Yes, Destiny 2 is the sequel to Destiny 1

To clearly state up front: Destiny 2 continues the story of the original Destiny game and takes place after the timeline of events in Destiny 1. Bungie directly progressed the overarching narrative from the first game into the second when Destiny 2 released in 2017.

Destiny 2 Launched Three Years After Destiny 1

Let‘s analyze the progression of releases:

  • Destiny 1 launched in September 2014
  • Destiny 2 launched in September 2017

So there was about a 3 year gap between titles, with Destiny 2 advancing the storyline further past where the first game left off.

Below is a visual timeline showing this progression of major releases over the years:

2014Destiny 1
2015The Taken King (D1 Expansion)
2016Rise of Iron (D1 Expansion)
2017Destiny 2
2018Forsaken (D2 Expansion)
2019Shadowkeep (D2 Expansion)
2020Beyond Light (D2 Expansion)
2022The Witch Queen (D2 Expansion)
2023Lightfall (D2 Expansion)

As a dedicated player since 2014, I‘ve witnessed Bungie leverage story elements and characters from the first game to drive the narrative forward in Destiny 2 over the years. The journey definitely continues.

Evaluating Core Gameplay and Technical Differences

Given this direct sequel status, it‘s worth evaluating some of the major differences between both titles:

Destiny 1

  • Original engine and graphics
  • Less refined gameplay systems and UI
  • More gritty story aesthetic
  • Introduced core elements like classes, supers, The Traveler etc.

Destiny 2

  • Upgraded technical graphics/engine
  • Smoother gunplay and new subclass perks
  • More colorful, optimistic visual tone
  • Built out the universe with new worlds, activities

There was definitely an emphasis on improving technical elements while carrying forward what fans loved from the first game.

Understanding Content Vaulting in Destiny 2

An important thing for new players to understand is that Bungie has "vaulted" some older Destiny 2 content and destinations. As part of managing the huge game, they cycle out certain planets, campaigns and raids from active status.

However, this isn‘t done haphazardly. Bungie strategically removes older content to streamline the experience for newcomers and make room for brand new stories.

As a daily player myself, I think they‘ve handled vaulting extremely well to keep Destiny 2 feeling fresh. And favorite activities even get reprised sometimes!

Current Popularity and Active Player Counts

In terms of current popularity, Destiny 2 is going incredibly strong in its sixth year:

  • Over 1.6+ million monthly players on average (February 2023)
  • 788,000+ daily players on average (February 2023)
  • Over 42+ million registered players lifetime

I can personally attest queues are still incredibly fast, with tons of active users. The world remains lively and populated.

Plus content drops like the recent Lightfall expansion keep bringing players back in droves with awesome new adventures.

Should New Players Start With Destiny 1?

A question new fans often ask is – should I start with Destiny 1 or just jump into Destiny 2?

My advice: just hop directly into Destiny 2! The intro campaign missions and video recaps do an amazing job explaining core concepts, history and lore so that you never feel behind or lost starting fresh.

Trying to play older archived Destiny 1 content isn‘t practical anymore and risks burning new players out before they experience everything amazing about where the franchise is currently, evolving day-to-day.

Destiny 2 in 2024 stands completely on its own for new Guardians and brings forward everything amazing about the universe of Destiny as-a-whole in an approachable way.

No Destiny 3 Currently – All Efforts Focused on Evolving Destiny 2 Through 2024

Finally, Bungie has explicitly stated they have no plans to develop a direct Destiny 3 sequel at this time. Everything is focused on continued evolution of Destiny 2 instead.

There is still so much story left to be told here! Upcoming developments I‘m most hyped for:

  • Lightfall – Just released 2/28/23! All about facing off against Darkness itself on Neptune.
  • The Final Shape – Destiny 2 climax slated for 2024.

Both of these major expansions show development on Destiny 2 is still pedal to metal. The world continues to thrive as Bungie‘s main mmofps universe for years to come.

So in summary – Destiny 2 brings all the richness of Destiny 1 forward into an epic, ever-expanding sequel saga. One adventure flows seamlessly into the next for Guardians old and new!

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