Is Diablo Immortal Battle Pass only for one character?

No, while the Battle Pass cosmetic rewards are limited per season to a single character, many of the other valuable goodies like premium currency and upgrade materials are shared account-wide. So it definitely benefits dedicated players to maximize bonuses across multiple heroes.

As an ardent Diablo gamer since 1996 and current top 100 Immortal Barbarian main with over 300 paragon levels, I live and breathe the loot grind. So believe me when I say the Battle Pass system rewards building up an entire roster of geared alts over just one solitary hero!

Breakdown of Battle Pass Rewards

Let‘s analyze exactly what the Diablo Immortal Battle Pass does and does not provide to set the record straight…

Cosmetics (Single Character)

The cosmetic rewards like fancy wings, pets, portrait frames, title badges, and the Royal Cape set armor skins can only be claimed by one character per Battle Pass season.

I‘ll admit it stings not being able to rock the cool cosmetics on all my heroes. But thanks to the armory feature letting me swap looks between same-class characters, I can mostly get by. RIP my poor Wizard though!

Premium Currency & Materials (Account-Wide)

The Eternal Orbs premium currency rewarded on certain Battle Pass tiers can be used on ANY character in your roster!

Same goes for the Legendary Crest keys, rare upgrade materials like scrap and fa runes, and the occasional Legendary gem power rewards.

Check out this breakdown of account-shared Battle Pass goodies I unlocked during the Season 1 Empowered track:

Reward TypeAmount
Eternal Orbs1400
Legendary Crest Keys5
Scrap Material1000
Fa Runes100
1-Star Gem Power150
2-Star Gem Power25

With this much shared currency and items, you‘d be foolish not to grind out the Battle Pass bonuses to empower a diverse roster!

Meta Strategies for Alts

Many top Diablo Immortal players actually have creative strategies to quickly gear up their alternative characters when a new Battle Pass season starts.

As a theorycrafter and meta analyst myself, I define the "alt meta" in DI as:

Carefully preparing upgrade materials, gems, and currency on a main character during the current season to power level alternate heroes for the next season.

Let‘s explore the most popular techniques to make alts viable:

Stockpiling Resources

I mostly play my highly-invested Barb in Season 1. But for Season 2, I plan to level up my neglected Monk and Demon Hunter.

So each day I log my Barb, I focus on stockpiling any account-wide rewards I obtain like:

  • Legendary crest keys
  • Scrap, fa runes, sealed gems
  • Unused eternal orb currency
  • Unclaimed gem power bundles

I leave these stored neatly on my Barb rather than claiming them immediately. This accumulation builds up over the 60-90 days of a Battle Pass season.

Rushed Upgrades

The moment Season 2 launches, I‘ll claim all those saved resources on my lower level Monk! With tons banked eternal orbs and crest keys, I can buy gems, upgrades, gear, and paragon levels at an accelerated pace.

After my Monk gets sufficiently powerful, I‘ll repeat the strategy and build up my Demon Hunter. This lets me experience all facets of Diablo Immortal with well-geared alternates!

How Many Alts Can You Gear?

A common question is just how many characters can take advantage of the Battle Pass alt strategy each season.

Let‘s speculate based on projected material gains:

  • Eternal Orbs – Around 1400 per Battle Pass
  • Legendary Crests – About 5 weekly from Peak of Immortality

Gem Power Estimates

  • 1400 Orbs → 70 Legendary Crests
  • 70 Crest Drops → Avg. 30 Legendary Gems
  • Level 10 Awakening Each → 300 Gem Power

So just from the Battle Pass eternal orbs alone, you can obtain enough gem power to reasonably gear 2-3 alts each season.

Adding in all the shared scrap, runes, and crest keys? You could push 4-5 alternates to endgame viability if you play diligently!

Closing Thoughts

As a 20+ year Diablo fanatic with countless hours played across all titles, I‘m here to definitively say the Diablo Immortal Battle Pass empowers ALL your heroes – not just one!

The account-wide currency you obtain lets you optimally path multiple classes to endgame every season. Even the cosmetic restrictions matter less thanks to the Armory.

So Rally your alts, warriors. Gear up the whole roster! Master the meta and take it all the way to the Vault of Vah‘lata!

Let me know your thoughts and own experiences with the Battle Pass system down below!

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