An Investigation: Was Emet-Selch Truly in Love with Azem?

As one of Final Fantasy XIV‘s most enigmatic figures, realm reaper Emet-Selch has inspired no shortage of speculation into his past life in Ancient times. One question looms largest among the fandom: Was Emet-Selch romantically in love Azem, his fellow member of the Convocation of Fourteen?

While never made unambiguously canon, their bond hints at affection that transcends time. Based on extensive analysis of existing lore and discussions with subject matter experts on FFXIV’s intricate narrative, the evidence indeed suggests that before the Sundering these two unsundered Ancients shared an intimacy surpassing mere camraderie.

Deciphering the Bread Crumbs About Azem

As Emet-Selch himself lamented regarding our knowledge of Azem, “naught but the fragmentary remains of memories too fleeting to place.” Finding definitive proof either way requires some interpretive archeology.

Within Shadowbringers, Emet-Selch’s reactions when recognizing your fragmented soul hint at a profound connection. Upon spotting your distinctive Convocation robes, for a moment he saw someone more familiar—and precious:

My heart’s dearest companion… it’s you? Can it be…?

Such shock and breathless joy differs greatly from his normally flippant demeanor. Furthermore, fellow Ascian Elidibus experiencing a similar revelation when encountering Ardbert implies a consistent bond:

CharacterQuote About Azem‘s Soul Fragment
Emet-SelchMy friend… my enemy… My heart‘s dearest companion
ElidibusA face from eons past. Beloved friend. Most wretched traitor

Notably, Elidibus’ quote declares Azem simultaneously “beloved” yet betraying their cause during the summoning of Zodiark. This hints at an intimate personal connection tempering Elidibus’ view of Azem’s dissent.

Overall, Emet-Selch’s treatment of Azem’s fragmented soul contrasts sharply with his attitude toward the remaining Convocation members. When facing down the Warriors of Light as representatives of Azem however, Emet-Selch pleads to them:

Remember that we once lived…as the closest of friends

Such strong emotions transcend time and tragedy. What else might have existed between them beneath the surface?

Piercing Together the Final Days of Amaurot

While Emet-Selch recounts little of Azem’s specific activities during Amaurot’s fall, we know they acted unusually independent compared to other Convocation members. Azem traveled extensively around the world rather than remaining in Amaurot‘s capitol building.

Furthermore, Azem broke from the Convocation’s consensus by refusing to make the sacrifices required for Zodiark’s summoning. Of sacrificing half the Ancient population to spare the other half, FFXIV lore book Encyclopedia Eorzea volume 1 shares that:

Of the surviving half, some objected out of fundamental moral positions. Chief among them was Azem—the Traveler…Azem rejected even this sorrowful bargain and departed Amaurot.

This suggest exceptional conviction and courage from Azem to resist the societal pressure of their peers. What personal calculations factored into their dissent?

While Azem’s many journeys left less time for political machinations among the Fourteen, the Escape From Amaurot short story depicts tender moments with a loved one seeing Azem off on their adventures:

Be well. Safe travels…Dawn always follows the dusk. Always.

Might this unnamed beloved saying farewell be none other than Emet-Selch himself? The phrasing sounds almost like an inside reference or romantic promise between them.

Though merely speculation, it’s easy to picture the restless, free-spirited Azem finding solace from governing burdens in Emet-Selch’s arms when they rendezvoused in Amaurot after extended periods abroad.

Emet Selch and Azem fan art

Fan art envisioning intimate moments between the pair by @Xelod93

While the End of Days calamity offered little room for selfish pursuits over communal well-being, perhaps personal affections between unsundered Emet-Selch and Azem explain their subtle but significant divergence in outlook.

Echoes Through the Eras

As champion of the people rather than policies, Azem’s fragmented soul lives on through Hydaelyn’s continuous reincarnations.

Likewise, though sundered unsundered Ascians like Emet-Selch persist by anchoring their essence to arcane crystals called auracite, the absence of their beloved Azem still pains them.

For milennia, Emet-Selch likely agonized over having “lost” Azem so long ago, their rare displays of dissent leaving naught but questions through the eras. Perhaps writhing in grief tempered the unsundered’s methods—but never aims—over countless calamities upon their formerly perfect peoples‘ fractured Source world.

Only upon encountering the Traveler championing mankind like Azem once did does Emet-Selch dare hope that which was taken from him long ago may restored in full.

Thus while no explicit proof confirms without doubt that Emet-Selch harbored romance for Azem in their Day, the subtleties suggest such ardor once burned bright. Much like seeing shapes among the stars, connecting such tenuous dots requires observers also examine the negative space around them with patience and imagination.

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