Is Clash a Girl in Rainbow Six Siege?

Yes, the operator Clash is female. Although her tough appearance may appear masculine, Clash is canonically a woman. As an iconic defender known for confronting prejudice, she represents strong female leadership in Rainbow Six Siege.

Who is Clash?

Clash‘s real name is Morowa Evans. She was born in London, England and excelled from a young age at calling out injustice. According to her official bio, Clash "repeatedly put herself in harm‘s way to stand up for those who couldn‘t stand up for themselves."

By age 20, Clash was highly admired for leading the fight against racist groups. Her bravery and commitment to equality made her well-suited for Team Rainbow. Now, Clash uses her signature riot shield and delayed-damage shocks to lock down areas and punish opponents who underestimate her.

As a symbol for issues like racial justice and female empowerment, Clash occupies an important place in Rainbow Six Siege. She represents marginalized communities while demonstrating that women can not only hold their own, but excel in elite special forces.

Other Notable Female Operators

Clash paved the way, but Rainbow Six Siege now showcases an impressive roster of female operators on both attack and defense. As of 2023, there are 17 women out of 47 total operators – over 36% of Team Rainbow.

While early Rainbow Six games featured far fewer female characters, Siege has made representation and diversity key priorities:

Founding Operators

  • Ash – Leads Rainbow‘s assault teams with her M120 CREM breaching rounds
  • Twitch – Uses her shock drones to destroy enemy gadgets
  • IQ – Detects electronics through walls with specialized monitoring gear

Year 1 DLC

  • Valkyrie – Camouflages Black Eye cameras to survey the battlefield
  • Frost – Subdues enemies in painful traps with razor-sharp teeth

Year 2

  • Ela – Concusses groups of opponents with proximity mines
  • Zofia – Withstands explosions using self-revival ability
  • Ying – Flashes rooms of enemies with her Candela charges

Year 3

  • Mira – Provides intel and firing lines through Black Mirrors
  • Alibi – Deceives opponents with hologram decoys

Year 4

  • Gridlock – Covers flanking routes with spikes and traps
  • Amaru – Flanks aggressively with her Garra grappling hook

Year 5

  • Iana – Assaults behind enemy lines controlling a holographic double
  • Melusi – Slows enemy advances with cries that disorient

Year 6

  • Thunderbird – Restores teammates‘ health with healing stations
  • Azami – Secures areas by patching bullet holes and breaches

With many more operators likely on the horizon, Rainbow Six Siege sets a positive example for women in gaming and special forces settings alike. The list above features heavy hitters from around the world, showing that women can more than pull their weight in dangerous hotspots.

As a longtime Siege player, I‘m proud to see leaders like Ash, Frost, and now Azami outmaneuvering opponents and dominating firefights. And Clash deserves full recognition not just for skill in combat, but representing protest movements and racial justice off the field.

LGBTQ Representation

Beyond gender diversity, Rainbow Six Siege has recently spotlighted operators who identify as LGBTQ as well. According to their official bios:

  • Flores is Rainbow Team‘s first openly gay operator
  • Newcomer Sens is Siege‘s inaugural non-binary specialist
  • Osa is lesbian and determined to prove women have a place on the frontlines

With these new additions in 2024, Rainbow Six Siege demonstrates an inclusive environment for players. And the response from Siege‘s community has been incredibly supportive overall.

Many fans are passionate about operator backstories and seeing themselves represented. So it‘s encouraging to see Ubisoft expanding Team Rainbow‘s diversity in thoughtful, multi-dimensional ways over time.

Here‘s a recap of Rainbow Six Siege‘s current operators by gender identity:

Gender IdentityOperator CountExamples
Female17Ash, Frost, Melusi
Male29Sledge, Pulse, Oryx

Siege sets a strong example of representation and positive characterization that hopefully encourages even more inclusiveness industry-wide.

Who Are the Oldest, Tallest and Youngest Operators?

Rainbow Six fans love learning fun trivia and statistics about these elite units. So here‘s a quick reference on some key operator attributes:

Oldest Operator

At 63 years old, Zero is the most senior member of Team Rainbow. But his age and experience make him incredibly effective coordinating assault teams.

Tallest Operator

On defense, Oryx and Kaid tie for tallest operator at 6‘5‘‘ (1.95m).

For attack, Sledge towers over the competition at 6‘4‘‘ (1.93m). His height likely comes in handy swinging a 16-pound sledgehammer!

Youngest Operator

Thorn is Rainbow‘s most recent 25-year old operator, along with Mute, Finka, Caveira and others. Their elite training began at very young ages.

Smallest Operator

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Iana is the shortest operator by far at just 5‘2‘‘ (1.57m). But her brilliant mind makes up for any physical presence she may lack.

Here‘s a breakdown by height, including the middle ground:

HeightOperator CountExamples
6‘4‘‘+4Sledge, Oryx, Kaid, Gridlock
5‘10‘‘-6‘2‘‘24Zofia, Ace, Smoke, Valkyrie
Under 5‘6‘‘5Mozzie, Zero, Sens, Iana

So while many operators meet expected size standards for special forces, Rainbow Team also demonstrates that skill, intelligence and grit matter far more than height or other attributes.

This focus on diversity and representation is part of what makes Siege such an engaging experience even through eight years of updates. Ubisoft‘s commitment to crafting elite operators from all backgrounds makes the game richer and connects with wider audiences.

And as a devoted player since Rainbow Six Siege‘s launch, I‘ve loved seeing both the inclusiveness and gameplay evolve each year. Every new operation brings more perspectives, cultures and specialized abilities together in engaging PVP showdowns.

Let me know which operators are your favorites or if you have any other questions in the comments!

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