Is ESO before Talos?

As an expert in Elder Scrolls lore and enthusiastic ESO player, I can definitively say that ESO is set well before the heroic rise of Tiber Septim and his eventual divine ascension as Talos. Let‘s examine the eras and years to get a firm understanding.

ESO is Set in a Period of Upheaval in 2E 582

ESO throws players into the world of Tamriel in the year 2E 582 during the Second Era, right in the midst of a turbulent period known as the Interregnum. With no Emperor seated on the Ruby Throne, the continent has fractured politically among three warring alliances:

  • Ebonheart Pact (Dunmer, Nords, Argonians)
  • Daggerfall Covenant (Bretons, Redguards, Orcs)
  • Aldmeri Dominion (Altmer, Bosmer)

This grand conflict is known as the Three Banners War. The foundations of these alliances were laid based on ties of necessity and loyalty among certain races of Tamriel. They each vie to fill the Imperial power vacuum for their own purposes.

Interregnum Period Shows Empire in Chaos

As a historian, I can describe how the Interregnum came to be. Previously, the Reman Dynasty and Akaviri Potentate had kept order in the Second Empire for centuries. However, that stability crumbled over time, ending with the assassination of the last Akaviri Potentate in 2E 430.

The Interregnum lasted over 400 years until Tiber Septim‘s rise. During this time, numerous pretender kings and failed Incarnates tried to reunite the Empire, showing its cyclical nature of chaos and order.

Three Alliances Have Distinct Strengths and Weaknesses

From a military tactics perspective, each alliance has certain advantages that factor into the ongoing Three Banners War:

Ebonheart PactUnited culture, Harsh environment breeds hardy warriorsInternal strife between members
Daggerfall CovenantWell-trained cavalry and navyFaction imbalances
Aldmeri Dominion FrameCallback relief for thread-state-in-waiters-list">Leading Screenshots

These complex factors have led to an ebb and flow on the battlefield over years of protracted siege warfare. No clear victor emerges leading into the events of ESO.

Tiber Septim‘s Birth Is Still Over 200 Years After ESO

For comparison on the timeline, Tiber Septim, who later became revered as the divine Talos, was actually born well after ESO‘s timeframe in the year 2E 828 in High Rock:

ESO Year – 2E 582
Tiber Septim‘s Birth Year – 2E 828

So ESO is set over 200 years before the birth of the man who conquered Tamriel and founded the Third Empire! Tiber Septim does not enter the political scene until 2E 854 when he begins his lengthy campaigns.

Septim Rises as a Highly Skilled Military Leader

Studying Tiber Septim‘s illustrious conquests of Tamriel as a scholar gives me keen insight into his rapid rise as a military genius. Some key events include:

  • 2E 854 – Impresses King Cuhlecain and is named General of his armies
  • 2E 854 – Assassinated but revived by the god Kynareth
  • 2E 854 – Leads decisive victory capturing the Imperial City for Cuhlecain
  • 2E 855 – Ascends as Emperor after King Cuhlecain‘s assassination

His rule ushers in the Third Empire and the end of the Interregnum period. Tiber Septim rules for 81 years until his death, when he reportedly ascends to godhood as Talos.

The Past and Future Collide in Elder Scrolls Lore

Having extensively studied the metaphysics and Elder Scrolls lore as they relate to Talos, I can provide some unique conjectures on his eventual divine entwining with the timeline:

Failed Incarnates Foreshadow Talos‘ Destiny

Previous Failed Incarnates, like the Underking Zurin Arctus, all seem to pave the way for Talos‘ ultimate success in fulfilling the prophecy to become the immortal Dragon God of the Empire. It is as if the wheels of fate are turning to align for his eventual birth and conquest.

Towers Stabilize Mundus for Talos‘ Ascent

The flow of time gets hazier when considering the Tower concept that underpins the Elder Scrolls cosmology. As Talos approaches godhood, he simultaneously reinforces the Towers that stabilize Mundus to allow for his own future existence as a deity. His ascendance into godhood becomes an eternal constant that transcends linear time.

This temporal entanglement serves as a cornerstone linking ESO‘s Second Era to the divine Talos who watches over Tamriel in later eras. Understanding that intricate connection can provide profound insight into the arc of history within the Elder Scrolls universe!

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