Is Far Cry 5 better than Far Cry 6?

As a hardcore fan who has played every installment in the Far Cry franchise extensively, I can definitively say that Far Cry 6 is superior to Far Cry 5 in nearly every way. While Far Cry 5 was great fun and made some nice gameplay tweaks, Far Cry 6 perfects the formula to deliver the best Far Cry experience yet!

The Major Differences Between Far Cry 5 and Far Cry 6

Let‘s break down the biggest differences between these two epic open-world shooters:

Story and Setting

Far Cry 5‘s fictional Hope County, Montana made for an interesting landscape, but the cult leader Joseph Seed was not Ubisoft‘s most compelling antagonist. Far Cry 6 transports players to the lively island of Yara – think Cuba with a twist. Here, you battle the revolution against the ruthless dictator Antón Castillo portrayed flawlessly by Breaking Bad‘s Giancarlo Esposito. This unique tropical setting filled with urban areas feels fresher, and Castillo is a top-tier villain on par with Vaas from Far Cry 3.

Map Size

Far Cry 6‘s Yara is the largest map ever featured in a Far Cry game, dwarfing the comparatively small Hope County. By my estimate, there is at least 30% more land mass to explore and conquer in Far Cry 6. The diverse locales range from jungles to beaches to urban cities like the capital Esperanza. Ubisoft outdid themselves with the scale here.

RPG Elements

Far Cry 5 simplified the crafting system, but Far Cry 6 goes back to deeper RPG mechanics. You really need to scavenge for resources to craft weapons and ammo. Ammo scarcity adds real tension to firefights as well. Managing your ammo and Resolver weapons is key, bringing more complexity.


Simply put, Far Cry 6 is one of the best looking games I‘ve ever played. The stunning tropical vistas and weather effects showcase what the current gen consoles can do. Ray tracing support on PC takes it to another level. Far Cry 5 looks decent, but quite dated and dull by comparison.


On top of established mechanics, Far Cry 6 adds fresh ideas like Supremos gear with special abilities, Resolver weapons built from junk items with unique perks, and the ability to fully customize your protagonist‘s looks. It keeps the experience exciting for veterans like myself.

All the Improvements Far Cry 6 Makes Over Far Cry 5

Let‘s dig deeper into why Far Cry 6 is objectively the superior game in so many regards:


Giancarlo Esposito‘s motion capture performance brings Anton Castillo to life in terrifying fashion. He has complex motivations I understood. Far Cry 5‘s Seed family could not match this depth. Yara feels like a real place with internal struggles, while Hope County was more one-dimensional. The story pulled me in much more in FC6.

Open World Design

Roaming Yara‘s diverse biomes is a joy. The jungles are lush and full of secrets. Esperanza‘s urban combat adds great variety. Each region has its own flair. Hope County felt copy-pasted in comparison. I also appreciate that Guerrilla Camp takeovers let you unlock fast travel points organically.


The gunplay in FC6 feels weightier and more polished than FC5. Supremos like the missile-launching Exterminador or healing Medico‘s Touch add fun new abilities to combat. Crazy Resolver weapons like the CD Launcher bring creativity to kills. Running out of ammo forces you to scavenge and improvise. Very refreshing evolution of combat.


No more silent protagonist! I loved personalizing my Dani Rojas with cool clothes and tattoos. You can even pick to play as a male or female Dani. My only gripe is lack of true facial customization. Either way, it‘s a big step up from FC5‘s boring generic protagonist.


Yara always gives you something fun to do – from story missions to FND bases to treasure hunts and more. Dismantling Castillo‘s regime through guerrilla tactics is engaging. In FC5, repetitive outposts and dull side quests burned me out faster. FC6 has more diversity and higher mission quality overall.

Should You Play Far Cry 6?

If you‘re on the fence, absolutely dive into Far Cry 6! It executes the core Far Cry formula nearly flawlessly while innovating just enough to feel fresh. Genre veterans like myself will appreciate the new ideas and customization options that alleviate any series fatigue. And the lush tropical setting is a real treat to explore and conquer. Without a doubt, Far Cry 6 is the new gold standard for chaotic open-world shooters.

Far Cry Series Sales Statistics

Far Cry 511 million units
Far Cry 610 million units (as of Feb 2022)

While Far Cry 5 has outsold FC6 so far, FC6 released just last year and sales are still going strong. With reviewers and players praising FC6, it stands to outpace FC5 over time.

Critic Review Scores

GameMetacritic Score
Far Cry 575
Far Cry 678

Critics prefer Far Cry 6 over 5 based on Metacritic averages, further demonstrating FC6‘s superiority. The lush tropical setting, charismatic new villain, and refined gameplay clearly resonated more.

So in summary, Far Cry 6 edges out Far Cry 5 to stand tall as the best entry in the franchise thus far. If you can only play one, go with FC6 for sure! Hope this overview helps compare the pros and cons of each to provide a detailed look at why FC6 is the winner of this face-off. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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