Is Epic Launcher Still Bad in 2024?

The Epic Games Store (EGS) has been embroiled in controversy since its launch in 2018. From exclusive titles to privacy concerns, many PC gamers view it as an inferior experience compared to Steam. But while the Epic Games launcher still falls short in some areas, it continues rapid improvement.

Rocky Start and Lingering Reputation Issues

Epic did itself no favors out the gate. Rushed features, account system problems, and technical issues like game downloads throttling systems plagued the initial EGS. Worse still was the 2019 data breach exposing player data and Epic getting hit in 2022 with a record $520 million FTC fine over deceptive "dark pattern" microtransactions, especially hurting Fortnite‘s brand with parents.

So while EGS security and stability now seem largely on par with competitors, these incidents still negatively impact consumer trust and perception according to 56% of polled users. Regaining that trust long-term depends heavily on avoiding future controversies.

Exclusivity Strategy Wins Users But Also Backlash

Epic‘s aggressive push for exclusives has been the biggest driver behind EGS‘ user base expanding from 30 million in 2019 to over 230 million as of 2022. Major titles like Borderlands 3, Hades, and Horizon Zero Dawn have driven adoption.

However, many survey respondents criticize these exclusivity deals for forcing unwilling customers to use the Epic Games Store. Throughout 2022, between 67-72% of polled PC gamers said Steam remains their preferred platform.

| 2019 | 2022 |
| ————- |:————-:|————-:|
| EGS Users | 30 million | 230 million |
| Steam Users | 90 million | 120 million |

So while the install base has grown nearly 8x, EGS still likely needs 2-3 times its current active user share to realistically overtake Steam. Much depends on whether future exclusives can shift more casual players. Core gamers seem firmly entrenched with Valveā€™s ecosystem entering 2023.

Functions and Features Improving But Gaps Persist

Epic has consistently expanded Epic Games Store features, although often far slower than the roadmap indicated.

FeatureEGS SupportSteam Support
Mod WorkshopNoYes
Game ProfilesBasicCustom

Social tools, workshops, custom profiles, and deep account integration still give Steam the edge for core communities. And Valve has vastly more games from major third-parties like Activision Blizzard, Take-Two, and Ubisoft:

PublisherSteam 2023 TitlesEGS 2023 Titles
Activision Blizzard3826
Take-Two Interactive22710

Casual gamers seem more agnostic, caring mostly about free EGS games and convenience. But issues even persist there around account linking, overlays, slower patches without deltas, missing genres like RPGs, etc.

Epic‘s Moonshot: Squaring Off With A Titan

Based on internal strategy documents revealed in its lawsuit against Apple, Epic wants to best Steam in both market share and revenue by 2024. Achieving those goals requires likely doubling at minimum its 2022 monthly active users of 68 million and projected 2022 earnings of $5 billion.

Steam meanwhile shows little sign of stagnation, having beaten its 2020 peak concurrent user count in both 2021 and 2022. And rumors suggest Valve plans a major Steam interface overhaul for 2023 along with the Steam Deck driving Linux adoption. Can Epic realistically close such a wide gap in 24 months?

Our projections suggest that while possible, it would require overcoming lingering brand reputation issues, continuing to land AA-AAA exclusives during a recession, vastly improving store functionality around accounts and social systems, and leveraging cloud gaming initiatives to reach broader mobile and living room audiences.

The next two years seem poised for a fierce PC platform battle where Steam remains favored but Epic Games Store belies its underdog status and has plenty of fight left. The ultimate victor depends greatly on execution as much as catalog breadth or install base edge. One thing does look certain: PC gamers stand to benefit from the competition regarding free games, discounts, and features.

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