Are Connor Kenway and Edward Kenway Related?

The complex lineage of the Kenways stands as a legendary hallmark of Ubisoft‘s acclaimed Assassin‘s Creed franchise. While diehard fans surely know of the heritage linking the swaggering pirate Edward Kenway of Black Flag to Connor, hero of the American Revolution, their bond still merits a deeper analysis – especially with excitement already building for new sequels.

As a gamer who has analyzed every twist in AC‘s expansive lore, I can definitively confirm the blood ties binding badass captain Edward to Ratonhnhaké:ton, also known as Connor, two bold warriors separated by a generation yet united by creed and family. How do these iconic assassins connect? And who boasts greater prowess with blade and pistol? Let‘s dive into the saga of the valiant Kenways.

Edward Kenway: Scourge of the West Indies


Edward bursts onto the scene in 2013‘s Assassin‘s Creed IV: Black Flag, an unexpected highlight that took players back to the Golden Age of Piracy in the early 18th century Caribbean. Born in Swansea, Wales in 1693, Edward lost his parents at a young age and his rocky upbringing shaped his worldview. Brash, reckless and greedy, he cares only for fortune and glory. Yet his charisma makes him a natural, if unconventional leader among the rabble of outlaws known as the Republic of Pirates.

Weapons and Fighting Style

Armed with dual flintlock pistols and wicked cutlasses, Edward excels at aggressive melee and ranged combat suited to the chaotic nature of ship battles and jungle raids. His devil-may-care persona translates into a flowing, improvisational style, using parkour acrobatics to outmaneuver foes before closing in for rapid strikes and paired pistol shots. Edward‘s brawling prowess only grows once he acquires the iconicHidden Blade, letting him dish out fluid combo kills.

Grandfather of Heroes

Over the course of Black Flag, Edward allies with the legendary Assassin Brotherhood and turns from pirate to defender of freedom. He ultimately sacrifices himself to protect his comrades, cementing his heroic legacy. Though killed in action well before Connor‘s American Revolution, Edward‘s descendants would carry on his fight…

Connor Kenway: Son of Two Worlds


Born Ratohnhaké:ton in 1756 to a British father and Mohawk mother, Connor straddles two cultures. Raised among his Native people, he witnesses colonial atrocities firsthand, spurring him to champion his tribe‘s rights in the brewing revolution. After an attack destroys his village, Connor joins the Assassin Brotherhood to confront the Templars threatening both his homeland and the fledgling nation.

Weapons and Fighting Style

Brandishing a deadly Tomahawk axe with one hand and Hidden Blade on the other, Connor also uses a bow and flintlock pistol for versatile ranged attacks. His style blends smooth, disciplined European dueling with brutal frontier warfare to lethal effect. Connor overwhelms foes with unrelenting flurries using his agile Dash ability, complemented by nature skills like hunting and tracking.

Legacy of the Kenways

As Edward‘s grandson, Connor‘s destiny was forever shaped by his ancestor – his British father Haytham was raised as a Templar unbeknownst to the elder Kenway. Over the centuries, the Kenways would be defined both by their internal quarrels alongside their shared Assassin lineage. From Edward‘s piracy to the American Revolution, their actions rippled through history.

The Kenway Family Bloodline

While fans know Edward and Connor as playable heroes, the Kenway saga stretches across centuries of intrigue and betrayal:

Key figures include:

  • Edward "The Pirate" Kenway – Born 1693, perished 1735
  • Jennifer Scott Kenway – Edward‘s beloved wife
  • Haytham "The Templar" Kenway – Son of Edward, Connor‘s father
  • Ziio – Connor‘s Native Mohawk mother
  • Ratonhnhaké:ton/"Connor" Kenway – Edward‘s grandson, 1736-unknown

The manner of Edward‘s early demise allowed Haytham to be raised by Reginald Birch as a Templar agent, beginning the ideological feud with his son Connor – highlighting how Assassin destiny connects yet divides the Kenway line.

Clash of Warriors: Edward vs. Connor

How do Edward and Connor size up based on their signature fighting skills and weapons? Let‘s compare some key stats:

Key Fighting Statistics

Main WeaponsTwin Flintlocks + Dual Cutlasses/Hidden BladeTomahawk Axe + Hidden Blade + Bow
Notable SkillsCounter Attacks + Combo KillsBrutal Takedowns + Nature/Terrain Traversal
Max Combo KillsUp to 3 enemiesUp to 5 enemies
Treasure LootedOver 200K gold from ships/enemiesMaterials from nature/enemy convoys

In terms of pure combat, Connor strikes me as superior to the older Kenway. His ability to rapidly wipe out whole groups with paired Hidden Blade and Tomahawk butchery pushes his threat level even higher. Combine that raw power with hunter instincts honed since childhood, and Connor is simply the ultimate predator.

Yet Edward‘s stylistic flair and charismatic grit shine as the pirate marauder who defied empires. Connor may best his elder in sheer talent – but Edward‘s relish throwing himself into the fray cannot be taught. There‘s a reason he turned notorious Caribbean shores into his personal playground of mayhem. Both Kenways excel in their distinct skills.

The Kenway Impact Upon the Creed

Edward and Connor reinvigorated their respective Brotherhoods in unique ways:

  • Edward – His swashbuckling legend rekindled the Caribbean Assassins as a force to be feared once more after their near-destruction.
  • Connor – His successes reinforced Colonial Assassins during the Revolution and won Native support against the tyrannical Templars.

Their influence even touches the most famous Assassin of all – Ezio Auditore, iconic hero of Assassin‘s Creed II renowned for his trailblazing accomplishments. Historians confirm Ezio later traveled to the Caribbean and was inspired by tales of the infamously deadly Edward Kenway, origins shrouded in mystery. Ezio‘s subsequent reforming of Assassin training methods certainly echoed some of Edward‘s unconventional innovations.

Centuries later, Edward and Connor‘s ancestrally-honed skills clearly catalyzed great leaps for the Brotherhood far beyond their own lifetimes. Truly, these Kenways were destined by bloodline for greatness. Perhaps we have not seen the last of their progeny…

Conclusion | The Kenway Saga – Epic Past and Future

In closing, I hope illuminating the storied heritage tying both living weapon Connor to wildcard pirate Edward Kenway spotlights what captivates millions about Assassin‘s Creed – a sense of peering through the centuries at an ages-old conflict with origins tracing to the very first civilizations.

Ubisoft tapped that irresistible allure in crafting the Kenways‘ trail from Golden Age high-seas havoc to Revolutionary America. That magnificent creative spirit will undoubtedly carry forth the Kenway torch and introduce new generations of Assassins battling Templars across ever more fascinating eras.

We can expect staggering new frontiers in the war for humanity‘s fate when Assassin‘s Creed launches its new era soon. Yet however spectacular future visuals and gameplay innovations prove, the heart of fans forever lies with past heroes who made history – brash captains like Edward and hunters like Connor. All hail the Kenways!

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