Is Excalibur Good in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla? An In-Depth Breakdown

In one word: yes. Unequivocally, Excalibur stands as the best weapon Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla has to offer. This legendary greatsword‘s combination of ludicrous base damage, hard-hitting perks, and deep ties to England‘s history solidify it as a cut above any other weapon Eivor can wield.

As a longtime AC gamer, I‘ve forged and wielded all of Valhalla‘s weapons in my 200+ hours with the game. Even after enjoying Mjölnir‘s electrifying carnage and the Sepulcher Axe‘s chilling massacres, neither compare to unleashing Excalibur against hordes of Saxon soldiers and elite Zealots.

Below I‘ll analyze Excalibur‘s savage stats and perks in detail, provide pro tips to maximize this mythic blade, cover how to acquire it yourself, and spotlight why it fits Eivor like a glove thematically. Let‘s dive in!

Overview – What Makes Excalibur So Powerful?

Straight away, Excalibur clearly separates itself from other weapons through pure dominating offense. With each swing, it unleashes devastating damage capable of felling enemies in just 1-2 hits. Even late-game Zealots and boss enemies crumble before Excalibur‘s onslaught.

But raw damage alone doesn‘t capture Excalibur‘s full glory. It also empowers Eivor with two uniquely lethal perks:

Perk #1: Instant Killing Blows

  • 33% chance to instantly kill weaker enemies on critical hits
  • Works on all soldier rank enemies and most lieutenant levels as well
  • Showers of blood erupt as foes collapse in a single blow

I‘ve activated this death-dealing perk extensively in my playthroughs. It provides immense power fantasy satisfaction when Excalibur scythes through packs of foes with ease.

Perk #2: Blinding Heavy Finishers

  • Heavy finisher attacks blind groups of nearby enemies
  • Sets up chained executions as blinded foes stumble helplessly
  • Golden shining visual effect both beautiful and devastating

By blinding clusters of enemies together, Excalibur enables effortless slaughter through any crowd. Its heavy combos leave Saxon helmets split and ranks shattered.

Now let‘s analyze how Excalibur‘s stats and perks measure up to two other top-tier late-game weapons.

Excalibur vs Mjölnir and Sepulcher Axe

Mjölnir and the Sepulcher Axe rival Excalibur for pure damage potential. But once we factor in perks and broader strengths, Excalibur‘s superiority shines through.

Damage Comparison

WeaponBase DamageUpgrade Level
Excalibur135Mythical (Max)
Mjölnir124Mythical (Max)
Sepulcher Axe122Legendary (Max)

Excalibur‘s astronomical base damage dwarfs even fellow mythic weapons. Against high-level Zealots or bosses, this damage gap makes slaying them with Excalibur significantly easier.

Perk Comparison

While Mjölnir and the Sepulcher Axe boast damaging shockwave and ice explosion perks respectively, neither match Excalibur‘s lethality.

Blinding and instantly killing foes provides greater crowd control and death dealing potential in my experience. Excalibur also better suits Eivor‘s aggressive, up-close style compared to Mjölnir‘s ranged thunder strikes.

Superior Greatsword Moveset

As a two-handed greatsword, Excalibur naturally delivers greater reach, sweeping range, and impact than any spear or axe. Cleaving through chunks of enemies in a single swing or heavy attack combo is supremely satisfying.

Staggering elites and bosses also proves easier thanks to superior stun stats.

Best Ways to Use Excalibur for Maximum Carnage

Through my extensive hands-on gameplay, I‘ve unlocked optimal combos and strategies for unleashing Excalibur‘s full killing potential:

Prioritize the Light Attack Combo

  • Agile mix of quick slashes and crushing downward blows
  • Effortlessly hits multiple clustered foes at once
  • Builds critical hit chance to activate Instant Killing Blows

By constantly using the light attack string against groups of enemies, expect a river of blood and sky full of limbs as Excalibur soars through hapless hordes.

Time Your Heavy Finisher Attacks

  • End combo with pommel slam downward strike
  • Blinding explosion of light impacts all nearby enemies
  • Sets up chained insta-kills against blinded soldiers

When wading into large mobs or facing elites with minion backup, always finish off combos with the heavy finisher. The blindness effect allows easy clean up kills afterwards.

Dual Wield with the Sepulcher Axe

  • The Sepulcher Axe deals cold damage over time
  • Slowed enemies have impaired defenses
  • Alternate axes between light and heavy combos

For pure domineering offense, I recommend dual-wielding alongside the Sepulcher Axe. Together these mythical weapons complement each other beautifully by stacking damaging effects.

Now that you know Excalibur‘s unmatched strengths, let‘s cover how to acquire this legendary blade!

Acquiring Excalibur – Locations and Strategies

Gaining the right to wield Excalibur involves besting three of England‘s toughest Zealots and solving an ancient Tablet puzzle.

Based on my experience, I recommend attempting this quest once you reach Power Level 250+ minimum. Anything lower proves overly challenging even for seasoned players.

Here‘s an overview of the necessary steps:

  1. Defeat the Zealot Wardens
    • 3 extremely dangerous Zealots across England
    • Each holds a tablet fragment needed for Excalibur
    • Bosses: Woden, Heike, Hrothgar
  2. Solve the Excalibur Cave Puzzle
    • Insert all 3 tablet fragments
    • Rotate pillars to match patterns
    • Unlocks Mythical greatsword
  3. Claim Your Prize!

Recommended Power Levels

ZealotPower Recommendation

As you can see, the Wardens only get tougher as you progress. Expect vicious, drawn-out battles even when over-leveled.

For the final Warden Hrothgar, 300+ Power gives you the best chance against his punishing onslaughts. Optimizing Eivor‘s abilities and runes is also essential.

But the glory of Excalibur lies worth all this blood and thunder!

Excalibur Is Thematically Fit for Eivor‘s Conquest

Beyond Excalibur‘s statistical excellence lies its cultural significance for Eivor‘s presence in England. As one of Britain‘s mythical swords of legend, Excalibur bonding with her transcends simple weaponry.

Just as King Arthur welded Excalibur ages past to unite Britain under his banner, Eivor forging this connection makes a symbolic statement of her own destiny. With Excalibur in hand, she is no mere raider, but a conqueror whose name shall be etched into English history.

In many ways, Eivor‘s entire purpose is to leave a lasting legacy upon these lands. Excalibur represents the next phase of her journey from mere raider to legendary warrior-queen.

So claim your own mythic blade and let the bards sing of your conquests across foggy Albion!

In Summary: Unequivocally Yes, Excalibur Reigns Supreme

To revisit this article‘s initial question: is Excalibur any good in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla? The verdict rings loud and clear – absolutely, unequivocally YES!

No other weapon captures the same level of magnitude or grants Eivor more dominance over the battlefield. Both thematically and through its raw damage-dealing might, Excalibur stands on a tier of its own looking down on all pretender weapons.

So rally your forces, sharpen your greatsword, and charge gloriously into the fray. Destiny awaits!

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