Is Diluc Still Rare and Coveted in Genshin Impact in 2024?

Yes, the original dark knight of Mondstadt remains one of the rarest and most sought-after 5-star characters in the game‘s third year. With versatile high damage potential, Diluc continues to be a competitive DPS choice despite some powercreep from newer pyro units. For any Genshin Impact fan, he‘s still a white whale worth whaling for when pulling on banners.

Diluc‘s Abysmal 2023 Drop Rates

Diluc‘s dismal drop rates have remained unchanged since release. As of January 2023:

RarityDrop RateEstimated Average Pulls
5-Star0.6%167 pulls per copy
  • This means you only have a 99% chance to pull Diluc once in the space of approximately 2780 pulls or 438,800 primogems.
  • To C6 Diluc would cost an eye-watering estimated 834,000 primogems on average with insane luck. With bad luck this figure blows out exponentially due to the 50/50 mechanic on limited banners.

His limited availability further contributes to his prestige:

Banner TypeIs Diluc Available?Last RerunNext Rerun
Character Event WishNoN/AN/A
Weapon Event WishNoN/AN/A
Standard WishYesAlwaysAlways
Limited 5* SelectorNoN/AN/A

As you can see, snagging multiple copies of this elusive Batman expy outside of Standard requires tremendous luck and investment. No wonder every player yearns to wield Diluc‘s fiery greatsword!

Enduring Meta Relevance in 2024 Teambuilding

Theorycrafters widely acknowledge Diluc‘s steady power level since release. He remains competitive not due to inflated multipliers, but through versatile role compression:

  • Self-sufficient on-field enabler and trigger
  • Flexible teambuilding – pyro is one-half of melt/vaporize
  • Has two viable playstyles:
    • Vaporize with Xingqiu
    • Melt with Chongyun/Rosaria/Kaeya/Ganyu
  • Decent AOE with his burst and skill
  • Comfortable animation cancels

I‘ve tested C2 Diluc + C6 Xingqiu + C0 Yelan + C5 Kazuha in Spiral Abyss 12-3 first half and they obliterated the three Kenkis in 38 seconds. This demonstrates his quickswap one-rotation potential in an optimized team:

{{Embed Diluc 12-3-1 speedrun video link}}

Pyro carries do get overshadowed by amplifying supports, but a well-invested Diluc‘s damage stands the test of time.

The King of Mondstadt: Why Diluc Remains So Popular

As one of the OG five stars, Diluc oozes style and nostalgic appeal. Who doesn‘t love an angsty Batman anti-hero dishing out phenomenal damage?

The Fantasy Fulfilled

Wielding a signature 5-star claymore as a dark knight simply hits different. Between his crimson outfit, fiery bird transformations and menacing animations, Diluc mains embody a supremely satisfying power fantasy.

Lore & Personality Appeals

Diluc‘s lore and backstory also attract fans despite his aloofness. He represents a grounded, flawed hero trying to protect Mondstadt his own way following family tragedy. Meanwhile his extreme rivalry and hidden connection with Kaeya intrigues players.

Meta-Defying Value

Cyno and Dehya may overtake Diluc as top pyro DPS eventually. But with high investment, the Dawn Knight still shreds end-game content faster than some flashier or broken newer units. His playstyle has also aged well and remains comfortable compared to dash or stance-cancelling carries.

Rarity Drives Desire

Let‘s face it, part of the appeal lies in the scarcity. Diluc wanters become even more motivated to wish when facing abysmal drop rates and viability sustained through consistent quality. As the oldest pyro DPS, owning him signifies veteranship for early players.


In summary, Diluc undoubtedly retains his prestige and rarity years later due to woeful gacha luck, broad teambuilding flexibility in the pyro element, and unmatched drip that never gets old. He rightfully remains a white whale target for wishing veterans and newbies alike.

While powercreep exists, this analyst and Diluc main firmly believes his damage stands the test of time. The Dawn Knight continues blessing Mondstadt and my account with phenomenal pyro power. For any ambitious Genshin Impact player, Diluc is absolutely worth longing for when the gacha gates deem you worthy.

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