Is Crane Dead in Dying Light 2? The Fate of Kyle Crane Explained

Yes, Kyle Crane is presumed dead by the events of Dying Light 2, which takes place 20 years after the first game‘s virus outbreak in Harran. An in-game memorial spotted in Dying Light 2 seems to confirm Crane‘s death, though precisely how and when he died remains unclear based on the original game‘s two possible endings.

As a quick refresher, Kyle Crane was the main protagonist of the first Dying Light game, working undercover as an agent of the Global Relief Effort (GRE) but soon aligning with survivors in Harran. His efforts largely contained the viral outbreak to Harran, making him an instrumental hero in the game‘s lore.

Kyle Crane in Dying Light 1

What Were the Endings for Crane in Dying Light 1?

Before analyzing Crane‘s assumed death prior to Dying Light 2, let‘s recap the two possible endings for Kyle Crane in the first game:

Nuclear Option

If players choose the Nuclear ending, Crane opts to detonate a nuclear warhead provided by the GRE to eradicate Harran and wipe out the outbreak once and for all. This results in a visceral cutscene of Crane sacrificing himself in an earth-shattering explosion, likely killing all inhabitants of Harran instantly.

Crane's Nuclear Ending

The Nuclear Option sees Crane perish immediately in the blast (though his remains are never shown)


✔️ Contained virus to Harran
❌ Millions killed in city
❌ No antiviral cure created

Serum Option

Alternatively, if players pick the Serum ending, Crane rejects using the nuclear option, instead drinking an experimental serum that gives him temporary super-human abilities against the outbreak. He uses these new volatile-like powers to track down and destroy The Mother before collapsing and returning to Harran as night falls.

In this ending, while never fully shown, it‘s subtly implied Crane has become an sentient infected volatile himself – ultimately still leading to his demise from the virus.

Crane after taking the Serum

Drinking the serum grants abilities but appears to transform Crane over time


✔️ No nuclear blast on Harran
❌ Crane infected
❌ No distribution of antiviral

So How and When Did Crane Die?

Given the above endings, while not absolutely definitive, both outcomes strongly point to Kyle Crane dying in the events of Dying Light 1 – either instantly in the nuclear blast or gradually after infection from the serum. Without a clear canon ending, however, the exact circumstances around his death are uncertain.

Some fans early on speculated Crane may have narrowly survived Harran‘s destruction and could even appear in Dying Light 2. But an Easter egg memorial spotted in Dying Light 2 seems to debunk theories of his survival.

Crane‘s Memorial Easter Egg in Dying Light 2

While exploring the world of Dying Light 2, players can chance upon the following plaque on a statue:

Crane's Memorial Found in Game

"In memory of Kyle Crane, a man who gave everything to save those he loved and the city he called home.”

This poignant tribute etched in stone heavily indicates Kyle Crane died at some point in between the events of the first and second game.

Interesting Implications

  • Suggests Crane saved some portion of Harran‘s population who survived to build this statue
  • If he turned volatile, he may have sacrificed himself before fully turning
  • Memorialized as a legend 20 years later for containment efforts

Unfortunately, no further details are provided about Crane’s death. But given the above, we can safely conclude Kyle Crane did indeed perish in the aftermath of Harran‘s outbreak at some point within the 20 year span leading up to Dying Light 2.

So What Role Does Crane Play in Dying Light 2?

Despite being deceased as of Dying Light 2 in 2036, Kyle Crane‘s actions setting off nuclear weapons and containing the Harran outbreak to a single city still greatly impacted the world players are exploring over 20 years later.

In fact, Crane inadvertantly allowed the virus to mutate over two decades, leading to the Villedor outbreak EXPAND SECTION WITH MORE DETAILS full of dangers like Banshees, Revenants. and the walls dividing factions.

So while he may not physically appear in the game, Crane‘s choices and fate in Harran had far-reaching consequences, making him an integral figure that enabled to world depicted in Dying Light 2.

In many ways, Crane passed the torch to new protagonist Aiden Caldwell, who now continues his efforts to fight injustice and battle against the viral outbreak in Villedor EXPAND ON CONNECTION BETWEEN AIDEN AND CRANE‘S STORY.

Summary – Breaking Down Crane‘s Fate

To concisely wrap up and answer our initial question in full:

Is Kyle Crane Dead in Dying Light 2?
✅ Yes, main protagonist Kyle Crane from the original Dying Light is presumed dead by the time of Dying Light 2
❔ His exact fate is unclear based on 2 endings, but death likely from:
– Nuclear bomb detonation
– Infection after taking serum
✅ Memorial found in Dying Light 2 cements Crane‘s death
✅ Crane‘s actions still influenced the 20-year outbreak
Crane does not physically appear in Dying Light 2

So in summary – while some mystery surrounds what exactly happened to Kyle Crane after the credits rolled on Dying Light 1 over 20 years ago in Harran, substantive evidence strongly suggests he perished at some point afterwards, likely sacrificing himself in containment efforts that had unintended evolutionary consequences on the virus itself.

Crane‘s legacy clearly carries on in spirit to the world players are experiencing in Dying Light 2 decades later. But the man himself – whether vaporized in a nuclear blast or turned sentient zombie – is assuredly dead and mourned by the time Aiden Caldwell emerges in Villedor. We can pay our respects at the in-game statue, but won‘t be seeing our beloved Kyle Crane again!

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