Is Citra decrypted or CIA?

As an avid fan of the 3DS platform and emulator scene, this is a question I get asked a lot! So let me break it down for you…

The Short Answer

Citra exclusively works with decrypted game images and does not support encrypted formats out of the box. You need to decrypt any encrypted games first before Citra can read them.

Decrypted vs Encrypted Game Formats

When you "dump" or extract games from a 3DS console, they can either be encrypted or decrypted:

  • Encrypted – Game data is scrambled and unreadable without the console‘s unique keys
  • Decrypted – Game data is extracted in its original readable format

As an open-source emulator, Citra does not have access to your console‘s private keys. So it can only load games that are already decrypted!

Citra Compatible Game Formats

Citra supports the following common 3DS formats:

.3dsDecrypted game image
.cciDecrypted game card image
.cxiDecrypted executable
.3dsxHomebrew executable
.ciaInstallable decrypted package

As you can see, all Citra-compatible formats contain the game data in a decrypted state.

Getting Encrypted Games to Run on Citra

If you have an encrypted game you want to use with Citra, you‘ll first need to decrypt it. Here‘s what to do:

1. Dump the Encrypted Game Off Your 3DS

To legally obtain an encrypted game dump for decryption, you must first homebrew a compatible 3DS. Tools like GodMode9 or Hourglass9 can then safely dump your purchased games to a file on the SD card.

I don‘t recommend downloading encrypted dumps – you never know their providence! Stick to dumping your own console if you want to legally play backups.

2. Decrypt the Dump Using 3DS Decryption Tools

There are a couple of well-known tools for decrypting 3DS game dumps:

  • 3DS Decryptor – Desktop software for Windows/Mac
  • GodMode9 – Scriptable decryption on the 3DS itself

Simply load your encrypted .3ds/.cci file and export a decrypted .3ds/.cci. Check my guide below for step-by-step instructions.

3. Load the Decrypted Dump in Citra!

With your dump decrypted, Citra will now happily load it up like any other decrypted game image!

It‘s that easy to get encrypted games running for your emulator enjoyment!

Citra Game Compatibility Breakdown

As of February 2023, here‘s how different game formats stack up compatibility-wise in Citra:

FormatTotal GamesPlayableIngameIntro/Menu

While the .cia format dominates in total number of games, there‘s practically no difference running .cia over .3ds files. Both load identical decrypted game data – the extras in .cia are for 3DS installation.

So my recommendation is to go with whichever decrypted format you can easily obtain for each game through legal dumping/decryption.

Expert Tip

An advantage of .cia formats is they often include game updates and DLC packed neatly into a single installable!

In Closing

I hope this guide has shed some light on Citra‘s decrypted vs encrypted game support! Let me know if you have any other questions – whether for decryping games or best settings to run smooth emulation.

Game on!

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