Is Cyberpunk 2077 Better on PS5 in Quality or Performance Mode? My Take as a Gaming Enthusiast

After extensively testing Cyberpunk 2077 on my own PS5 and poring through expert analyses, I believe performance mode is the definitive way to play on PlayStation 5 for a smoother, more responsive experience compared to the quality mode with ray tracing enabled.

In this guide broken down into key performance areas, I‘ll compare both graphics modes and explain my recommendation.

Frame Rate and Resolution

The performance mode on PS5 delivers up to 60 FPS at a dynamic 4K resolution. Digital Foundry measured the resolution varying between 1980p and close to full 2160p based on scene complexity.

Resolution differences between quality and performance.
Source: Rtings

In comparison, quality mode with full ray tracing effects enabled runs at a locked 1440p resolution and 30 FPS.

For higher responsiveness alone especially in action-packed sections, I heavily favor performance mode‘s FPS advantage.

Performance Wins for Driving, Navigation, Combat

The slicker frame rate isn‘t merely for show – it has tangible gameplay benefits:

  • V‘s motorcycle feels much easier to control smoothly at 60 FPS
  • Quickly navigating the bustling Night City streets prevents disorientation
  • 60 FPS allows me to track and target enemies more accurately during intense firefights

Quality Mode Ray Tracing Isn‘t a Game Changer Visually

I analyzed numerous comparison screenshots between both modes and came away believing the visual improvements from ray tracing to be modest at best.

In certain indoor areas, you can observe slightly more realistic shadow transitions and lighting. But outdoors during the heat of the action, the effects are negligible.

For Cyberpunk, the heavily GPU-taxing ray tracing features do not seem worth the massive 50% frame rate sacrifice.

Optimizing Display Settings For Each Mode

To get the most eye candy or smoothest experience possible, I tweaked my LG C2‘s settings individually per mode.

Performance Mode

HDR Peak Brightness: 1500
Sharpness: 15

Color Temp: Warm 2
OLED Pixel Brightness: High

The higher peak brightness setting maintains strong HDR pop while allowing the TV‘s impressive contrast to shine. Bumping sharpness slightly improves clarity lost from the dynamic resolution while a warm color balance is my personal preference.

Quality Mode

HDR Peak Brightness: 1000

Sharpness: 5
Color Temp: Warm 1

OLED Pixel Brightness: Medium

With luminance capped at 30 FPS, I lowered brightness to increase comfortable eye viewing time. Softer sharpness and warmer temperature fit the cinematic presentation. Reduced pixel brightness offsets potential burn-in risk.

The Verdict – Frame Rate Reigns Supreme

While Cyberpunk‘s foray into ray tracing on consoles is impressive from a technological standpoint, the visual enhancements do not outweigh the tangible 60 FPS benefits for me.

Until quality mode can someday deliver closer to a locked 60 FPS as well, performance mode is the definitive way to experience Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5.

For players who prefer higher resolutions and cutting-edge lighting above all else, quality mode will likely be the pick. But for responsive action the more smoothly-running performance mode is hard to beat.

Let me know which mode you ended up enjoying more! I‘m eager to hear other perspectives from the PlayStation community.

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