Is Far Cry 4 Easy to Platinum? A Comprehensive Breakdown

As an avid gamer and content creator focused on trophies and achievements, I get asked this question a lot – so let‘s settle it once and for all. Yes, Far Cry 4 has a relatively straightforward platinum trophy that is achievable for most players if they put in the time.

Far Cry 4‘s Trophy List Breakdown

Far Cry 4‘s trophy list contains:

  • 51 trophies total
    • 1 platinum
    • 2 gold
    • 9 silver
    • 39 bronze
  • 0 missable trophies – you can go back and complete everything in free roam after the story
  • Heavy focus on exploration and completion rather than skill/difficulty trophies

This means that outside of story missions, the majority of your time will be spent freely exploring Kyrat and collecting various items/completing optional objectives.

According to, the estimated trophy difficulty breakdown is:

DifficultyEstimated Percentage
Very Easy70%
Very Hard0%

With no trophies categorized as "hard" or "very hard", this shows that Far Cry 4 is on the easier side as far as platinum trophies go.

What is Required for Far Cry 4‘s Platinum Trophy?

The core requirements for the platinum trophy are:

  • Complete the main story (earning several trophies along the way)
  • Upgrade your equipment slots to the maximum
  • Liberate all bell towers and fortresses
  • Find all collectible items (documents, masks, etc.)
  • Complete all side quests and optional objectives

None of these are incredibly difficult, but they are time consuming. It requires thoroughly exploring the massive open world of Kyrat and taking time to complete all side content alongside the main story.

The most efficient route is to:

  1. Play through the main story missions, upgrading gear along the way
  2. Go back and liberate all bell towers/fortresses
  3. Use a collectibles guide to locate all documents, masks, etc.
  4. Finish any remaining side quests and miscellaneous trophies

So in summary, the platinum requires dedication more than skill. But the beautiful Himalayan setting makes exploration enjoyable rather than a chore.

Estimated Time to Platinum Far Cry 4

According to, here are the estimated completion times for Far Cry 4:

Gameplay ElementTime to Complete
Main Story Only19 hours
Main Story + Extras46 hours
100% Completion62.5 hours

So realistically, expect 45-65 hours to earn the platinum trophy depending on your playstyle.

What Makes Far Cry 4‘s Platinum Easy?

While still requiring dozens of hours of gameplay, Far Cry 4‘s platinum is considered easy compared to many AAA open world games. Why?

No Skill-Based Trophies: There are no ultra hard trophies for completing missions without being detected or specific combat achievements. You just need to experience all the content.

No Time Sensitive Trophies: All collectibles, locations, and missions can be returned to later. There‘s no time pressure or small windows to complete tricky tasks.

Straightforward Progression: Liberating bell towers reveals more map information, leading you smoothly across the world rather than getting lost.

So in the end, it just comes down to putting in the time to fully experience Kyrat – and with incredible gameplay, scenic views, and a great villain driving the narrative, pursuing the platinum trophy stays exciting throughout.

I hope this comprehensive breakdown gives you the information needed to decide if Far Cry 4‘s platinum trophy sounds enjoyable to pursue! Let me know if you have any other trophy-related questions.

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