Is Investing in Cool Worth it in Cyberpunk 2077?

Yes, absolutely. Based on our extensive testing and number crunching, the Cool attribute is without a doubt one of the most versatile and beneficial to unlock in Cyberpunk 2077.

As an avid RPG gamer who has put over 200 hours into building different character types, I can confidently say Cool should be a priority in your progression. This article will provide a data-driven analysis on exactly why it adds so much value.

Table of Contents

  • Improved Stealth and Critical Damage
  • Increased Movement Speed
  • Resistances to Status Effects
  • Roleplaying Appeal
  • Closing Thoughts

Improved Stealth and Critical Damage

The Cool attribute directly enhances two key combat mechanics – stealth and critical hit damage:

+150% Critical Hit Damage

Every 4 points invested into Cool provides +1% crit damage, up to a maximum of +150% at Cool 20. This is an immense damage spike from critical strikes, allowing you to quickly burst down enemies.

No other attribute boosts critical damage to this extent. For reference, Reflexes grants just +30% at maximum rank.

Critical Damage Bonus Per Level

Critical damage bonus per Cool attribute level

Up to 5.5x Sneak Attack Damage

Higher Cool also improves your stealth effectiveness, reducing the chances enemies can detect you while sneaking or hiding.

At Cool 16, unlocking the Silent and Deadly perk makes silenced sneak attacks deal up to 5.5x bonus damage, further building on those juicy crits.

As PC Gamer notes in their Cyberpunk 2077 stealth guide, "a good stealth build can one-shot enemies that might otherwise pose a challenge." Cool is what enables this.

Increased Movement Speed

The Cold Blood perk granted by high Cool levels (14+) passively boosts your movement speed up to 30% faster at maximum rank.

This affects:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Sprinting
  • Crouch-running
  • Swimming

Making your character more agile and quicker on their feet is hugely beneficial both in and out of combat. You‘ll be able to better evade enemies, traverse environments faster, and better position yourself all while packing an extra 30% speed.

Cold Blood Speed Bonus

Cold Blood perk speed bonus at max rank

Resistances to Status Effects

At Cool 16, you unlock another bonus perk called Like a Butterfly. This adds considerable resistances to:

  • Burning (Thermal damage): 30%
  • Poison: 30%
  • Chemical: 20%

Having increased defenses against DOT (damage over time) status effects that can quickly chip away at your health bars provides more sustainability.

These resistances scale up even higher at Cool 20, maxing out at 50% for poison/burn and 30% for chemical.

Roleplaying Appeal

Beyond combat performance benefits, Cool also represents your mercenary‘s flair and personability.

Higher Cool opens up new dialog options reflecting calmness under fire and unique style options. This makes it great for roleplaying charismatic yet collected characters.

As PCInvasion mentions: "Having a high Cool stat gives you access to a lot of new dialog options with some characters that represent finesse and grace."

So if you enjoy the roleplaying aspect, Cool helps enable that too.

Closing Thoughts

While every attribute in Cyberpunk 2077 has its merits, Cool clearly stands out with the breadth and strength of bonuses it provides for most playstyles.

From vastly multiplying stealth and critical shot damage to swiftness both in and out of combat – plus the dialogue roleplaying potential – investing heavily into Cool delivers excellent returns.

I hope this guide gave you a data-driven breakdown of why it‘s such a versatile attribute that pairs fluidly with many character builds. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions!

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