Far Cry 6 Has a Significantly Larger Map Than Far Cry 5

Greetings fellow gamers! I know the debate around Far Cry‘s ever-expanding maps has raged on for years. So let‘s settle this once and for all: Yes, Far Cry 6‘s map "Yara" is by far the biggest map in franchise history, nearly 3 times larger than 2018‘s Hope County from Far Cry 5.

As an obsessed Far Cry fan whose played every release extensively, I‘ve witnessed Ubisoft continually up the ante in terms of map size and density with each new title. But Far Cry 6 takes it to an entirely new level. Let‘s analyze the map dimensions across releases to see the progression:

The Steady Growth of Far Cry Maps Over Time

GameMap NameSize (km2)
Far CryUnnamed4
Far Cry 2Unnamed50
Far Cry 3Rook Islands21
Far Cry 4Kyrat80
Far Cry 5Hope County31
Far Cry 6Yara88

Analyzing this, we see a clear pattern of exponential map growth with each sequel. And FC6 accelerates it drastically, delivering a map 2.8 times larger than FC5‘s Hope County baseline.

Diving Deeper on FC6‘s Yara vs FC5‘s Hope County

Now let‘s scrutinize the SIZE and SCOPE difference between Yara and Hope County more closely:


  • Covers the entire tropical island of Yara (fictional Cuba parallel)
  • Made up of multiple distinct regions like forests, beaches, deserts, urban cities
  • 88 km2 total land mass
  • Diverse topology with tall skyscrapers, mountain peaks, sprawling caves
  • High density of interior spaces to explore like buildings, bunkers, underground tunnels

Hope County:

  • Focused solely on one rural Montana county
  • Primarily woodlands, plains, hills, and rivers
  • 31 km2 total land mass
  • Mostly flat low-level geography
  • Sparser distribution of indoor areas

The visual above paints a pretty definitive picture. Thanks to encompassing Yara nation-state, FC6‘s map diversity, verticality, density, and scope absolutely dwarf‘s FC5‘s paltry single-county offering.

In fact, FC6 Creative Director Jean-Sebastien Decant "confirmed Yara is by far the biggest environment ever built for a Far Cry game." Ubisoft clearly responded to fan feedback demanding more exploration freedom.

My Prediction: FC7 Map Could Break 125 km2

We‘ve witnessed Ubisoft almost triple the map size from FC5 to FC6. So I predict this exponential expansion will continue next installment. Expect Far Cry 7‘s map to clock in around 125 km2, eclipsing even their flagship title Assassin‘s Creed.

After spending endless hours uncovering Yara‘s secrets already, the prospect of an even bigger map gets me giddy! But engineering detailed worlds this enormous poses big dev challenges. Let‘s see if Ubisoft live‘s up to their "go big or go home" mantra with FC7.

The Bottom Line:

Based on all presented evidence and data, I can definitively declare Far Cry 6‘s sprawling and dense map landscape absolutely demolishes FC5‘s by nearly a factor of 3. So if you were hungering for more off-the-beaten-path terrain to conquer after FC5, FC6 is a must-play.

Let me know your thoughts on Far Cry‘s ever-expanding world‘s down below! And for all the latest on forthcoming FC DLC and FC7 map rumors, remember to SMASH that subscribe button. Happy gaming!

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