Is Far Cry 5 coop offline?

No, it is not possible to play Far Cry 5‘s campaign or multiplayer co-operatively offline. An internet connection is mandatory across all platforms and modes featuring co-op play.

Details on Campaign Co-op Setup and Limitations

Far Cry 5‘s main story mode supports two player online co-op with one host player and one guest able to team up. To set this up, the host must open their single player session to invites or search for public games in the Online menu (underneath the Resist subsection).

Once a friend accepts the invite, they will spawn into the host‘s world and can remain until manually leaving or disconnecting. This means the guest player‘s individual progress or world state does not update – they keep all earned items and XP but mission completion only applies to the host campaign.

Additionally, a tethering mechanic keeps players within 500 meters of one another when not in a vehicle. Wander too far, and you get teleported back to prevent splitting up.

Co-op Progression and Balance

Playing co-operatively allows for reviving downed teammates and sharing completed mission rewards. Friendly fire is disabled by default, though you can enable it for added challenge.

One major advantage is dual freeform tactical play for outposts and combat. If stealthing, synchronize shots for simultaneous takedowns. When guns blazing, divide and conquer areas then regroup against heavies.

Beyond these perks though, the guest essentially remains a sidekick to the host‘s world. Main and side mission progression stays exclusive to the host campaign.

Compare to Previous Far Cry Titles

Longtime fans of the shooter series know co-op has been a staple for years. However, the implementation continues getting reduced. Far Cry 3 and 4 supported 4 player online campaigns plus 2 player split-screen. Far Cry 5 scales this back to only 2 players online.

This mirrors an industry trend abandoning local co-op as online connectivity improves. While understandable, it disappointingly removes the classic couch gaming experience. Many gamers, myself included, have cherished memories of Halo and Call of Duty split-screen escapades.

No Offline or Local Co-op Options

Both campaign and PvP multiplayer content strictly work over an internet connection. So LAN or hot seat options don‘t exist. Additionally, next gen console support excludes split-screen. Playing on a single TV either distorts dimensions or forces each player into letterboxed view.

This hinders portability for gaming on the go areas too. Without offline accessibility, enjoying co-op gameplay while traveling relies on shaky in-transit Wi-Fi.

Ubisoft cites online persistence and synchronization as the reason. Limitations of tracking progress across sessions for reconnecting players seemingly forces an always-online setup.

Far Cry Series Co-op Evolution

TitleOnline PlayersOffline Players
Far Cry 342
Far Cry 442
Far Cry 520

Comparing Far Cry 5‘s Campaign vs Arcade Progression

Another co-op factor involves what transfers between main story and arcade modes. Specifically regarding gameplay influence and impact on advancement.

Character LevelCarryoverSeparate
Perk PointsCarryoverSeparate
Story CompletionNASeparate

Carryover = progresses across both modes, Separate = distinct mode progression

So time invested in either format counts somewhat universally but not entirely. Ultimately they act as complementary experiences with interconnected yet distinct rewards.

Weighing Far Cry 5‘s Co-op Value

Given the various catch and compromises, should you bother playing Far Cry 5 cooperatively? I‘d still say absolutely.

Squad tactics shake up the standard FPS formula. The flexibility adds welcome player agency – sneak cautiously or unleash guns blazing anarchy. Ubisoft‘s 4 player Apex Predator Co-op Challenge game mode also spotlights sheer chaotic fun.

The map editor similarly unlocks near endless replayability. Custom player-created modes range from zombies to prop hunts alongside innovative challenge runs. Having up to 12 supported here bypasses the 2 player story limit.

While not as robust as past series entries, the flexibility and customization ensure Far Cry 5‘s co-op still entertains for hours on end. Teamwork focused multiplayer combined with boundless user generated content wield plenty incentive to partner up.

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