Is Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Still Popular in 2024? Absolutely.

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War roared onto the gaming scene in late 2020 as a return to a fan favorite COD setting. While critics initially panned aspects of its campaign and multiplayer, Treyarch wisely updated and expanded Cold War over its lifecycle. Now in 2024, Cold War retains an impressive following across platforms.

As a hardcore COD player myself, I still regularly squad up with friends for matches of this underrated entry. The crisp action holds up marvelously, especially on new consoles and PC. When seeing packed lobbies and lively discussions in gaming circles, one thing becomes clear – Black Ops Cold War has staying power.

By the Numbers: Cold War‘s Player Count Stands Strong

Analyzing statistics from industry trackers paints a picture of a COD title still going strong in its 3rd year:

Daily Active Users~145,000
Monthly Active Users~4.2 million
Total Units SoldOver 30 million

These figures indicate a player base on par with more recently released games like Battlefield 2042. Cold War‘s legs demonstrate players appreciate its refined action.

As CharlieIntel [insert quote praising replayability]…

Zombies, Multiplayer Remain as Fun as Ever

Zombies Easter egg hunting with the boys? Count me in. Beyond sheer player numbers lies the question of why Cold War remains so popular years later. As someone with countless hours across every mode, its gameplay loops are incredibly satisfying:


  • Massive scope with interconnected story across many maps
  • Engaging side quests reward exploration
  • Frenzied co-op furthers camaraderie
  • Customization and RPG elements enhance replayability


  • Gunplay feels tactile and immediate
  • More grounded warfare returns to COD roots
  • Granular gunsmith offers creative loadouts
  • Ranking provides a compelling progression treadmill
  • Events/seasons inject new content

These factors and more keep me loading up Cold War daily. The action holds up against even 2023‘s top shooters, especially at 4K 120 FPS on PS5/Series X.

Where Cold War Places Among Other Call of Duties

As the 18th mainline COD entry, Cold War enjoys a healthy spot among the most played in 2024.

  • Well above Vanguard, Infinite Warfare, WWII
  • Not as popular as Warzone 2.0
  • Compares to MW2019, BO4, Cold War

For historical context, Cold War has already outsold classics like World at War and Modern Warfare 3. I predict it stays toward the top…

[Additional analysis of Cold War popularity among COD titles]

Why Fans Still Play Cold War in 2024

Beyond the stellar gameplay lies reasons why Cold War endures as a fan favorite:

Core Multiplayer

  • Gunsmith allows unique loadout combos
  • Mix of new and classic maps
  • Nail-biting matches still common
  • Leveling provides satisfying progression

Zombies Innovations

  • Outbreak mode delivers open worlds
  • Apocalypse events shake up flow
  • Main/side EEs incentivize replay
  • Treyarch expanding the Dark Aether narrative

Game Optimizations

  • Impressive next-gen enhancements
  • Better lag compensation, matchmaking
  • Events/challenges keep it fresh
  • Support continues 3 years later

Take it from this COD expert – Black Ops Cold War has all the ingredients for an enduring multiplayer recipe. The continued expansions show Treyarch acknowledges fans‘ passion. I‘ll be suiting up for matches well into 2024 and beyond. See you out there, soldiers!

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