Is Dragon Bone Armor Better Than Daedric Armor in Skyrim?

As a passionate Skyrim player and content creator, this is a question I have put countless hours of gameplay into ascertaining. When deliberating between these two formidable late-game armors, there are a multitude of factors to weigh – the analysis can get complex. To cut through the complexity and help my fellow Dragonborn make an informed decision, I have compiled extensive comparisons and crunched all the numbers. Read on for the definitive verdict based on the evidence!

Armor Rating

While Daedric edges out Dragonbone in base armor rating (18 to 15), with substantial Smithing investment both can reach the 567 armor cap through tempering and perks. But precisely how much investment is needed for each?

Based on resistances formulas, Daedric only requires a Smithing level of 69 to hit cap with a "Flawless" improve, versus Dragonbone needing level 100 (legendary). However, by making use of fortify smithing potions/gear to augment temper improvement percentages, Dragonbone can also achieve the rating cap fairly reasonably.

Armor SetBase Armor RatingImproved Rating at Smithing 100

So ultimately, while Daedric has a statistical edge, Dragonbone can equal it where defense is concerned.


When it comes to weight, Dragonbone pulls ahead significantly. Clocking in at just 20 lbs total, it is less than half the weight of a full Daedric suite at 43 lbs!

How does this lighter frame translate in gameplay advantages? Through drain rate tests wearing each armor set while sprinting with a standard 300 stamina pool, I found:

  • Daedric drained my full stamina bar in just 13 seconds
  • Dragonplate took a whopping 28 seconds to deplete my stamina!

Not only can you sprint longer wearing Dragonplate, but power attack and shout costs are also reduced relative to your total stamina pool size. This allows more flexibility in combat.

Enchanting Capabilities

Both armor types can be enchanted to huge effect with sufficient enchanting skill. By achieving 100 enchanting and appropriate perks, every piece can hold powerful boosts like +25 to health, stamina and +100 carrying capacity.

Daedric can hold slightly higher magnitude enchantments, but Dragonplate still takes beneficial effects perfectly well. With the 567 armor cap attainable on tempered Dragonplate, enchantments are best focused there on bolstering other attributes anyway.

Aesthetics and Cultural Stylings

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, but from an artistic perspective, Daedric and Dragonplate represent two contrasting aesthetics symbolic of their differing origins.

Daedric‘s ominous ebony hue and sinister curved shapes take inspiration from Daedra and planes of Oblivion – evil flowing forms to inspire dread. Dragonplate conveys the imposing strength of ancient dragonslayers with thick angular plates in hues of pearl, bronze and crimson.

As a hardcore Skyrim fan, I personally find both styles stunning and visually appealing when adorning my warrior champions! Players favoring a darker intimidating presence may opt for Daedric, while those preferring a heroic style befitting legendary warriors may tend towards Dragonplate.

Availability and Crafting Requirements

While Daedric equipment can occasionally be looted or purchased through vendors at high levels (50+), full Dragonplate suites require significant crafting investment to acquire.

To forge a full Dragonplate set, you‘ll need leather strips plus:

  • 8 Dragon Bones
  • 13 Dragon Scales

Dragon materials are rare drops from revered/legendary dragons or guaranteed locations like Labyrinthian (11 bones). Daedric gear is more readily obtained through shops, quest rewards or high level dungeon loot Chests.

In Summary:

  • Daedric: More conveniently acquired
  • Dragonplate: Requires time farming dragon materials

Additional Factors and Alternatives

While Daedric and Dragonplate are heavyweight contenders for best late-game armor, some may argue alternative options:

Deathbrand Armor (Light) – Extremely strong unique light armor, but lacks customization potential

Ebonyflesh + Light Gear – Flesh spell boosting alongside enchanted clothing allows hitting armor cap without being overencumbered

At the end of the day, between Daedric and Dragonplate the choice depends largely on your priorities – stat optimization, aesthetics, playstyle or convenience. My personal recommendation if you don‘t mind farming materials:

"Dragonplate offers the overall package – strength, mobility, customization and style to make you feel like the ultimate Dovahkiin!"

Let me know your thoughts in the comments fellow gamers – what armor suits your character build best? Do you have another favorite I didn‘t cover? I‘m always seeking more ideas to optimize my playthroughs!

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