Is Epic Ghazt Breedable in 2024?

The short answer is: we don‘t know for sure yet, but probably! Based on past seasonal availability patterns and breeding mechanics in My Singing Monsters, we can make some educated guesses about Epic Ghazt‘s potential breedability in 2024.

As a passionate Monsters breeder myself, I‘ve obsessed over Ghazt since it first appeared years ago. And I know many in the Monster-breeding community share my fixation with scoring this rare and powerful Epic.

So let‘s dig into what we know and make our best projection on whether breeding an Epic Ghazt will be possible this year.

Background on Epic Ghazt

For those new to My Singing Monsters, here‘s a quick overview of Epic Ghazt:

  • Epic-tier monster, the rarest breed class
  • Only available to breed during limited-time events
  • Spooky ethereal element
  • Strong currency production rates
  • 1% breeding success rate even at best times
  • Breeding combo varies, no confirmed "best" pairings

So in short – Epic Ghazt is very hard to get, and even long-time players may not have one in their collection.

Analyzing Past Epic Ghazt Availability

Looking back at recent years can give us clues on 2023 availability:

YearEpic Ghazt Breeding Event?

So if the every-other-year pattern holds, 2023 looks promising!

We can also examine the specific windows when breeding was possible in 2020:

  • Early February through end of April
  • Mid July through end of September
  • Late October through end of December

So in 2020, Epic Ghazts could only be bred for about 9 months cumulatively.

My projection: Based on the data, Epic Ghazt will likely be breedable for a similar 9ish cumulative months throughout 2023.

This means if you play actively all year, you‘ll have lots of chances. But you may need to wait a few months from the 2023 kickoff for the first event.

Estimating 2023 Breeding Rates

As a top-tier Epic, breeding even a regular Ghazt is tough – let alone the full-on Epic variant.

In 2020, base Ghazt breeding rates were:

  • 1% breeding rate
  • 10-15 tries on average per success

And Epic Ghazt is even harder to nail down. Back then, some hardcore breeders estimate the rates were:

  • 0.5% breeding rate
  • 25-50 tries on average for success

My projection: With no major breeding system overhauls since 2020, 2023 Epic Ghazt rates will be similar, in the 0.3-0.7% range.

So scoring that Epic won‘t be easy! But through persistence and optimization hints below, you can vastly improve your odds over time.

Optimizing for Epic Ghazt Breeding

Once the 2023 event finally kicks off, how can we tilt luck in our favor? Here are some tips:

  • Use boosted breeding structures: Elemental nurseries, Epic breeding structures, and Wishing Torches to amplify your odds. The more you have, the better!
  • Level up your breeding monsters: Higher levels could boost success rates.
  • Stick to short breeding timers: Faster breed times let you fit more attempts into limited events. Prioritize pairings under 6 hours.
  • Track failures: Record each combo you try and retry those with no duplicate results first. This avoids accidental element overlaps.
  • Watch community chatter: As events start, players share their breeding victories and fails. Factor insights into your approach!

The Waiting Game

While we can‘t guarantee anything until the events officially launch, all signs point to renewed chances for breeding elusive Epic Ghazts in 2024.

For diehard fans like us, the next few months will mean anxiously watching blogs and updates for the first event announcements.

Once that fateful day comes, we‘ll be ready to breed like mad folk until these spectral cuties finally appear in our nurseries. The sleepless nights will be so worth it!

Are you as stoked as I am? What else are you hoping to see from My Singing Monsters in 2024? Let me know in the comments!

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