and stability further integration.

With the lapse of decades, Cintra transitions into becoming Core Nilfgaardian territory in identity and allegiance rather than a resentful, occupied land.

Possible Contributing Factors

  • Migration from other Nilfgaard territories settling in Cintra
  • Intermarriage and families with mixed Cintran/Nilfgaardian heritage
  • Trade links and economic alignment with imperial center
  • Cintran youth adoption of Nilfgaardian culture and values

Here Cintra remains under Nilfgaard but willingly so, having become the empire’s northern heartland. A blend of cunning violence and patient assimilation ensures Cirilla’s former kingdom stays under the black sun banner.

The Complex Relationship Continues

In conclusion, the question “Is Cintra under Nilfgaard” warrants a nuanced answer. While technically autonomous on paper after the Peace of Cintra, Imperial might calls the real shots in Cintra.

Emhyr var Emreis and his successors largely succeeded in turning Cintra from bitter rival into an unwilling imperial partner. However, neither swords or signatures can easily erase the living memories of Cintran survivors who recall an era before the black ones came.

The possibility of future chaos remains. Despite outward stability from fear and collaboration, nationalist embers yet smolder in Cintran hearts. One wind from the North may fan them into open fire once again.

Yet Cintra also continues slowly shedding its coerced identity, as young generations embrace the opportunities of empire rather than cling to old divisions. Ultimately time will tell whether the Lioness’s legacy lives on or fades as Cintra marches unwillingly but inextricably towards a Nilfgaardian future.

Let me know what you think of my analysis down below! What are your theories for events in the Continent decades after the Peace of Cintra? Does Cintra have hope for independence? Or will the black sun continue to loom over fallen lion banners?

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