Is Dota Plus Worth It in 2024? – A Dota Expert‘s In-Depth Guide

As a passionate Dota 2 player and content creator myself, I get asked often whether signing up for Dota Plus is really worth it.

My definitive answer as a Dota expert – yes, Dota Plus is absolutely still worth getting in 2024!

In this detailed guide, I‘ll cover everything it has to offer, why it provides great value for the money, and help you decide if you should subscribe.

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What Does a 2023 Dota Plus Subscription Get You?

I‘ve personally been a subscriber for years. Here are all the useful features you get access to as a Dota Plus member:

📈 Hero Level Progression & Challenges

Dota Plus features a hero leveling system akin to battle passes, but one that persists all year round for all heroes!

  • Over 100 challenging hero quests across 3 difficulties
  • Each quest rewards hero experience points
  • Max hero level possible – 30
  • Special emoticons and profile badges unlocked per 10 hero levels

Estimated hero leveling timeline

Months subscribedHeroes to Max Level
3 months4 heroes
6 months8 heroes
12 months16 heroes

So realistically, expect to max level 2 heroes per month – which feels very rewarding!

📊 Enhanced Game Analytics

Dota Plus provides way more in-depth match analytics than usual:

  • Interactive data trends and heatmaps visualizing all aspects of your gameplay
  • See which heroes/items/timings you struggle against
  • Compare averages across positions, skill brackets, regions
  • Review your records and best performances

This allows targeted improvement by spotting weaknesses.

▶️ Spectating Capabilities

Another great feature is extensive live spectating options:

  • Spectate any live high MMR pub game
  • Watch pro players in action from your client itself
  • Spectate live amateur tournaments and pro league games
  • Get insight into high level decision making and strategies

🤬 Avoid List for Toxic Players

We all know how bad Dota toxicity can be. Thankfully, Dota Plus now allows you to optionally avoid up to 15 recent teammates:

  • No longer paired with avoided players
  • Helps nip toxicity and harassment issues
  • Improves overall match quality and environment

📦 Cosmetic Rewards – Sets, Treasures & Relics

Of course, unlocking cosmetics is a nice perk too:

  • Monthly addition of new Dota Plus treasure with exclusive sets
  • Hero relic system with equippable shards providing effects
  • Earn benefactor treasure gifts through hero leveling
  • Guaranteed earnings worth over $5 monthly in cosmetics alone

And much more features like Plus assistant, towers status, battle cup tickets etc.

Is Dota 2 Still Going Strong in 2024?

With so much offered, is Dota Plus worth spending on in 2024? Absolutely!

Dota 2 shows no signs of waning popularity into 2023 and beyond:

  • 700,000+ peak concurrent players, 500,000+ average as of January 2023
  • The International 2022 drew over 2.7 million peak viewers last October across platforms
  • 2022 battle pass sales generated a record $50M+ in revenue for Valve
  • Updates still rolling out, Aghanim mini-battle pass just launched


Plus as evident above, Valve keeps investing resources into expanding Dota Plus functionality.

So you can expect continued support and updates to hero progression, spectating tools, game analytics etc in the future.

Dota Plus Pricing – How Much Does It Cost?

Dota Plus is priced at a flat rate of $3.99 per month.

  • Pay $23.99 for 6 months
  • Pay $47.99 for 12 months

For the features offered and regular content updates, easily provides $5+ value monthly considering in-game cosmetic earnings alone.

Verdict: Worth spending $4 a month for dedicated players given the long-term perks. Casual players may not find enough value from the subscription cost.

How Does Dota Plus Stack Against Alternatives?

Sites like Stratz and OpenDota exist for those solely wanting high quality analytics. But here‘s why Dota Plus still comes out on top in my book:

Dota PlusFree Sites
Hero progression
Cosmetic rewards
Avoid toxic players
Live spectating games
In-game integration
Detailed match stats
Interactive data trends
Game records

No free alternative bundles allspectating, progression, cosmetic, and improvement features into one subscription.

So purely from a content volume and quality angle, Dota Plus wins out in my opinion.

Verdict – Who Should Buy Dota Plus in 2024?

Hope the detailed breakdown above gives you enough info to decide if a 2023 Dota Plus subscription is worthwhile!

In summary, I would highly recommend Dota Plus for:

  • Dedicated, regular Dota 2 players
  • Those looking to track their improvement over time
  • Anyone interested to unlock exclusive cosmetics
  • Players aiming to spectate pro level pubs and tournaments live
  • Those facing excessive toxicity who want avoid lists

For me, the value from all features bundled together makes it a no-brainer.

But more casual players may not play enough to justify the monthly cost.

Either ways, with constant content updates planned through 2023, Dota Plus remains a worthy buy for any hardcore Dota 2 fan.

I hope my guide gives you enough insider perspective into everything Dota Plus offers in 2024 to help make your decision! Do share your thoughts or any other questions in comments.

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