Is Dark Souls Easier on New Game Plus?

No, Dark Souls does not get easier in New Game Plus despite some advantages given to the player. While NG+ allows you to retain all weapons, armor, upgrades and stats, it also substantially increases each enemy‘s power. You may enter each area vastly over-leveled, but proper strategy is still required to defeat the amped up bosses and foes.

Greatly Boosted Enemy Strength

With each New Game Plus cycle, every enemy receives a hefty boost to their health and attack damage that outpaces player improvements. This makes battles more perilous, demanding precise dodging and relentless stamina management familiar to veterans.

As an illustration, the humble Hollow Soldier‘s health jumps by a whopping 800% at NG+7 compared to the initial playthrough. That‘s almost 10 times as much health you‘ll need to chisel down! Their spear thrusts and sword swipes also hit brutally harder, capable of taking dangerous chunks from your own inflated health bar.

NG CycleEnemy Health IncreaseEnemy Damage Increase

Even basic Undead Parish foes become relentless damage sponges at the maximum NG+7 cycle. The exponentially boosted stats ensure no enemy is ever a pushover, keeping the pressure on veterans and newcomers alike.

Decked Out Players Offset Some Pain

Thankfully, you retain all previously obtained equipment, souls levels and upgrades when starting a NG+ run instead of beginning as a measly undead again. With a max fire reinforced Zweihander and 50 Strength powering it, you can lop off dangerous chunks of inflated health bars to counteract the difficulty.

I‘ve found through multiple playthroughs that reaching at least soul level 120 before tackling New Game Plus helps offset the challenge suitable for new and returning veterans alike. Combined with a fully forged Elite Knight set to absorb blows, the playing field feels more level…though still tilted against you!

Adapt Your Strategy To Prevail

In summary, while the player advantage helps alleviate things, Dark Souls‘ New Game Plus will quickly batter the unprepared. Foes hit harder and endure your strongest attacks much longer – you must adapt!

  • Memorize Enemy Behaviors: Enemies utilize more extensive combo strings and attack faster. Know their movesets perfectly.
  • Don‘t Get Greedy: Just one or two hits during small openings. Don‘t get cocky and punish you!
  • Use Range Carefully: Bows, spells and consumables let you whittle down foes. Don‘t be afraid to "cheese."
  • Co-op for Bosses: Summoning cooperative players lets you trade aggro against the nastiest bosses.

Conclusion: Prepare To Struggle Anew

While intimidating at first, the savage difficulty spike of New Game Plus ultimately provides seasoned veterans a worthy challenge again. Embrace it as a chance to re-experience the timeless struggle against impossible odds that makes Dark Souls such an enduring masterpiece. Stay patient, skilled and vigilant – and you shall eventually triumph against the gathering dark once more!

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